This article mainly throw some focus on our reading habits. Examining the topic is the most daunting task. According to Michael, he compares reading to the old talk shows which occurred during the day addressing parent who left their obese children feed on entire pizza or ice cream as lunch. However, reading habits have even worsen with the connectivity of internet. The truth is that no one can refute the effects of online reading. Going by a certain research in regards to the subject matter, it was concluded that offline reading prove to be the best in terms of high concentration, better comprehension, quick absorption and ease to recall. On the contrary for those who read online were considered to perform better in only one section and that is: the total words consumed. From the findings a lead researcher by the name Val Hooper ascertains that it is significant that people need familiarize themselves with reading and writing digitally, and also learn effective interpretation and retaining of any information one read online.
The fact that internet connectivity plays a very crucial role in our day to day activities cannot be under estimated. It very necessary and enjoyable at the same time making it much more addictive but it should also be understood that frequent use of the internet is harmful. From the article readings, it is suggested that in order to make our mind stay sober just like the brains behind the innovation of the internet, then it is high time we accept or face the reality of what online reading cost our brains. Michael explores how online reading has some advantages beside previously mentioned disadvantages. Among the scenarios Michael addresses are; an old crank who learn to read at the time when there were no websites but ever since the arrival of the internet he has been using it from the time he joined high school. The second scenario is about a writer who rely so much in online reading and the final scenario Michael examines is how important the internet has enable soft copies of large volumes of books, encyclopedia, and annul updates to be found online with just a click of a button.
In as much as internet has made reading to be easier unlike the old days, Michael calls upon readers to develop a habit of reading offline. He further points software such as Freedom and Cold Turkey that second his statement which are fond of restricting internet access as a way of enhancing productivity. This is a clear indication that offline time is at times paramount for the vast internet users who do prefer not be distracted by the internet access while reading. Besides institutions such as Amazon show their commitment in switching off their email and web-browsing features for some of their e-readers designs such as the famous Kindle Paper white. The impact of online reading can be felt in the market as well as the scholars. A University of Texas lecturer by the name Andrew Dillon has shared his views concerning online reading in interviews with both magazines and newspapers across the nation. Andrew ascertains that online reading is very addictive and with time readers tend to lose focus and concentration hence losing the skills too slowly. According to Dillon, this habit of reading online do gives a very false impression on how people love to read than before although in real sense they are reading in a particularly non extended mode.
The question whether google is making us stupid or not is a common one to all of us. To address that question Nicholas Carrs work present a better findings and the extent to which online reading is addictive through clicking and browsing as a section of Carrs studies. Another question that arises from Carrs research is about the extent of irony, emotional, and subtlety in the medium created for skimming. Nicholas Carrs mainly focuses on the line of a working memory and the effect of the internet on consolidating memory. The human brain is the most complex and effective organ when it comes to processing information. Picture the movies people watch from Hollywood, the comic books people read, going through hundreds of websites through clicking in a fast succession, with eyes whizzing to and fro efficiently then uploading the content generated to the brain. Imagine in the near future our brains working like that in new digital and post linear reading. Even though this is a fantasy there are biological reasons that explains the amount of information that can be saved in the working part of the memory before a person forgets.
According to another study conducted by University of Utah in regards to those who claimed that they are good at multitasking, in such case, finding remedy for mathematics problems while trying to master the strings of random letters, they proved to be worse compared to those individual who acknowledged their disadvantages. A very good example is that when you are reading online then you click away to respond to an email, this a lone is enough to make whatever you have been reading to fade away from the working memory. Carr claims that consolidating the working memory into a long-term memory is not that easy during learning, though its a delicate procedure that can take quite a long time. In conclusion multitasking is not effective and less or hardly no information to make it to the long term memory.
However linear reading is a bit slow and highly recommended since the brain is able to digest whatever is read and store in the long term memory. In Carr perspective he do considers internet as a system of interruption. It captures our attention then it scramble it. We can only divert form our reading habit (online reading) by embracing linear reading. Art Markman a lecture and a professor in the field of psychology at UT-Austin suggest that it very easy for one to develop offline reading habit as compared to any other forms of individual discipline. He further claims that reading can be fun if we stop getting away from it. Markman suggest that people should set a time for offline reading and setting norms that guide them during reading such as switching of any device that can access internet. All the researchers Markman, Dillon, and Carr works clearly concludes that each and every person should spare personal time for reading purposes. If need be one should a reading room at home, seeking family indulgence, and joining available book clubs as way to divert from the internet. In summary an effective reading habit is offline reading as opposed to online reading. Offline reading provides room for information to be digested and stored in the long term memory since their less on no distraction at all.
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