English Teacher Resume

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486 words
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The 42nd Secondary School, Riyadh

Promoted different educational plans for teaching. Worked as a teacher for children and youth, taught them English. Created my own educational philosophy. Improved teaching skills applying new methods for teaching. Engaged students in my learning process. Organised an English club taught the lessons there. Presented a number of projects and some presentation in this club. Created learning environment to role-play activity drawing and writing English stories.

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Intermediate School, Riyadh

Improved teaching skills applying innovative educational methods for teaching. Promoted personal educational plans for teaching. Worked with as a permanent English teacher for teenagers. For two weeks taught children in elementary school. Always engaged students in my learning process. Applied modern teaching strategies such as cooperative and interactive learning.


The 3rd Secondary School, Bisha

Taught children and youth English. Worked as an extracurricular activity supervisor with children. Helped them to do homework and explained material. Always engaged students in my learning process for better results in studying English. Applied modern teaching strategies such as cooperative and interactive learning.


The 3rd Intermediate school, Bisha

Taught English to children. Promoted personal educational plans for English lessons. Made some efforts to apply modern teaching strategies such as cooperative and interactive learning. Created an interactive environment for teaching.


- Arabic mother tongue

- English fluent


- Microsoft Office and Outlook proficient, making movies, creation of online website, creation of electronic portfolio, SMART Board expert, lesson planning, classroom management, extracurricular activities coordination


- Responsibility, good organisation, self-determination, striving for new knowledge, creativity, critical thinking


Educational Supervision Al-Nahda Center (East)

Scene called (World Without Sound)


Educational Supervision Al-Nahda Center (East)

Award on the highest standard of excellence in professional performance


Ministry of education ELDP (English Language Development Project), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Award on effective contribution to ELDP


The 42nd Secondary School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Outstanding performance and lasting contribution on School Project (Give)


The 42nd Secondary School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Award on an effective implementation of the programme (Let's achieve our goals)


The 42nd Secondary School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Award on preparing an excellent revision plan


The 42nd Secondary School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Outstanding participation in extracurricular activities


Educational Supervision Al-Nahda Center (East)

Scene on (poverty around the world)


Third Intermediate School, Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Excellent supervision on extracurricular activities


Third Intermediate School, Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Outstanding performance in teaching


Third Intermediate School, Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Effective Participation in a seminar entitled Human Relations and their Role on the School Community


Third Intermediate School, Bisha, Saudi Arabia

Award on conducting workshop named (an effective use of Flash cards)


Electonic Week (5 days) 2012

Learning Styles (3 days) 2011

Integrated Skills (2 days) 2010

Teaching Vocabulary Using Creative Thinking (3 days) 2010

Interactive Learning (3 days) 2009

Teaching Writing Using Different Styles (3 days) 2009

Cooperative Learning (2 days) 2008

Communicative Approach Theory (3 days) 2007


- To attain master degree in TEFL

- To develop the students performances in English

- To improve my performance as an English teacher by looking at the world to benefit from each thing is new in teaching

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