Essay on Thinking Christianly About the World

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The Question of Origin

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Muslims believe that God is the Supreme Creator of the earth, heavens, the universe and all living creatures. Allah created seven heavens, the moon and the sun in a perfect manner. Everything originated courtesy of Allahs meticulous planning and execution. Every living thing was created from an insignificant fluid. Before Allahs creation of everything, there was a state of non- existence (Bucaille, 1984).

The Bible asserts that God created the earth and the heavens. God is also the creator of mankind and all living creatures (Weider. & Gutierrez, 2013). The Biblical worldview and the Islamic worldview have similarities regarding the question of origin. The difference is the medium that was used for creation; the Bible states that man was created from the dust of the earth whereas the Quran states that man was created from an insignificant fluid.

The Question of Identity

In Islam, man is a special creation who is separate from animals. Humans are more important than animals (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013).

Biblical worldview affirms that mankind is a special creation that was created in the image of God. Man was given the responsibility to be a caretaker of other living creatures. The Biblical worldview and the Islam worldview have similarities regarding the question of identity.

The Question of Meaning

Islamic worldview states that mankinds purpose is to know and respect Allah together with adhering to the teachings of the Quran. The teachings of the Quran include the five pillars of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are: confessing Islamic faith, praying five times in a day, giving alms to the needy and poor, fasting during the period of Ramadan and taking a pilgrimage to Mecca. Man is also expected to perform good works to appease God and earn a right to enter heaven (Renard, 2011).

Biblical worldview asserts that mankinds purpose is to develop a personal relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). There is a similarity between the Islamic world view and the Biblical worldview regarding the question about meaning of human life; the only difference is that Christians do not subscribe to the five pillars of Islam.

The Question of Morality

Muslims inculcate morals in themselves by studying the Quran. Courtesy of studying the Quran, Muslims live a morally upright life. Morality among Muslims revolves around certain principles and beliefs. Mans ultimate responsibility is to ensure that God is pleased with his works. Allah expects a man to exhibit sound morality, integrity and moderation in his undertakings. Muslims are expected to live a righteous life. The five pillars of Islam have to be obeyed for a man to achieve a morally upright living. A Muslim may enter paradise upon death if he lives a morally upright life (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013).

The Bible is used by Christians to determine what is morally wrong or right. The question of morality is answered by the Bible. The Bible is used to filter what is morally right from what is morally wrong (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). Both Muslims and Christians use their religious book as a guide to a morally upright living.

The Question of Destiny

Muslims believe that a persons destiny depends on his works. They believe in paradise and hell as the possible destinies for any human being. For a person to earn his place in paradise, he ought to do more good works than bad. Paradise is viewed as an eternal state of indescribable pleasure. A Muslim has to subscribe to the five pillars of Islam to earn his way to paradise. However, it is only Allah who controls the destiny of human beings. A person who does not acknowledge Allah and the teachings of Quran goes to hell, eternal damnation (Renard, 2011).

The Bible asserts that the two eternal states of human beings are heaven or hell. Heaven is a state where human beings exist eternally in the blessings and presence of God. Hell is a state where human beings exist eternally in separation from God. A persons destiny depends on the decision they make when they are alive. Good works are viewed by Christians as stemming from salvation and not as a path towards salvation. Individuals who are connected to Jesus Christ bear good fruits (good works) (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). Both Muslims and Christians have similar beliefs regarding the question of destiny. The only difference is that Muslims have to do good works and subscribe to the five pillars of Islam in order to earn a place in paradise whereas for Christians, salvation is the path that earns them a place in heaven.

Number of word= 750 words


Bucaille, M. (1984). What is the origin of man?: The answers of science and the Holy Scriptures. Paris: Seghers.

Renard, J. (2011). Islam and Christianity: Theological themes in comparative perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Weider, L., & Gutierrez, B. (2013). Finding your worldview: Thinking Christianly about the world. Lynchburgh, VA: Word search.

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