Morningstar, Mary E., and Valerie L. Mazzotti. "Teacher preparation and professional development to deliver evidence-based transition planning and services to youth with disabilities." (2014).
Morningstar et al. conducted a research on the predictors of the best way to transition students with individualized education programs from secondary level. The authors established that teachers should make use of the predictors so that they could make a good transition. Additionally, the use of evidence-based practices is necessary as the practices are proven on whether they can work or not. Finally, teachers should be prepared and professionally developed for the transitions.
Szidon, Katherine, Andrea Ruppar, and Leann Smith. "Five steps for developing effective transition plans for high school students with autism spectrum disorder." TEACHING Exceptional Children 47.3 (2015): 147.
Szidon et al. Studied the best transition methods for high school students with autisms. Thereafter, they provided a five-step way in which teachers and other professionals can develop effective transition plans for students in high school. Szidon et al. proposes that teachers should focus on self-management and independent living skills. The development of social awareness is the main point in determining the best transition method. This contrasts with Morningstar et al. above who believes in evidence-based practices.
Turnbull, Ann, et al. Exceptional lives: Special education in today's schools. Columbus, OH: Pearson, 2013.
Turnbull et al. is of the view that developing transition plans for children with special needs requires the linkage of several factors. In this regard, the authors opine that a good transition plan should involve the link of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) with Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) and a conceptual framework. All these should be merged with the student expectation statement so that the interests of the student are taken care of. This contrasts with the first two articles, which propose evidence based practices and five-step method respectively.
Hamblet, Elizabeth C. "Nine strategies to improve college transition planning for students with disabilities." Teaching Exceptional Children 46.3 (2014): 53-59.
In the view of Hamblet and Elizabeth, a good transition plan requires the education of team member of the transition, involvement of the family of the disabled child, encouragement of the student for future independence, teaching students to use assistive technology, providing the students with the necessary documentation, informing students about their strengths and weaknesses, teaching them learning and organization strategies, and the creation of district wide educational program. This way, the administration will have an effective transition plan.
Morrison, Leslie, et al. "Online learning for early intervention professionals: Transition planning from early intervention to school." Journal of Special Education Technology 28.2 (2013): 43-51.
Morrison et al. used an evaluation of over thirty early intervention professionals whereby they completed three modules on topics related to transition planning in Early Intervention. In this case, learning was assessed through test and posttest scores. The authors hypothesis was supported that an internet based online learning is a good transition plan as the disabled will not have to travel to school to get their education. This solves the problem of accommodation in schools.
Carter, Erik W., Matthew E. Brock, and Audrey A. Trainor. "Transition assessment and planning for youth with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities." The Journal of Special Education 47.4 (2014): 245-255.
The authors in this article examined teacher and parent assessments of the transition-related strengths and needs of 134 youth who had various disabilities related to their intellect and development. Their findings were that a good transition plan for any administration is that which is age-appropriate and one, which is based on a proper assessment of the students. Administrators need to consider the nine transition domains in setting up any transition plan.
Graham, Jennifer, and Peter Wright. "Transition Planning: Setting Lifelong Goals By Jennifer Graham And Pete Wright, Esq. - Wrightslaw.Com". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
Graham et al. states that am effective transition plan is one that meets the components stated in IDEA 2004. In this regard, the IEP student must be involved in the formulation of the plan through meetings with the transition planning team. More importantly, the authors suppose that the transition plan should self-centered and a reflection of the interests and skills of the student. Further, the plan should be easy to monitor and implement.
Stanberry, Kristin. "Transition Planning For Students With Ieps | Greatkids". GreatKids. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
Stanberry concurs with Hamblet, Elizabeth (2014) that an effective transition plan should involve all the stakeholders including the teachers, the parents, and the students with the transition administration. However, she adds that an effective plan should have set goals that the stakeholders will work towards achieving. She also concurs with Graham and Peter (2016) that an effective transition plan should be based on the needs, interests and skills of the individual student.
Flexer, Robert W., et al. "Transition planning for secondary students with disabilities." (2012).
Flexer et al. Provides a very good plan for the transition of secondary school students at the undergraduate and undergraduate level to vocational transition course. In their views, an effective transition plan should be oriented towards the vocation of the students. In this regard, they argue that the students should always be asked about what they like most and their interests be linked with their strengths to create a good and effective transition plan by the administration.
