This research proposal will be based on the impact of capitalism on Global Food crisis. The proposal gives a positive development of concept or articulation of the global problem which would be the focus of the Final Project. It also provides a brief justification of the final project choice that would be made and explaining its rationale. It also gives a clear or concise thesis statement giving a description of the argument position that would be created in the Final Project. The proposal also gives a short description that outlines the approach that would be taken in the final project development. Finally it gives a list of six annotated references which would be used for supporting arguments and developing the Final Project.
The Global Problem
There are no global food shortages. There is adequate food for all humans in the world. The fact that food has been made a commodity by capitalist ideologies has led to many people not able to afford to buy the various food items. Agribusiness and the production of food globally have been developed to increase or maximize the profit gain. Its usually viewed as none profit activity to provide food to the hungry people. Rich people are normally never interested in offering their money to help others unless they have specific reasons or see the need to. The other critical issue is the global problem of taking the land that the poor people feed on and then turn it into the production of crop export products which are later sold to the rich in the global middle class and the North within the emerging markets. The globe is certainly likely to experience a substantial expansion in the large-scale agribusiness production outside the core of traditional setups as a result of the firms control (Patnaik, 2003).
The agribusiness transnational has developed a great interest to reduce or minimize the competition that comes from other producers such as farmers from the poor countries who have weak political and economic influence. They use their government systems to establish procedures and laws which work in their favor at the expense of the most of the global population which works so hard to produce food to make a living. The other global problem is the food production industrialization. This has resulted in the creation of a very unhealthy pattern of commodity consumption. The food products that have been manufactured are very harmful to the health of the consumers and so weak in their nutritional value and detrimental to the personal health of consumers in both poor and rich countries (Rangan, 2007).
Capitalism has affected the Global Food Crisis. The current Industrial large scale food production for profit is an economic, social and political crisis that has severe human health effects and poses a critical threat to the global survival. The ability to procure and grow adequate nutrition is the most fundamental need of humans globally however over 50 years ago, Western societies such as the United States, have critically changed the methods of producing and growing food for human use. Using the mechanism of destructive food implement policy and development of reliance on oil and industrialization, this food production model continues to rise unabated in a period of reducing the availability of clean water and production (Bello, 2009).
This structure is a threat to human health, the global food security system and destructive to the environment. Independent research agencies and scientists have for many years sounded the alarm on the global food crisis and the capitalism mainstreams. But beyond the social and political status of eating, what is mostly advocated for by food policy experts and researchers is the identification and holding accountability for the actual cause of the food system that has been broken by the free market capitalism (Williams-Forson & Counihan, 2011).
Various supply channels from the seed to the market is owned by corporations. Every production of food and the industrialization stages is managed, manipulated and owned by corporate conglomerates with billions of dollars as their annual profits. This is more money than most developing countries' entire GDPs (Akram-Lodhi, 2013).
The research or the project proposal title chosen for investigation is justified. First the proposal title in question is scientifically posed as it is stated in a hypothetical form that easily paves a way for a research design and analysis based on credibility. It will also involve accessible and attainable data at a reasonable effort. It is also framed in a manner that can explain the variability and the various results or outcomes under different conditions. The analysis variables or units will also be clearly identified. The title in question will also enable attaining of different results as possible through refuting of the working hypotheses. Lastly, it is justified since the proposal research title in question broadens or extends our understanding of the concept or phenomena that will be investigated with the aim of filling the present knowledge gaps (Patnaik, 2003).
Thesis Statement
Capitalism is the main reason for the global food crisis. The world food network is in deep crisis. There is the adequate amount of food production worldwide able to feed the whole human population, yet each year, at least, a billion people go without food. Since the year 2007, the food prices have inflated and been so relentless, resulting in various nations protests such as in Mauretania to Mexico, and the uprisings in the year 2011 in Egypt and Tunisia. The primary or the actual food producers are also at the same time suffering, as the of the products commodification of subsistence agriculture is driving farmers off their lands. The final project will look at how Capitalism is the primary cause or reason for the global food crisis (Kukathas, 2009).
Approach for the Final Project Development
The final project development approach will be based on the following Research project set up. It will have a well-developed background, purpose statement, research questions, theoretical framework and literature review. It will also have a well-established research methodology, research design, appropriateness, data collection procedures and the validity of the research design. It will then have a well-structured data analysis method, research findings and the analysis, conclusion and recommendation. Through this approach, the final project will be more successful and would establish the more clear issues on the research or the project topic. It would also offer the best recommendations that would be adopted to help control the global food crisis problem (Patnaik, 2003).
List of Annotated References
The following is the list of six annotated references which will be used for supporting arguments and developing the Final Project.
Akram-Lodhi, A. H. (2013). Hungry for change: Farmers, food justice, and the agrarian question. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
This book talks about how capitalism was introduced to farming and the transformations it has caused in the terms and conditions of farmers production. It also looks into how it is marginalizing the small scale farmers, family farmers, and landless rural workers as it develops into the global crisis. This is a primary source for obtaining an overview of how Capitalism effects for the world food crisis.
Bello, W. F. (2009). The food wars. London: Verso.
In this book, Walden Bello traces or establishes the food crisis evolution, assesses and examines its eruption in regions of Africa, Mexico, China and the Philippines. He outlines with a sharp vision and impassionate presentation of facts on the details of the Food Wars by precisely describing the imbalance in the most of the essential food commodities between the southern and northern hemispheres. This is important in understanding the root factors of the global food crisis.
Kukathas, U. (2009). The global food crisis. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.
This book looks at how the global market capitalism has caused the world food crisis, how the demand for biofuels has fueled the global food crisis, and how the world can solve the current global food crisis. This is helpful in understanding the capitalisms effect on world food crisis and ways of solving the crisis.
Patnaik, U. (2003). Global capitalism, deflation and agrarian crisis in developing countries. Geneva: UN Research Institute for Social Development.
This paper explains the deflationary effects of global finance capital on the vast number
of developing countries, the crisis generated by prolonged price fall of primary products and outlines the impact of adjustment and liberalization on land use, food security and rural livelihoods and the possible methods or strategies for providing protection for rural livelihoods. This is useful for understanding global capitalism trends and strategies for protecting the rural livelihoods from the crisis.
Rangan, V. K. (2007). Business solutions for the global poor: Creating social and economic value. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
This book talks about the changing trends in Business in various societies of the world and the need to adopt adaptive measures and strategies for the developing economies of the world to enhance equitable production of products. This is useful for obtaining the information on the best ways in which the developing economies can suffer less at the hands of the substantially developed world economies.
Williams-Forson, P. A., &Counihan, C. (2011). Taking food public: Redefining Foodways in a changing world. New York: Routledge.
This anthology focuses on the innovative in which people recast food in public spaces as a way of challenging the hegemonic meanings and practices. It discusses this based on activism, food production and consumption, diasporas, performance and explains on the provisions of new perspectives based on the twenty-first-century food uses and the changing meanings. This will be resourceful in obtaining the information about the current trends in the food production and consumption channels.
Akram-Lodhi, A. H. (2013). Hungry for change: Farmers, food justice and the agrarian question. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Bello, W. F. (2009). The food wars. London: Verso.
Kukathas, U. (2009). The global food crisis. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.
Patnaik, U. (2003). Global capitalism, deflation and agrarian crisis in developing countries. Geneva: UN Research Institute for Social Development.
Rangan, V. K. (2007). Business solutions for the global poor: Creating social and economic value. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Williams-Forson, P. A., &Counihan, C. (2011). Taking food public: Redefining foodways in a changing world. New York: Routledge
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