Currently, in American politics, they are fewer inflammatory and diverging topics than abortion. In 1973 the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in all states. Their decision was triggered by the increased cases of unsafe abortion across the states. However, for the last four decades, the Roe v Wade decision have faced vehement religious and political opposition. In definition, abortion is seen as an act of ending a pregnancy by removing a fetus from its mothers uterus (Newman & Sullenger 2). In most cases no matter how safe the administration process is it causes more suffering than happiness. From spiritual perception, abortion is morally wrong and against Gods will. Today they are millions of supporters of the Roe v Wade decision but also a relatively equal number of activist against the same decision. The anti-abortionists continue to fight for the rights of unborn. In 2013 America was celebrating the fortieth anniversary of legalized abortion. The turnout indicates that they are still millions of people supporting Roe v Wade decision (Schmidt 118). However, after consideration and efforts of the anti-abortion activist majority of the states have formulated laws restricting abortion. In the present day, America continues to carry on an extremely emotional and at times violent debate over the legality and morality of abortion.
From the deontological perception when a woman becomes expectant it immediately becomes her duty to take care of the fetus and protect it. By opting for abortion, the parent is not carrying on her duty, but she is violating the fetus right. When one is given a duty, he or she becomes responsible, and this is not by choice. Statistics indicates that those who opt for abortion claims the baby would interfere with their work, school or other responsibilities. Others argue that they cannot afford a child while a small number weighs the health problems of either the fetus or the mother. Nevertheless, all these are luxuries of convenience that are given up when one is expecting to be a parent. In fact, duties always proceed priority over privileges (Schmidt 120).
At times circumstances surrounding pregnancy are tragic and emotional. Perhaps the woman was raped, or there is a possibility of a family break up due to domestic violence. Also, the expectant mothers health might be at risk. However, how can one solve a tragedy with another? For instance, we cannot solve a condition of rape by killing a child nor can we cure a baby by taking away its life. Accepting the present conditions and acquiring skills to adapt to the changes is the best option to handle worries arising from pregnancy. From the landmark case of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court decided on some points of abortion and overlooked others. The constitution guarantees a right to privacy. Thus abortion remains legalized for the first three months of the pregnancy. Nevertheless, the court disregarded the moral status of the fetus, and by passing such a law, they are only mindful of health and the safety of the mother and not that of the fetus. According to John Noonan, the issue of privacy are not as important as the right to life (Newman & Sullenger 2). Furthermore, the right to life is greater than any other right. Since humans have the right to life, the same should be exercised for the fetus from the time of conception. For this reasons, abortion is intrinsically wrong.
Apart from the moral status of the fetus, the other arguments are consequential in nature and mostly utilitarian. Primarily, continued pregnancy may lead to the burden of caring for the child, loss of opportunities for the pregnant woman, and suffering of the future child. Therefore, people opting for abortion will have to weigh the consequences of the alternative action. Mainly, among the common effects considered are health risks and benefits, psychological consequences, and social and financial results of the choices. However, looking at the negativity of opting for abortion, expectant parents should take the time to evaluate the outcomes of their decisions. In some cases, women have lost their lives in the course of the abortion process. Some of this instances are not new in our societies, and the consequences are more painful than one would have imagined.
Also, one may assume that getting rid of a fetus conceived through rape will help the affected person emotionally. However, this may worsen the situation as the expectant mother may live to regret why he opted for abortion later in her life. Some methods used to carry out abortion may lead to permanent damage of the uterus and the mother cannot conceive anymore. At times this situation is more painful than even delivering the child. Lastly, planning for future is among the strategies used to have better lives and to give children a life worth living. However, nobody can tell what the future holds for them. At times a parent may abandon a child, but later in life, the child finds its way to rise above all odds to prominence. Think of what abortion would have done to such a child and the society at large. It is therefore so mean to settle on abortion not only because of the moral values of the society but also the negative impacts it causes in future.
After Supreme Court ruled in courtesy of Jane Roe in 1973, the majority opinion suggested that states should not ban abortion before the time of fetal viability. The ruling was based on the right to privacy that is freedom from restraints in deciding how to live and enjoy life. The increased interest to protect maternal health and the potential life of the fetus have forced the states to review the ruling. For instance, recently Ohio passed a law to ban abortion once the fetal heartbeat is detected. The law commonly known as the heartbeat bill protects fetus about six weeks old (Borchardt 1). However, the law applies to all instances apart from when the mothers life is at risk. Any physician who violates this law would face one year behind bars. The law should quell abortion entirely since most women by then will not have realized they are pregnant.
Some states today are taking the same path Ohio has taken. Nobody can deny that a fetus is living. The 1973 Supreme Court based their ruling on trimester formula, and the states are abandoning it after realizing that fetus is treated in an inhuman way during termination of pregnancy. Based on the Roe v Wade ruling the first trimester indicates that law can regulate the medical safety of abortion procedures. The first trimester is approximately the first three months of pregnancy and incorporates the time when fetal viability is minimal. In the second trimester that is up to six months of pregnancy, the abortion decision is left up to the mother and her doctor. During the third trimester that is six months and above in pregnancy the fetus viability is high, and abortion is entirely prohibited. Nevertheless, in all these trimesters an expectant woman is allowed to terminate a pregnancy if their health is threatened (Newman & Sullenger 2).
From a religious view abortion is never a minor personal issue but a severe felony against God and his creation. In fact, anti-abortion tussles are a mostly spiritual battle. The church teaching on abortion is clear and no matter how safe the process may seem it is murder in all circumstances. Life should be protected with utmost care right from conception. Abortion is an abominable crime the society for society to tolerate. Christians treat children as a sacred human life who deserves respect just like any other person. Human life is sacred and a gift from God. Therefore, any action aimed at terminating life whether that of a grown up or a fetus is against Gods will. In the case of rape the church believes that aborting is unfair as the fetus is paying for someone elses crime. The church believes that from the time an ovum is fertilized a new life begin separate from that of the mother and the father. It means that the church does not support abortion. However, Christians should not condemn someone who had an abortion but should help them get through it and restart their lives. In conclusion, abortion has a negative impact on the fetus, the expectant mother and the society as a whole. Therefore it should be banned as it causes more suffering than happiness.
Work cited
Borchardt, Jackie. "Ohio Senate Approves 'Heartbeat Bill' Abortion Ban as Part of Unrelated Bill." N.p., 2016. Web. 19 Dec. 2016.
Newman, Troy, and Cheryl Sullenger. Abortion Free: Youre Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time. , 2014. Print.
Schmidt, Steffen W, Mark C. Shelley, Barbara A. Bardes, and Lynne E. Ford. American Government and Politics Today, 2013-2014. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth, 2014. Print.
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