Individuals tend to be proactive and engaging, and sometimes they are passive and alienated due to social factors. The personality of a person counts especially when a person is faced with challenges in life. A persons personality will lead them to face the challenges head on, or giving up completely. The personality can also aid in a person controlling all the aspects of their life and everything that is happening around them. It is due to this reason that most people take the personality tests, to ascertain where they stand, and also to use the information to better their lives (Miserandino, 2012). With such information, a person can manage their internal locus of control and reduce their external locus of control.
According to the locus of control test, I range between the internal and external positioning, with a score of 65%. The results indicate that as much as I can control almost every aspect of life around me, there are days when things beyond my control take place. A person with an external locus control tends to believe that the things that happen to them are controlled by fate, luck, societal status and genetic composition. Such people dont feel that they have control of their lives and what happens to them (PsychTests, 2016). Due to such perceptions of life, the external locus control can lead an individual to have a fatalistic attitude towards life. Since such people feel that they lack control of things, they end being demotivated in life, are not willing to take initiatives, and are also not willing to take risks in life. Under these conditions, the chances of a person succeeding in life are diminished. On the other hand, people with internal locus control believe that what happens to them are because of their actions. Such people will take responsibility for everything that happens around them, and they credit this to their behavior. This tends to push such individuals to be more proactive in each and everything they do. According to the test, I lie between the two spectrums. This shows that I understand my limits, and I dont give easily without giving it my all. The challenge, therefore, is to try and shift the equilibrium to the internal spectrum as studies show that this is the healthier spectrum.
My explanatory style and locus of control come in different perspectives. To start with, I have a fairly an internal ascription when it comes to being successful. I interpret my success to my good personality, skills, and intelligence (PsychTests, 2016). It is inevitable, to sometimes think that some of the things that happen are due to luck. This helps me to enjoy the credit given to me when I succeed in certain things, which in turn boosts my self-esteem, my general well-being, and motivation. Secondly, when it comes to failures, I tend to have an external locus control. I tend to attribute my failures to bad luck or a difficult task. This attitude, according to studies tends to protect my self-confidence so long as the external factors are controlled and changeable. If the factors are not controlled, this tends to affect my way of explaining failure which leads to frustration. According to the locus control, I can do things that make a change in the world. These things include exercising my rights to vote, speaking my mind, and getting involved in good causes. This means that I cannot sit down and watch as injustice is taking place. Lastly, I tend to control what think about me. This means that I can control my social relationships.
To improve my internal locus of control and reduce my external locus of control, I am required to change and improve on some things. To start with, the locus control test recommends that I work on my self-image. This means that I should stop thoughts that discount my abilities, efforts, talents and skills (PsychTests, 2016). This begins by taking a personal reflection of how I perceive myself. The next step is to list down all my strengths and weaknesses. I should also avoid comparing my success with others, as this can destroy my personality. Instead, I should focus on my success and be proud of my achievements. Secondly, I am advised to keep a journal of all the daily activities. This will help me in assessing the reactions I will have on life events as they occur. The trick is writing down the feelings I have when I do something, whether feelings of success or failure. The other thing is to try and perceive what others would think of my success and failures. These actions will help evaluate the mistakes made and how to get them better
Thirdly, test recommends that I take a reality check. This means reflecting on the mistakes I have made over the past years and determine ways of correcting these mistakes and making things better. It also means that I can change things in the future by taking the time to do things in a better way. This does not mean that I have to obsess myself with the mistakes, but rather make an effort to do things differently. Accepting my limitations is also very important (Boyle, Matthews, and Saklofske, 2008). This is because I do not need to agonize and obsess with the mistakes I have done in the past. Also, the test suggests that I dont generalize all the setbacks that have happened. The spirit required is always to believe in myself and my efforts and to do away with the thoughts that I cannot do things the right way. With hard work, things can always be turned around with tough situations getting better. Lastly, the test suggests that I eliminate all the cognitive shortcuts. These shortcuts are models of though that tends to stick in an individuals mind (Miserandino, 2012). For example, people blame themselves for not being in stable relationships because of their looks. These thoughts kill a persons personality, and they become success killers. The solution to this is to rewire the mind, by replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones.
To support the importance of personality, there are theories of determination that can be used to guide a person as they try to improve their personality. The self-determination theory says that a person should not do something because they are being pressured by outside forces. A person tends to perform better when that determination comes from within. Secondly, people should manage their needs according to their competence, and autonomy, and consider the environment they are living. To satisfy needs, a person needs to set clear expectations, so that this does not affect their personality if not achieved well. Finally, for a human being to survive, they require living in a conducive environment (Miserandino, 2012). A persons personality can be a guide to the type of environment that is habitable.
Boyle, G. J., Matthews, G., & Saklofske, D. H. (2008). The SAGE handbook of personality theory and assessment. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
PsychTests, (2016). Locus Of Control & Attributional Style Test, AIM Inc.
Miserandino, M. (2012). Personality psychology: Foundations and findings. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, PLC.
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