Learning is continuous act of receiving new knowledge through reinforcement or modification of the same knowledge, values, preferences, skills and even behavior. People learn systematically through building upon and shaping previous knowledge. Learning does not all happen at once and for that fact, it is a process and not just a collection of facts. The learning procedure produces changes in the learners and those changes that are produced are permanent, relatively. Learning may be aided by continuous motivation. I feel that learning new ideas by relating them to the knowledge that they already know and then transferring them into long-term memory in their brains and so it is important for the teachers to provide the learners with background knowledge (Bransford, 2001).
Aims, objectives and outcomes for active learning
There are three aims of active learning: One of them is knowledge; the principal aim of active learning is the passing of knowledge to the learner. The second is the mindset through the enjoyment of learning and creating a mindset of learning as a habit and eventually, to offer abilities to be able to identify the information that is needed and where it can be found. With all these aims and objectives thoroughly implemented, then the outcome of effective learning will be very active and even offer long-term results to all the learners.
Teaching methods that a teacher deploys are what in turn gives the learner the motivation to want to learn. One of them is for the teacher to be able to foster a sense of competencies learning activities by including feedback too well-performing students to make further progress. This gives room for the students peers to want to compete. The other teaching method and learning activities that think could engage and motivate the learners is also by providing autonomy support whereby the teacher relinquishes control, without losing their power to the learners, the level of student engagement is more likely to increase rather than promoting of compliance with commands and directives. This can so be done by welcoming the ideas and the opinions of the learners and even giving them more time so that they can be able to absorb and understand activities on their own (LeFever 1991).
In addition, in my perspective, making learning meaningful and making the learning activities that seem useful to the learners would boost their interest and motivation in learning. It is important that the teacher to pass knowledge as if it is worthy of the time and effort of the learners. By doing so, the leaders could be connected to previous knowledge and experiences. This will give room for the students to want to do better. Moreover, a positive relationship between the teacher and the student is imperative for the learner to be motivated. It is also important for the teacher to introduce outdoor classes so as to change the classroom setting and even increase more room for learning activities and even understanding. This I think will be able to motivate and enlighten the learners urge to learn. Lastly, embracing collaborative learning could be a great facilitator in the learning activities where the engagement of the learner is motivated by working with other learners, effectively (Moylett 2014).
In this contest, educational assessment is that process of documentation, usually in terms that are measurable, skill attitudes, beliefs and even knowledge. There are two types of learning assessments, which are the summative assessment and the formative assessment. The formative assessment is for the monitoring the learning of the student to be able to provide feedback on the ongoing progress that can be used by the instructors to be able to improve their teaching and also can be utilized by the students to enhance their learning skills. It aids the student in the identification of their weaknesses and their strengths and even emphasize in the target areas that need extra effort. On the other hand, summative assessment is the evaluation of the learning process of students at the end of each instructional unit by simply juxtaposing it against some benchmark or standard. They are high stakes meaning that they also have a value that is of a high point. This may include a final project, a midterm examination, just to mention a few.
I believe that assessment and its feedback is paramount for the learner to be able to know their progress in the learning activities and therefore very critical in the learning process. The teacher is also able to reflect on the development of the learners. In this particular contest, I feel the assessment is imperative for both the teacher and the learner as it also offers room for improvement for both the parties. Through assessment, even the teacher can become aware of the strongholds of the teaching and learning activities they use and how effective they are towards learning. Through assessment, the learner also gets motivated.
Evidence of reflection
After observing the class of the experienced practitioner, I realized that an effective lesson is usually propelled by active learning activities and teaching techniques that have been implemented by the teacher. I firmly believe that the key features of what would make an effective lesson (Clementi et al 2013). The physical environment in which the lesson takes place is vital in the final delivery of the learning. A classroom is a learning environment and is a teaching tool with good examples of progress indicators, good work and lots of books and learning material. The other key feature of what makes learning effectively is the social environment. I believe that the relationship that exists between the learner and the teacher is a great learning aid, which squelches learning. The other key feature I think is instruction. Instruction is whatever comes in mind in the first place regarding the class, and it might be hard to capture at times. For that matter, it is important for the teacher to initiate discussions, group activities, and even practices. Content is also an essential feature of what is being taught is also as basic as how it is being taught. Assessment is also the key element in active learning as it impacts learning in a very positive manner. The simultaneous assessment could lead to a professional development of the teacher as they compare their teaching results. Lastly, the impact it has on the student is also the key feature in an effective lesson. For learning to be effective, it is important for the teacher to implement a learning plan that is suitable for all the learners in the class (Walker 2013).
Evaluation is a determination that is systematic of a merit of a subject; it is worth and significance using governed criteria directed by a set of standards. With close observations, I think evaluation is used to develop learning through teachers teaching practice through professional development and the learners learning through the reflective practice of the knowledge and the skills that they have received. The mentor has a greater role to play when it comes to the development of the professional and even the personal growth of the teacher. The major role of the mentor is guiding the teacher on improving the way through which information and knowledge are passed to the learners. It offers that teacher an opportunity to be able to improve their teaching techniques (Marzano 2013).
Evidence of learning
Bransford, J. D., & National Research Council. (2001). How people learn: Brain, mind,
experience, and school. Washington, DC: National Acad. Press.LeFever, M. D. (1996). Creative teaching methods. Colorado Springs, Col: Cook
Ministry Resources.Moylett, H. (2014). Characteristics of effective early learning: Helping young children
become learners for life.
Evidence of reflection
Clementi, D., Terrill, L., & American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (2013). The keys to planning for learning: Effective curriculum, unit, and lesson design.
Marzano, R. J., & Toth, M. (2013). Teacher evaluation that makes a difference: A new
model for teacher growth and student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.Walker, R. J. (2013). 12 characteristics of an effective teacher. Morrisville, NC: Lulu
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