The method of text-corpus is a digestive approach meant for deriving a set of rules that are abstracted from a text which is governing a natural language and how that language relates to another language. This study analyses Corpus analysis of Hong Kong Property Development Brochure. The natural occurring language that is used by real estate agents or sellers of properties in Hong Kong is the multilingual corpora (vs. one language corpora) (Biber 2009). This is because it represents several, different languages, at least two which often have the same text. The language used by the Hong Kong real estate agents to communicate to their potential buyers is normally short and often has incomplete sentences marked by dashes that are in excess (Conrad 2002). For example comfortable and cozy and in zone for a beach-a breath taker Wow! By the beach. There is the presence of simple noun and adjective combination wherever it is possible in both advertising for purple passage for featured comfort zones (soaring window walls, lush planning) and minimalistic in the advertising for properties that are under budget (really conducive environment). The corpus linguistic also shows propensification for adjectives that are in the form of -ed which normally is used in the emphasis an action that has been performed to the property for example imbued with. Another analysis of the language used in the Hong Kong brochures is that they use words that are trendy and lush-sounding words some which are borrowed from some international languages most preferably French or Italian, to bring about that element of sophistication and quality. A good example is sheer alfresco finesse. These multi-lingual expressions are very captivating and tend to give an aspect of class (Mautner 2002).
In addition to that, the corpus analyses the language to have a combination of colloquial expressions such as funkiest and archival language like smitten. There is the use of persona that invites possession of the reader (Stubbs 2007). The use of phrases such as want o urn your dreams into a reality? directly addresses the reader. An example of the text as applied in one brochure of Hong Kong in selling Taikoo Shing is A warm inviting villa I am, with 4 brms & study, 2.5 bathrooms, nice wide view and I am open to the beach. My internals are fine and adjusted to the modern form. I am elegant and apparently need low maintenance cost. I am moments away from the beach, the city, the mall, schools and hospitals. You can even share me by renting me out. Make time and come see me; it will be worth the time. Although do not wait foreverMy heart only belongs to one.
Genre Analysis
Genre analysis is the analysis of linguistic, rhetoric and artistic designs applied in language. The language of Hong Kong Property Development applies in this contest. For the real estate agents to be able to market their property developments effectively, they have to apply artistic and rhetoric linguistic in order to capture the attention of the reader. The publications they use in their advertisements are printed brochures that are very detailed and well published adverts. The brochures are normally well-designed and well-written as the quality of the brochure also determines the target population (Bhatia 2014). There are artistic examples of the interiors and the exterior of the property which might even go further to include a blue print and a map of the property. The photography of the property is normally professional and includes clear photographic images that give the potential buyer a notion of what they are buying. The design of the brochure gives it a rank in the market (Bhatia 2004). The brochure used to advertise the property of White sands in Hong Kong proves that genre is important. The brochure was in leather casing and had detail description of the property. It also includes a map of the area and also the location of the social amenities that are close to the property. The address of the property needs to be included as part of the genre, for example South Lantau Road, Cheung Sha South Lantau. The design that is applied in the language is simple but exotic in a way that it is supposed to send the right message to the right person (Andersen 2013).
In most situations, the gene linguistic is used to address a specific target population under basis that not all property is for everyone. Each and every design employed strategically has that rhetoric aspect that leaves a potential buyer with that urge to visit the property or have that urge to see the property. The rhetoric aspect introduces statement but captivate the attention of the reader by how it is posed. A good example is Do you have a place to build your memories. Visit us on site. The rhetoric statement leavers a potential buyer curious and would love to visit the site to get a critical analysis of the environment and the general appearance of the property (Swales 2007). The artistic impression displayed by sketches or drawings, images and photographs are meant to allure the attention of potential buyers and give them the urge of visiting the area. In some occasions, the artistic impression displayed in the brochures is normally edited to achieve the best resolutions and perfect picture for that first impression. The property might not necessarily be as they appear to be in the brochures due to graphical enhancement also meant to allure the buyers (Perez-Llantada 2014).
Critical Disclosure Analysis
Just like; legalese real estates usually comprises of abstract jargons which are usually employed in glossaries and contexts for transactions in texts that are popular. The differential power between the receiver and the real estate agent indicates deceptiveness which is inbuilt in the language which they apply (Renkema 2009). The language obfuscates rather than simply clarifying. The disclosure analysis of advertising is a wide variety of functions that are not only meant for persuasion but also to inform, amuse r even misinform and the receiver who might also be the potential buyers are the participants who participate and belong to the designed context. Advertises of real estate agency is a subgenre hybrid which is created by the advertisers frequently and ingeniously in attempts to disguise their advertisements as being something else (Paltridge 2006). The disclosure analyses follow respective enquiry lines. The analysis t re-evaluates the disclosure structure that is conceited of the advertisers of the real estate by drawing a correlation with poetry that is metaphysical which relocates the creativity in the poem in the use of conceits, subliminally (Wodak 2005).
Even though the disclosure structure normally echoes that a poem that is metaphysical in nature, its inner text emerges coincidentally and English Literature normally ends up as the copyright of real estate nowadays. It is evident that the imagery use in not as much as that of a clever conceit rather a simple cliche from real estate stock-banks lexicon advertisers, which borrows from the cultural consciousness of its own copyright itself (Kirk 1996). The conceit used at times overreaches itself with share me, I could make you money. Advertisers of real estates normally emerge from and even continue to conserve the popular culture, linguistics cliche. The same reason as to why the final phrase is not supposed to arrest the potential buyers although do not wait foreverMy heart only belongs to one. It sounds like a lyrical trite from a ballad by Celine Deon. If the language used for advertisement functions to inform, amuse and misinform then in this case, amusement would be related to the contest (Hardt-Mautner 1995).
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