The organization needs a strategic plan to improve the stature of the school by improving its standard in the competition to become a better school within the UAE. The school has all the technological equipment for education and therefore needs to improve the use of the equipment so that it can provide intensive knowledge to the students. This would be achieved by training the teachers and the students too. The ethical and social responsibility considerations define the steps taken in implementing the project since they have to be abided by. The Muslim ethics and social responsibilities determine the people hired and the kinds of equipment bought. All these must be in accordance to the ethics and social responsibilities (DeBlois, 2005). The strategy effectiveness should be basically verified depending on the expected outcome of the strategy. A strategy with effective results should be verified. The internal dynamics that should be used include the available equipment and the teachers and students. The cultural dynamics that should be used include the Islamic values and virtues. The structural leadership considerations that should be used in implementing business strategy for the organization as well include that of the Muslims.
The dynamics influence educational technology continuity by gaining support from the community. The support from the society means that more admission would be done by the school as the school attains a conducive operational environment. The assessment and feedback strategies that should be used to determine the direction that the organization will take in technology planning and implementation would be the observation of the student and teacher reaction to the strategy. The other method would be examining the students, teachers and the society at large concerning the performance of the school after the implementation of the strategy. If the strategy does not go according to plan, the suggested plan should be changed immediately. To make the school competitive enough, the proposed strategy should be changed immediately so that the school is not left behind by other competing schools.
Mission statement
The mission statement of the school is to always be the best technological school not only in Dubai but the entire United Arab Emirates. The school is already equipped technologically and is competitive enough but certain improvements are still required within the education technology system at the school. The school enjoys Wifi connection all over the school, additionally the school has an apple store where all applications could be obtained. The school is as well equipped with technology hardware and software. These education technologies and other resources within the campus make it competitive enough within Dubai and UAE. However, the equipment has not been fully utilized by the school hence the need to improve the use of the available equipment within the campus to make it competitive enough (Birch & Burnett, 2009). The school aspires to provide the best technological education within the region hence providing quality personnel to the society for employment.
The school furthermore, aspires to train its tutors technologically to ensure that it provides the best technological education within the region that would attract the UAE citizens. Since the campus has the capabilities to become the best technological school within the region and provide the best teachers, the following are the intended measurements that the school administration would take to ensure that the school is successful in its endeavors to become better technologically. The schools organization experiences no financial disadvantages since it is governmental and financed by his highness Sheikh Mohamad bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This means that the school is capable of achieving its goals and objectives without financial barriers. The most important and determinant step the school would want to take first is to offer training for its staff on the use of the modern technology.
The training is targeted to teachers specifically though the students might as well be trained. The training for the students include the use of the provided ipads, the school provided ipads to the students but did not train them on how to use them. Most students have not used the ipads effectively since. When trained on how to operate the ipads, the students learning activities would be eased and as a result, the schools performance is guaranteed to raise to make the school a better learning place. The teachers as well were not taught how to use the ipads within their classrooms; teachers did not receive any support on what applications to download among the available applications within the schools store. Providing the knowledge on the use of the provided ipads to the teachers enables them to select the relevant applications to present to the classrooms. This way, learning would be very efficient as the teachers would always provide relevant knowledge that would benefit the students and the school at large.
Furthermore, the teachers could not evaluate the applications that were available within the schools store. Failure to evaluate the applications by the teachers was a major barrier to technological learning within the school since the teachers could not define properly the applications to address to the students. The teachers should therefore be taught how to evaluate the applications to ensure that relevant knowledge is always passed on to the students. Another sort of training to the teachers is about the Desire2Learn (D2L) project that was initiated but has been ineffective for a while. The project has been ineffective since the teachers have not been trained on how to implement the project. The teachers would therefore receive training on how to implement the project to the students to ensure there is effective learning within the school. Another step the school intends to take is the provision of more technological equipment to the school. Having all this done, the school would undoubtedly be the best within UAE. The school would additionally be referred to by other schools as a role model due to the predicted success that is expected from the changes made within the school.
Vision statement
The vision of the school is to become the centre of technological education within the UAE. The school intends to become a role model to other schools within the UAE through the provision of the best technological education in the region. The school further intends to produce best students to the society, the students who would change the society positively through the application of their acquired knowledge.
Values statement
The schools main aim has always been to produce mature citizens to the UAE environment. The school natures its students to be productive in the environment by providing them with applicable skills in various sectors of the economy that would result into economical development (Roberts, 2008). Owing to the frequent technological changes within the environment, the school has always updated its activities to ensure that the students are properly equipped to tackle the technological changes they come across within the field of work (Bates, 1994).
SWOT Analysis
It has all the technological equipment that would be required in learning.
The school has an online store where applications are bought and availed for the teachers and students. The accessibility of the applications enhances learning hence makes the school more competitive than other schools.
The school has introduced a Desire2Learn project as its own control system for the teachers and the students to use within the learning process. The project is unique as it is found within the school alone and not in other schools. It is advantageous for the school therefore to implement it so that it becomes absolutely different from the other schools within the UAE.
The other strength the school enjoys is the high salaries provided to the teachers of the school. The salary motivates teachers and further influences to provide more intensive knowledge to the students.
The students are also provided for salaries, based on their performances. The students are hence always motivated to work hard not only to receive more money but also for the betterment of their learning. This way, the students strive to improve their grades and therefore the performance of the school improves making the school better in the competition for a better school.
The school is also highly sophisticated and equipped with technology software and hardware hence it can access all the information it requires. The school provides laptops and ipads to every teacher and student in the school hence enhancing learning activities.
All teachers in the school are home-room teachers, who have their classrooms equipped with projector, smart board and speakers to allow the teachers cheap accessibility to important information.
The whole campus has Wifi connection allowing the teachers and students to access information all the time.
The school has five hundred students and ninety students; this allows appropriate number of students to be handled by a teacher for an effective learning.
Majority of the teachers within the school are highly qualified with MS degrees in Education or major subjects and certificates in IC3.
The school has a financial advantage owed to the support from his highness Sheikh Mohamad bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
The major weakness that the school is currently experiencing is:
The inadequate knowledge on the use of the technological equipment within the school and the failure to implement the proposed project, Desire2Learn.
The opportunity available for the school is:
The financial support it enjoys from his highness Sheikh Mohamad bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the fact that it is a governmental school. This means that the school can achieve any budget for itself without financial issues.
But the main threat is that: There are other schools within the UAE and Dubai specifically that are as well supported by the government as well. Chances are there schools might have the facilities and proper training to provide their students with the required knowledge and as a result pose a stiff competition to the campus.
Competitive advantage
The competitive advantage the school possesses is the availability of technological equipment and financial stability. The school already has adequate technology equipment and has adequate finance that could add more equipment for the school. The school also has adequate teachers that would serve the students efficiently. The school also pays his teachers high salaries that act as a motivation to them. The salaries not only motivate the teachers to work hard but also attract more qualified teachers within the UAE.
Long-term strategic objectives:
The long-term planned objectives for the school include:
- to become a role model school within the UAE that other schools may refer to;
- to provide the relevant technological skills to its teachers so that the school becomes the best technological education school within UAE;
- to become the best school within UAE and produce more qualified personnel within the UAE.
The strategies the school intends to use are intense training to the teachers and students on the use of the technological equipment like the ipad and other equipment (Minnaar, 2013). The training also involves the training of teachers concerning the new project, Desire2Learn so that the teachers would help in its implementation. The school also intends to raise the teachers salaries as a way to motivate the...
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