Sexual Abuse

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Any unwanted sexual advances are examples of inappropriate violence that has become surprisingly common. According to surveys, every third American woman and every sixth American man has suffered some form of sexual violence within their lifetime. While horrifically high, these numbers are considered unrealistically low, as many victims of sexual abuse are afraid to come forward and report the abusers to authorities. Considering its long-term psychological and physical effects, writing an essay on sexual abuse is not only a challenge but also a chance to glean a deeper understanding of the issue and try your hand at devising a solution.

Like any other college assignment, sexual abuse essays start with selecting the right topic. You should steer clear of issues that are too disturbing for you to tackle or that can trigger a severe emotional or mental response. Below you’ll find our list of hand-picked suggestions that should be safe for most students.

Important Sexual Abuse Essay Topics

Most of the issues below are suitable for different assignment types, from short essays to in-depth research papers. However, we recommend you alter and tweak the wording to fit your assignment parameters better. For instance, if you are aiming for a sexual abuse research paper, you may need to specify the period, location, and other parameters of your study to add precision to the title.

Please, do not think that the topic of sexual violence is only acceptable in Gender Studies, Psychology, or Nursing classes. As abuse can happen to anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with a violent perpetrator, the issue can be raised across multiple courses. For instance, if you are an English major, why not discuss the familiar trope of violent intercourse depicted as romantic and pleasurable in romance novels? Business and Management students can focus their assignments on workplace harassment and how to minimize or obliterate it through managerial means. And History classes would benefit from an overview of the changes in socially acceptable sexual behavior towards women.

As you can see, the issue of sexual violence is broad enough to fit most college courses. So if you want to research it in-depth, you should be able to find an acceptable topic for almost any class.

Writing About Sexual Violence

Despite the sensitive nature of the issue, writing an essay on abuse is no different from any other assignment. First, you research credible sources and note useful information. Then, you outline the paper and craft a women’s sexual abuse thesis statement before filling in all the blanks, from start to finish. Editing, proofreading, and formatting come last, often at the expense of sleeping and eating on your part. In the end, you receive a grade that never matches the amount of effort you put forward.

To make writing easier for you, we’ve collected a handful of solid sexual abuse essays samples. They should save your time by providing basic information on the issue along with the sources you can cite in your paper. Of course, you will still need to put in a few days of hard work, but following a top-grade sexual abuse essay example makes for a fast and efficient writing process.

If that’s not enough help for you, and you need someone to craft a women’s rights essay introduction or a detailed research paper, our writers are happy to step in and take over. As soon as you send in your order, we’ll get one of our top experts on your case, and your finished paper will turn up in your Inbox in a blink of an eye. Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions about the order process, and stay in touch with your expert through our helpful agents.