In health care, cultural competence is an essential aspect in providing care to various patients with different beliefs, behaviors, and values. Such different beliefs, behaviors, and values include delivery of the health care to meet patients cultural, linguistic, and social requirements (Health Research & Educational Trust). Also, cultural competence is essential in planning, evaluation and implementation of the health care activities. Supporting Community-based Research is important because it permits people n the community to involve themselves in determining the health care issues and carrying out the needs assessments. Therefore, it is important for the community to function as a partner in the CBPR because the functioning as a partner assists to make certain that cultural and social considerations are tackled in the health programming and improve the cooperation of the community (Israel, Schulz, Park, & Becker, 1998).
Explain how you might engage a community to be part of the voice when developing policy.
Community participation is essential in ensuring that the objectives of the study are not only achieved but also relevant to the populace. Accomplishing the objectives of the community participation requires attitudes, practice, beliefs, and knowledge (Cargo, Mercer, 2008; Israel, Schulz, & Becker, 1998). The theory and practice of community offer essential insights into giving courage the community to involve in health promotion. Representation of the community is an essential aspect when pursuing social action. The most empowered person in the community is believed to have a quick response in moving to the forefront, in spite of whether the realities are most representatives (Geiger, 1984). Similarly, engaged leaders prefer to cooperate with a community that is ready to deliver what they want. Facilitating the community organization cannot be permitted to serve the requirements of personal partners on behalf of the community (CARE: Community Alliance for the Research and Engagement, 2009).
Community organizing is based on the rule of the community competence, active participation, and empowerment (Nyswander, 1956; Minkler, 2005, p. 27). Labonte et al. (1996) assert that imposing ones idea of health concerns over the communitys risks a variety of disabling effects. The risk factors can include creating the feelings of the powerlessness, complicating a persons life, channeling local activism away from essential challenges towards the less essential challenges, and being irrelevant to the community. According to the community organizing, for one to change, one must feel the requirement for the change, and one can change only if he/she involves in decision-making and group learning (Minkler, 1990). Therefore, before approaching the outstanding organizations and people, the community must be studied carefully. The community is required to work toward cultural competence and to be culturally sensitive (Perlman, 1978).
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