The national education system involves the public education and private education. Public education refers to the system that is available to everyones children and is funded by the government. Private education refers to the system that is offered to specific group and mostly funded by the parents. A good example of private education is homeschooling, in which the author has analyzed in the book. The two education systems are essential to the society. Nevertheless, the education practice conducted by the two systems has not been favourable to the women. The practice of admitting only one gender has been a major disadvantage especially for the females as they are not educated as much as the male. Both the public and the private schools should be able to mix the sexes to ensure that the women receive equal education opportunities as the men. According to Wollstonecraft, she recommends the public schools to ascertain that both the boy child and the girl child get equal opportunities in the education sector.
The first reason as to why the author recommends both women and men to equal education opportunities is that, in the society men are more educated than the women. This therefore brings about gender inequality and women feeling inferior. Secondly, the experiences gained in boarding schools have trained the individuals characters that are not pleasing to the society. Such characters include immorality and violence. Thirdly, the private education such as homeschooling has confined the children to be more like adults. This is unfair to them as they are not able to experience their childhood effectively.
Therefore, in order to ensure that the girl child gets equal education opportunities as the boy child, both the public and the private ought to combine efforts in mixing the genders.
In the book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman on National Education, Wollstonecraft argues that homeschooling limits the child in fully exercising his or her childhood growth. She claims that homeschooling generally affects the child negatively. She also claims that children who are home schooled tend to be confined to the behaviours of the adults since they are treated like adults and not children. She states, And when children are confined to the society of men and women, they very soon acquire that kind of premature manhood which stops the growth of every vigorous power of mind and body. (Wollstonecraft 163). However research has shown that children who are home schooled tend to be actively involved in their community projects. This is because the home school curriculum gives freedom for the child to participate in the community projects that help in his or her learning. The child is also able to socialize with other children while undertaking the community projects hence learning a few things from each other.
Another effect of home schooling is that the children lack exposure to diversity of cultures, which is an important life skill that helps them adjust to the real world (Tobias 14). Therefore, it is essential for the child to become accustomed to the ways of life such as building relationships with their peers. In the case of the girl child, the parent should be able to expose the child to her peers whether male or female so that she can learn how to communicate effectively with them in order to promote their growth and development. By doing this the child will be able to learn what is required of her, how she should behaviour and knowing what is wrong and right.
Boarding schools have a major effect on the girl child education as it positively or negatively affect the child. First of all, the writer suggests that in boarding schools the child is highly exposed to bullying by their peers. This is a common activities in such schools as the juniors are been bullied by their seniors. The minors are subjected to torture and torment since they are not able to confide in their parents thus lowering the childs self esteem and ruins his or her confidence. The author supports the enrolment of the child in a day school as opposed to a boarding school. She states, I still recollect with pleasure, the country day school; where a boy trudged in the morning, wet or dry, carrying his books, and his dinner, if it were at a considerable distance, a servant did not then lead master by the hand, for, when he had once put on a coat and breeches, he was allowed to shift for himself, and return alone in the evening to recount the feats of the day close at the parental knee (Wollstonecraft 165). On the other hand, boarding school can lead to a lot of exposure to the child as he or she meets different kinds of people from different parts of the world. The child is able to connect and share his or her ideas with the peers and also develop their talents and abilities. The children in boarding schools learn to be responsible and independent thus improving their self esteem and boosting their confidence (Berend 24).
Boarding schools whereby only one sex is admitted has a major effect on the children. First and foremost, there are cases of bullying by the senior to the junior children. As seen in the book, the author states, At boarding-schools of every description, the relaxation of the junior boys is mischief; and of the senior, vice. (Wollstonecraft 165). This shows that the rate of bullying is high in the boys boarding. The author also argues that the clever students are given attention while the others are rejected. The school system prefers to take only the clever ones. This is evident stated, It is not for the benefit of society that a few brilliant men should be brought forward at the expense of the multitude. (Wollstonecraft 168). In the case of a girl boarding school, the author feels like, the girl child is ignored and rejected as they are made to feel inferior.
Both public and private education system ought to mix the genders in order to ensure that the girl child gets equal opportunities as the boy child. However the author prefers that the public schools should be making it their priority that the men and women should get equal opportunities. By mixing their genders, both schools will be able to teach both sexes on good fellowship and also help them develop better relations. This exposes the women on how to fulfil their duties effectively, provide for their relations and most importantly boost their self confidence and esteem. This exposure will also help them develop domestic affections that are essential for their relationships. Women will be taught on how to carry out their duties, take responsibility for their actions and showing respect for their elders thus developing strong moral values.
However, it is claimed that separating the boys and girls for certain classes in the mixed gender schools makes them learn better (Morrison 78). Nevertheless, students learning together in one class are in a better position to understand and perform well since they are able to assist and help one another. Therefore, both the public and private schools should ensure that they enrol both opportunities to boys and girls as it promotes gender equality.
The education systems should ensure that they provide guidelines and regulations that are adhered to by the parents, children and also the school authorities so as to provide discipline among the schools. As the writer states, And to prevent any of the distinctions of vanity, they should be dressed, and all obliged to submit to the same discipline, or leave the school. (Wollstonecraft 174). This shows uniformity among the learners whether rich or poor.
Whether it is a public or private school, women are entitled to the equal learning opportunities as the men. They should be fully exposed in order to develop the qualities of a good mother and a wife. According to Nicholson, women will only become a product of what they are taught from a young age; therefore it is of importance to provide for them activities that will nurture their character, integrity and moral values.
In conclusion, the public and private education system must realize the respective equal role of both male and female and help them to complement each other in order to improve their life. Men must use their dominant qualities for the good by protecting and supporting the feminine character as stated in the book, let men take their choice, man and woman were made for each other, though not to become one being; and if they will not improve women, they will deprave them! this explains that the two creatures complement one another. The national education system therefore should support any form of education that promotes gender equality such as gender roles and ensuring that the needs of the women are met effectively.
Berends, Mark, Springer, Mathew G., Ballou, Dale, & Walberg Herbert J. Handbook of
Research on School Choice. New York: Routledge, 2013.
Morrison, Patt. Does Separating Boys and Girls help them learn Better? KPCC 9 AUG.
2012.Web. <http:// <>
Nicholson, Joyce. What society does to Girls? Sydney: Stephen Digby, 2013.
Oxford Royale Academy. Day School versus Boarding School.2014.Web.
Tobias, Louise. The Disadvantages of home Schooling. A Home Education.2012. Web
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Vol. 29. Broadview Press, 2014.
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