The author gives a detailed explanation of how adolescents in various schools display emotions more quickly even though they do not feel emotions with intensity. According to the author, the emotions of adolescents with ADHD form part of their gestures, behaviors, and verbal cues. This emotional dysfunction affects the adolescents relationship with the other fellow mates and even with teachers. Due to the short fuse that such adolescents possess, forming healthy academic relationship with them is extremely difficult. This study asserts that social change as a plan should be applied on these students by the teachers in order to help them with the social skill acquisition difficulty that they are passing through.
Alloway, T. P. Gathercole, S. E. Holmes, J. Place, M. Elliott, J. G.; Hilton, K. (2009) The Diagnostic Utility of Behavioral Checklists in Identifying Children with ADHD and Children with Working Memory Deficits Child Psychiatry & Human Development Vol.40(3) p.353-366.
The article explores the various differences between adolescents diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder) and those who are normal. The authors grouped the adolescents into two different groups, that of children with ADHD and the normal ones. The researchs aim was to exploit the discrimination issues that the adolescents with ADHD undergo. The article gives comprehensive differences in the way these adolescents are subjected to behavior change and attention from the normal adolescents. According to the article, students suffering from ADHD are in most cases vulnerable and end up acquiring low grades in academics.
Aggarwal, A., & Lillystone, D. (2000). A follow-up pilot study of objective measures in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 36(2), 134-138.
The authors, Aggarwal and Lillystone conducted research on the effects of ADHD on the continuous and variable tests which were basically attention related. The adolescents with ADHD have low attention and concentration level in various areas of academics such as dictation tests which significantly affect their overall performance. According to the article, a lot of constant therapy sessions should be conducted on these adolescents. This would motivate them to stay in school and even try as harder to relate with their fellow classmates. The recommendation of the research is the continued application of continuous performance as a therapy test on such adolescents.
DuPaul, G. J. Gureasko-Moore, S. White, G. P. (2007). Self-Management of Classroom Preparedness and Homework: Effects on School Functioning of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder School Psychology Review Vol. 36(4) p647-664.
DuPaul et al. researches on self-management scheme which can enhance homework completion and classroom preparation. The authors used six students with ADHD in their study which covered the middle-school level from grade five to grade eight. The article illustrates that the adolescents with ADHD require a lot of individual attention to help them acquire adequate classroom preparation. The article is important as it helps in explaining the significance of management systems that are individualized to help in shaping the adolescents with ADHD.
Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., & Elliott, J. (2010). Examining the link between working memory behavior and academic attainment in children with ADHD. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 52 (7), 632-636. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03603.
The authors objective in the study was to investigate the effects of ADHD on the working memory of many of the affected adolescents. The disorder is responsible for the poor working memory which in the long run affects the behavior of these adolescents. The study which was based on 31 students had various outcomes. The ADHD students portrayed similar behaviors with students having deficit in their working memory. Adolescents with ADHD are only capable of recalling information on short term storage memory. This affects the amount of academic work they can recall during their examination thus resulting in their poor performance.
Gillen, W. G. (2003). The tova: Discriminant validity for ADHD and depression. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 64 (3-B), 1491.
The article addresses the problems those adolescents having ADHD undergo through in their daily lives more so in schools. The most common problem that these adolescents pass through is the constant depression that has made them very unsocial and incorporative. The depression intensity is very critical in these adolescents academic and overall performance in co-curriculum activities. According to the article, these adolescents have higher probability in academic failure and less active in the physical education activities at the same time. The authors recommend that schools should adopt the use of differential diagnosis to help these adolescents.
Aggarwal, A., & Lillystone, D. (2000). A follow-up pilot study of objective measures in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 36(2), 134-138.
Alloway, T. P. Gathercole, S. E. Holmes, J. Place, M. Elliott, J. G.; Hilton, K. (2009) The Diagnostic Utility of Behavioral Checklists in Identifying Children with ADHD and Children with Working Memory Deficits Child Psychiatry & Human Development Vol.40(3) p.353-366.
Alloway, T., Gathercole, S., & Elliott, J. (2010). Examining the link between working memory behavior and academic attainment in children with ADHD. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 52 (7), 632-636. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03603.
Barkley, R. (2010). Why emotional impulsiveness should be a central feature of ADHD. The ADHD Report 18 (4), 1-5.
DuPaul, G. J. Gureasko-Moore, S. White, G. P. (2007). Self-Management of Classroom Preparedness and Homework: Effects on School Functioning of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder School Psychology Review Vol. 36(4) p647-664.
Gillen, W. G. (2003). The tova: Discriminant validity for ADHD and depression. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 64 (3-B), 1491.
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