Chan, Vivien. "Special Needs: Scholastic Disability Accommodations from K-12 and Transitions to Higher Education." Current psychiatry reports 18.2 (2016): 1-7.
Chans latest book opines that psychiatrists should be consulted before an IEP for any student is prepared. The purpose of the psychiatrist is to give an assessment of the students state of mind and give a professional opinion on the best way that the student can be helped. From this opinion, the transition planning team will now be able to make an effective plan that is based on the advice. Additionally, they will have consulted the professionals, which is good for the student.
Martin, James E., and Kendra Williams-Diehm. "Student engagement and leadership of the transition planning process." Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals (2013): 2165143413476545.
Student engagement is the main point that is espoused by the authors of this book. In this regard, they argue that student participation leads to the development of a complete and inclusive IEP that will be likeable to every party in the planning process. Further, they propose that the set goals should be evaluated at every stage to ensure that they are proceeding well. This book corroborates others, which have stressed, the importance of student participation.
Rodriguez, Diane, et al. "Educators taking the lead to transition high school emergent bilingual learners with disabilities." Journal of Multilingual Education Research 4.1 (2014): 6.
Just as other articles discussed above, this book provide recommendations to school administrators and educators on the best way to design a promising transitional context within classrooms and schools for EBS with disabilities. Specifically, it proposes the use of broad programmatic and teaching practices. This way, the authors argue that there will be a higher number of transitions.
Flannery, K. Brigid, Allison Lombardi, and Mimi McGrath Kato. "The Impact of Professional Development on the Quality of the Transition Components of IEPs." Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 38.1 (2015): 14-24.
The consultation with professionals that has been proposed by other authors has been stressed by Flannery et al. In this regard, the administrators should be concerned with the future goals of the student as well as the opinions of the teachers, family, school and other agencies that have the interest of the student at heart. These findings were established after 302 IEPs were collected before and after professional development.
Peterson, Lori Y., et al. "Triangulated IEP Transition Goals Developing Relevant and Genuine Annual Goals." Teaching Exceptional Children 45.6 (2013): 46-57.
The development of transition plans that are aimed at the achievement of the goals of the student are emphasized by Peterson eta al. In this regard, the authors argue that an effective transition plan should answer the question on what the student wants to be in future. In such a scenario, the administrators should have goals that they should evaluate annually.
Steere, Daniel, and Caroline DiPipi-Hoy. "Coordination in transition planning: The IEP/IPE interface." Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling 44.1 (2013): 4.
Steere et al. proposes that there is a need for collaboration between the student, special education personnel, the students family, and the adult service agency representatives in the preparation of a transition plan. Additionally, an effective transition plan should have a merge of individualized education plan (IEP) and the individual plan for employment (IPE). This way the student will be more prepared for the future.
Students who have various types of disability are treated differently from the others in studies. This is especially the case when the disability is intellectual. In this regard, the administration of the various schools that they attend has an added responsibility of ensuring that students with disabilities become productive people later in life. To this end, they use the various mechanisms within their power to achieve this success. However, more often than not, these special needs students do not become what they dream of. As such, the administrators should develop an efficient transition plan that will enable the disabled students become productive in the society after their education life. An efficient transition plan is one that takes into account the interests, goals and skills of the student. Additionally, they should also be inclusive and thereby involve all the stakeholders.
From the references enumerated above, a lot of information has been provided on the best ways to prepare an effective transition plan for students with IEPs. Compared to other references that I found, the above references are very important for they are not only informative but also explanatory. Based on the nature of the study, it was very objective, as it did not focus on a certain individual student but to disabled students in general. I will use the content to make a very comprehensive transition plan that will help disabled students be independent after school. The references are a perfect fit for my project, as they will help in making a masterpiece transition plan. The references helped me have a broad look at the best way to formulate a transition plan. Indeed, they broadened my mind and changed the way I think about a transition plan for students with disabilities and other IEPs.
Works Cited
Carter, Erik W., Matthew E. Brock, and Audrey A. Trainor. "Transition assessment and planning for youth with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities." The Journal of Special Education 47.4 (2014): 245-255.
Chan, Vivien. "Special Needs: Scholastic Disability Accommodations from K-12 and Transitions to Higher Education." Current psychiatry reports 18.2 (2016): 1-7.
Flannery, K. Br...
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