The University of Houston undertakes training activities and scientific research which make use of chemical substances that have adverse effects on the campus and the surrounding community. The actions emit some of the waste materials that need to be treated or regulated in that there are no negatives side effects to the inhabitants of the university and people in the surrounding community, especially Houston town. The P2 is also structured to reduce the increased emissions of wastes over the recent years which are contributing to pollution of the environment. Finally, the plan will facilitate the university reach its expectations of meeting the environmental abidance attempts, as per the requirements set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (The University of Houston, 2015).
The P2 Plan entailed the following in efforts of bulking dangerous wastes. First, replacing of chemicals where harmful chemicals could be substituted for less risky or non-risky substances or perhaps use chemicals that are certified by the EPA. Secondly, the university could carry out only experiments that are small scale but reflecting same experience to students. It could help reduce the number of chemicals used, and so little environmental pollution will occur. Thirdly, introducing a program within and the campus, to enhance the exchange of chemicals instead of disposing of them. It could give room for labs to transact reusable or unused chemicals with other laboratories. The university could also adopt a system of purchasing chemicals and equipment that do not contain and the paints that contain some amounts of lead. Lead and mercury containing substances have contributed most to the increased accumulation of wastes in the institution. All these plans are aimed at reducing cost in expenditure by the university and as well as conserving the environment of Houston (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2013).
The University of Houstons photographic laboratories could render around six tons of liquid silver-incorporating wastes. Silver contains a commercial value and can be recovered to benefit the campus economically. It is an essential constituent in photographic paper and film that enhance formation of an image or a picture. Retrieving it from the photographic wastes will save the institutions funds in the following ways. First, it gets some value attached regarding money, from the silver amounts regained from the waste, and secondly, the campus lowers the measures of harmful wastes generated by the photographic materials. However, the University reduces its waste management expenses. There are other ways in which the school can manage the wastes. First, by the electrolytic process, precipitation, metallic substitution, and exchange of ions. The methods are useful especially when silver is in the form of thiosulphates. It will be more efficient if the university combines the techniques mentioned with chemical recovery cartridge scheme (The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, 2010).
The initiative of oil renewing is imperative to the school. It is the key advantage developed by the P2 policy. The institution has many motor engine machines that depend on oil; therefore, the amount of used oil is likely to be higher. The waste reduction department fast actualized that oil which has been utilized for the other areas of the campus could be reused in different ways. The used oil could be gathered into the storage tanks, through a system of collection where it would be utilized for other purposes at no cost. The act seemed to reduce cost of waste handling at an acceptable rate (The University of Houston Division of Research, 2015).
The schools P2 program is cost-effective and easy to implement and manage. It also has economic values attached to it that will enhance the campus progress well and overcome the challenges of wastes management and disposal. Finally, it ensures routine operation and can achieve its goals of meeting the rules of EPA.
The University of Houston, 20015. UH at a Glance. Available at
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2013. Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste; Sections 335.61-335.78; Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: Austin.
The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, 2010. Status Report; The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center: Houston.
The University of Houston Division of Research, 2015. Annual Research Reports. Available at Annual2003/compare_award_by_agency.pdf
Unit VII a
The study has the following aims. First, to probe if national-level P2 lawmaking increases the acceptance of P2 practices and minimize harmful emissions that affects the environment negatively. Secondly, to analyze the degree to which three policy requirements such as reporting requirement, numerical aim, and necessary P2 planning, bestow to the attainment of all the Objectives. Finally, to check if the potential of these plans is impacted by facility characteristics. In handling the mentioned goals, great approximation techniques that accredit the profile of P2 acceptance and pollutions history, though to the extent, managing for facility-particular non-observables. The United States EPA and TRI information on hazardous emissions and P2 practices are used (Hsiao, 2012).
The Toxic Releases Inventory (TRI) is beneath the EPCRA (Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). It aims at providing the people elaborated know how about hazardous chemical emissions as well as wastes disposal and management actions to improve effective decision-making by firms, the public, and the government. NACEPK encouraged to the United States EPA that all the P2 activities should focus on effecting of P2 techs by preferential heightening in the application of non-policy efforts, creating of motivators, and giving honors, education, and entropy. Moreover, at least 30 nations have also complied to P2 plans, every nation authorizing a mixture of regulative data and direction-based policies. The critical discussion is how adequate these policies are, in enhancing P2 and lowering toxic releases in the environment A Valuable Tool in the Regulatory Toolbox, 2015).
The study uses existing information from the previous data. For example, the author refers from the year 1998 and analyses the how different nations have adopted to P2 policies regarding pollution minimization and waste management. The author further uses comparison and manages to investigate how Toxic Releases Inventory affects the activities of the P2 agenda and how the practices are done regarding United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In comparing, the study manages to give detailed information on how terms and conditions vary in different states in efforts to reduces and manage wastes.
The price of P2 programs is relatively fair. It is due to the following reasons. First, its programs are cost reducing and beneficial. For example, reusing the already used substances for other purposes instead of purchasing other chemicals. Secondly, the P2 programs encourage CHEM-SWAP where laboratories can exchange chemicals within the organization without purchasing again.
Practices for minimizing pollution through regulating the waste releases to the environment have played a significant role in preserving the atmosphere and improving the conditions of the community inhabitants. The principal effect of a management plan for improving P2 adoption impacts to both monetary literature and policy concerning the purpose which environmental control mechanisms play in recommending adoption of responsible practices regarding environment particularly in the relation to the EPA's significant focus on management tools to encourage P2. Finally, the plan cannot function alone; other efforts from various bodies are also required to boost it (Harrison, 2013).
Antweiler. W .. and K. Harrison, 2013. Toxic Release Inventoriesand Green Consumerism: Empirical Evidence from Canada." Canadian Journal of Economics.Anderson, T. W ., and C. Hsiao, 2012. ''Formulation and Estimation of Dynamic Models Using Panel Data.'' Journal of Econometrics,Bennear, L. S. "EvaJuating Managcment-Bal)ed Regulations:
A Valuable Tool in the Regulatory Toolbox, 2015." in Leveraging the Privale Sector: Management Strategies for Improving Environmental Perfomzance. edited by C. Coglianese and J. Nash.
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