Cyber terrorism remains to be a fundamental issue across the globe. The threats that it poses to the security of a particular country negate the need to come up with appropriate measures that will help in cautioning a given country against the effects of the same. The United States that has faced imminent threats to the cyber systems has formulated responses all aimed at safeguarding the country from detrimental effects of the cyber-attacks (Bandyopadhyay & Mattord, 2008).
The first response brought forth by the Americans regards the creation of a single point of contact between industry and the government. The decision to create a single point of contact where matters of cyber security are handled has beneficial effects when it comes to enhancing its security. The same is achieved through the elimination of different persons having being to be contacted when a cyber-attack or threat occurs. A single point of contact helps in the removal of administrative bottlenecks when dealing with an issue related to cyber terrorism. Through the same it would be possible to launch a response in the shortest time possible since one person is in charge of coming up with a response. However, there is a risk to other elements of cyber ethics as information seems to be filtered by a particular individual bringing out issues of privacy.
Second, the American government has taken the initiative of raising cyber awareness, facilitating cooperation and dissemination of information while promoting preparedness in the public and private sector. Such a measure has a positive effect when it comes to enhancing the fight against cyber terrorism. The ease with which information is disseminated makes it possible to share ideas on how cyber terrorism can be handled. Also, by promoting the level of preparedness on the part of the public and private sector, it is possible to have an inclusive approach towards fighting back threats from any angle that it would emanate. However, the provision of sharing of information freely brings up the concept of privacy. There is the risk of unauthorized information getting into the wrong hands in the name of helping fight terrorism. If such was to happen, there is a chance that much caution would be taken by individual entities against sharing information freely.
The installation of an intelligence network and other warning systems has also been identified as a response mounted by the United States government against cyber terrorism. An intelligence network accompanied with a warning system may serve as a proper channel when it comes to prevention and reduction of the effects of cyber terrorism (Ozeren, 2005). Through the intelligence systems, it will be possible to gather much information regarding the potential attacks being planned. Further, it would be possible to track activities that could be serving as a potential for cyber terrorism. Just like the general intelligence agencies, it will be possible to identify the attacks before they occur and a corresponding response against the same introduced. In the same regard, the presence of the warning systems is helpful since preparedness for the attacks accompanies it. The intelligence and warning systems in place are beneficial and would positively improve national security (Bendrath, 2003). It is because the attacks can be identified before they occur, a warning passed to the relevant authorities for preparation against the potential attacks. The intelligence and warning systems would, however, mean that many activities carried out via the internet are monitored bringing out the issue of privacy and a possible resistance from the public.
The government has also been able to come up with a means through which the source of attacks can be identified, and a corresponding response mounted. Such a response does enhance significantly national security when it comes to cyber terrorism. For example, by understanding the source of the attack, it would be possible to follow up on the perpetrators of the act. Because the source has been identified, it becomes possible to arrest those who are behind the attack. Once the perpetrators are in the hands of the law enforcement agents, it may serve as a deterrent to those contemplating to carry out the attack. Eventually, potential attacks may bow out resulting in no cyber-attack. Such would positively influence the improvement of national security (Cohen, 2002). The response, however, may not go well with the public. It could lead to innocent individuals being targeted on grounds of religious affiliations even if the activities they are carrying out in the internet do not pose any attack. There are high chances that such a response could result in resistance from the members of the public (Denning, 2001).
Further, the government has taken the initiative of providing encouragement and support for the IT security systems at the local and state level. The measure aimed at securing the governments cyberspace is helpful when it comes to improving national security. It is because terrorists who plan to attack cyberspace start with sections that are vulnerable. If the state and local government departments are well prepared to deal with such kind of attacks, it would be possible to prevent damage to the national government and other institutions as points deemed vulnerable are strengthened (Conway, 2002). Such a measure, however, does not present much with issues regarding cyberethics since they are in alignment with the government structures that are in place to fight cyber terrorism.
Response of Canada to Cyber Terrorism
The increase in cases of potential cyber-attacks has seen individual countries come up with ways through which they can prevent the occurrence of the same. Canada has come up with measures that seek to safeguard it against cyber terrorism. Canada has a strategy that encompasses national legislations and a legal framework that is aimed at addressing cyber terrorism. The country does rely on efforts that are coordinated and utilize the fundamental elements of the domestic security sector, cooperative partnerships such as the European Police and Interpol and global alignment to deal with the issue. The combination of efforts by each of the sectors makes it possible for Canada to address cyber threat.
Next, Canada relies on a strategy aimed at prevention, detecting and interdicting cyber-terrorism at various areas. Notably, the government security measures focus on border protection, surveillance, and intelligence, immigration, transportation, and finance as a way of trying to fight against cyber terrorism. The government has mobilized various agencies some of them being The Department of National Defense, Financial and Reports Analysis Center, Canadian Security Intelligence Service among others to help in the fight against cyber terrorism. Further, they have emphasized on federal and community policing to help in the fight against cyber terrorism.
Key differences between Canada and America
There are key differences that arise when it comes to how Canada and America approach the entire concept of cyber terrorism. The first is the recruitment of international bodies to help in the fight against cyber terrorism. Canada is seen to employ the services of international institutions such as the European Police and Interpol. America has instead focused on utilizing its local resources when it comes to the fight. They have decided to empower state and local governments to be on the lookout when it comes to the fight against cyber terrorism. The difference arises in the structures recruited by each government in the fight against terrorism.
Next, the government of Canada is seen to recruit the services of the police and other law enforcement agencies within the country. However, for America, they have a taken a different approach where individual agencies such as the National Security and International Cyberspace Security Cooperation to help in the fight against cyber terrorism. The Canadian government has instead been seen incorporating the services of the Canadian National Defense and the police to help in the fight. For the case of the Americans, the responsibility has been bestowed upon a particular body that deals with the issue.
Overall, the concept of cyberterrorism continues to pose a significant threat to many countries. The detrimental effects such an act poses negate the need to come up with a proper framework through which the issue can be dealt with as a way of addressing the situation. Countries need to get together and combine efforts when it comes to the fight against cyber terrorism. The combination of different strategies may have a positive impact on improving security against the same.
Bandyopadhyay, T., & Mattord, H. J. (2008). Defending Cyber Terrorism-A Game Theoretic
Modeling Approach. AMCIS 2008 Proceedings, 318.
Bendrath, R. (2003). The American cyber-angst and the real worldany link. Bombs and bandwidth: the emerging relationship between information technology and security.
Nueva York: The New Press. Pag, 49-73.
Cohen, F. (2002). Terrorism and cyberspace. Network Security, 2002(5), 17-19.
Conway, M. (2002). What is cyberterrorism?. Current History, 101(659), 436.
Denning, D. E. (2001). Activism, hacktivism, and cyberterrorism: The Internet as a tool for influencing foreign policy. Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy, 239, 288.
Ozeren, S. (2005). Global response to cyberterrorism and cybercrime: A matrix for international cooperation and vulnerability assessment.
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