Hogan (2007) defined an attitude as a phenomenon defined according to the object in question. Therefore, the fact that attitudes are identifiable based on the objects they refer to means that one can distinguish between interests, traits and personality characteristics. The measurement of attitudes is a significant part of individual thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions with regards to the object in question. Attitude surveys are used in psychology to convert subjective human views to empirical data with regards to a specific object. The survey has a rare ability to determine and evaluate significant information when assessing thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions of people with regard to an object of interest. Six essential steps are required when developing an attitude survey all of which were met when conducting this attitude survey. The six tests include defining the purpose of the test, the design issues at the preliminary stages, item preparation, items analysis, standardization and preparation of the final material. These six provide the basic standard for preparing attitude surveys (Hogan, 2007). This paper looks at the six issues with regards to preparing an attitude survey in feminine versus masculine view-points.
Defining the Purpose
Any attitude survey requires the development of a clear and concise statement defining the purpose of the survey. In this case, I purposed to determine the attitude of college students towards male and female gender roles in todays society. In the survey, we aimed to find the level of agreement with traditional views of gender roles among current college students.
Preliminary Design Issues
In making a survey, the next step is with regards to the formulation of the survey. The surveys purpose and intended interpretations based on scores are major considerations in the course of choosing the best design (Hogan, 2007). Since the survey is testing attitudes among college students, the administrator must be one who understands the time, effort and cost investment that one needs to put into the survey. Automatically, an administrator how has not attended college becomes disqualified. Additionally, the survey has only ten questions and was expected to take a maximum of 15 minutes to administer. The survey was developed based on the Likert format, with a range of 1 to 5 based on the strength of the answer given. The survey should yield ten scores one for every item on the survey questions with regards to the attitude item.
The score report will thus be written and compiled for every individual who participated based on the Likert scale responses. As for the administrator whose responsibility will be to interpret this survey, they have to hold a Bachelors of Science in Psychology degree. With regards to background research, I conducted research that showed there were increasingly changing attitudes towards attitudes on male and female gender roles in society. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if such attitude changes began in the formative years of the individual or in later stages of their lives.
Instructions for Conducting Attitude Survey
Administering the survey will take place at public lecture meetings. The administrator will sit with each respondent as they answer the questions in a span of 15 minutes. The administrator will score each question based on the compiled answers for that question among all the respondents. As for the interpretation of results, the administrator will consider the mean answer for each question and conclude for the attitudes of the college student with regards to that item. If the mean is higher/lower than the neutral value, then the administrator will conclude on either agreement or disagreement with that item among the respondents.
Standardization and Ancillary Research
University students will be the survey group for this study. Standardization will thus be done based on the results of the study. Standardization will occur during public lecture meetings. Ancillary research programs will be conducted subsequent to the norming program (Hogan, 2007). Publication of the study results will be subject to directions and should be available on the university website soon after publication.
The attitude survey developed utilized six steps using the Likert scale format to determine attitudes among college students with regards to male and female gender roles in todays society. The survey attempts to measure the thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions of respondents in this area.
Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Thank you in advance for participating in this important survey.
Your opinions, ideas and insights are most important to the future. Please answer the questions as completely as possible. All information will be kept confidential.
How do you feel when you tell people you that youre just a man/woman?
[1]Very good
[4]Not too happy
Women and men should have equal place in the society
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly Disagree
A more equal society would mean better standards of living for everyone
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly Disagree
If gender roles were changed, would the society be a better place to be in?
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly Disagree
Men and women are not meant to be equal. They have definitive roles which guide them.
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly Disagree
In an ideal world, men would serve women, in many spheres of life including family.
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly disagree
Religion propagates gender inequality
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly disagree
Efforts to equalize men and women bearing fruit in todays society.
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree[5] Strongly disagree
Men can very well be house-keepers while women are breadwinners.
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly disagree
Educating people on the changing roles of men and women could change the outlook on gender roles
[1] Strongly agree
[2] Agree
[3] Neutral
[4] Disagree
[5] Strongly disagree
2.What do you believe to be the FIVE (5) most important aspects of service that clients expect from the firm?
3.What are the FIVE (5) most important aspects of your job that should be measured in your performance and recognized in how you are evaluated?
4.Who do you feel is the appropriate person to evaluate your performance?______________
5.With respect to additional training, name FOUR (4) non-computer related training topics that you would like to see offered to employees in the next year.
6.If you were the Chief Executive Officer, what would you do to improve the profitability of the firm?
7.What kinds of rewards and recognition would you like to see developed to recognize special or outstanding performance contributions?
8.What do you feel are the THREE (3) most important changes the firm could make to improve the quality of our client service?
9.Are there existing policies or procedures that you would like to see changed?
[ ] Yes[ ] No
If you answered Yes, please explain.
10.Are the performance evaluations of your work adequate and helpful?
[ ]Always
[ ]Usually
[ ]Seldom
[ ]Never
If you answered Seldom or Never, how would you change the evaluation process?
11.Based on your experience in the firm, when top management makes a statement concerning future action, can you rely on the statement as a reasonable predictor of things to come?
[ ]Always
[ ]Usually
[ ]Often
[ ]Occasionally
[ ]Never
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