Often, people hear that a website security system has been breached. A common term used by the media is hacking. In history, government security systems have been infiltrated by people with evil motives and fetched classified information. This is how such hacking occurs: Normally, websites, emails and social media accounts have security details that are only known to the administrator. For the case of account holders, the login details are only known to the user. The user is the custodian of his account and has total control of the information contained in the account. Furthermore, all login details of accounts are stored by the server in a database. The security system of a network is coded in a language that is only known to the server. Hacking involves penetrating a network illegally by use of a system that unlocks the code and accessing the database. From the database, a hacker can be able to login into peoples accounts whose login details are kept in the database. The above explanation is in tandem with the media representation of hacking. The media represents a hacker as a villain and a wicked person who accesses information he shouldnt. When the word hacker is mentioned, an image of 25 years old computer geek, in a hooded sweater, stuck in a basement room quickly forms in ones minds. According to this essay, there is a more positive meaning of the word hacker that is contrary to the popular expression of the word.
To clear the negative image of a person labeled as a hacker, its important to know that computer networks are ultimately secured. They are secured with some form of locks. Penetrating these locks is basically hacking. From this illustration, hacking is not reserved for crooks. It would surprise somebody when an IT specialist of a company presents a report to his bosses that he successfully hacked into say 300 networks in a certain year. It would even be more surprising to find that the audience of this presentation claps in response. Indeed, hacking is not reserved for the evil people. Often, companies, governments and other institutions dealing with vast information hack their own systems to test their resilience and security. Furthermore, hacking is a preliminary step in production of a network. Software engineers and programmers use various methods to test the competence of their software before releasing them for use.
Hacking is also used for troubleshooting a network. Like in many processes that involve application of machines, troubleshooting is necessary to find causes of errors in the system. For instance, when a doctor finds that his dialysis machine is not working correctly, he probes for the cause of the error using the machines weakest points. Similarly, computer systems can be rectified through hacking. When an IT specialist notes anomalies in a network, his first guess is that the network has been tampered with. Therefore, he will hack the network and find if the problem resolves. If it does not resolve, he will look for the trouble somewhere else.
When a computer scientist creates a network and releases it for use, he is sure that the system is free of any illegal entry. Arguably, computer networks are technological masterpieces and are at the epitome of programing acumen. If a person successfully hacks a network, it means that he has succeeded in decoding a tightly coded system. In fact, hacking is not for everybody. Even legal hacking is not the work of computer science interns in a company. It is for those people who have excellent mastery of computers and software. In other words, hackers are people who have gone beyond the ordinary. They infiltrate areas that only specialist and experts reach. Hacking means that a person has explored all his potential to achieve his goals at the end. Hacking, in essence, is a proof of resilience and determination. It is a product of a well contemplated thought and well-coordinated action. These two factors are the forces behind successful achievement of goals in life. When a person adopts the culture of a hacker, they are bound to be successful. They are determined to achieve what has not been achieved by many. They have discovered the secret to success that was hidden to many. Hackers can be compared to the legends that made remarkable strides in social and natural sciences. The likes of Albert Einstein pushed their minds to think and explore ideas than their predecessors had not explored.
Normally, hacking is not an easy process. It involves a series of successive trials and errors. Occasionally, hacking does not succeed in the first trial. Since the person is determined in his course, he does not give up until he successfully completes his mission. It is a test of zeal, determination and commitment. A hacker is equipped with alternative plans all the way. Before embarking on hacking, a person does extensive research about the nature of security system. He must consider how strong the encryption is and weigh his chances of success. This research is useful during the process of hacking, since it physically and psychologically prepares a person. Hacking presents a useful life lesson-persistence. People should not give up in trying. There are many instances in life that call for persistence. A fresh graduate out of college should not give up in seeking for a job. A parent should not give up working for their children. The endeavor of hacking resembles many situations in the real life and can inform on the way to maneuver around challenges in life.
In conclusion, hacking has been presented as an evil. In fact, the governments across the globe are fighting cyber terrorism alongside other evils in the world. Of course hacking for malicious motives is bad. But no matter how bad hacking is presented in the media, there is a positive side of hacking as well as useful life lessons that one can learn from hacking. First, hacking is used in the legal context for troubleshooting a system and testing for its competence. Therefore, hacking is not reserved malicious computer geeks. In addition, hackers have a culture of persistence, determination, commitment, zeal and persistence. Copying such characteristics can take somebody to greater height in life and make them realize their full potential.
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