The submission of this is memo is for your approval and thereafter feedback on my research paper. With regard to an ephemeral overview of my topic, I will be clarifying on the research problem and give possible solutions to this problem, state the method of my research and lastly examine my preliminary based research conclusions that I would have completed thus far.
A lot of concern on cars has been raised periodically as being pollutants of the environment from many quarters. Car pollution alludes to the emissions and noises they make towards the environment. Hence, car pollution contributes immensely towards air and water pollution. This concern was first evidenced in the early 1960s in California. Thus, over time, a lot of scientific basis pioneering on the atmospheric chemistry inquiry are being carried. This scientific research is based on the car emissions that contains photochemical reactions which include nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons which are attributable as secondary pollutants from automobiles. Car pollution affects the environment in some ways. It can lead to a reduction of visibility and even result in nose and eye irritation. With the increase of middle-class population, more cars will be purchased for transportation purpose. Hence, with more cars on the road, car pollution will also be on the rise. And in the long run, if car pollution won't be halted, then, our cohabitation with the surrounding would be a mess. The car pollution will be unmanageable in the long run. Sufficient knowledge on car pollution arresting should be taught and spread to every region. Car pollution control technology devised and models that predict future outcomes emanating from car pollution be programmed.
Statement of Problem
Water and air are valuable possessions that we human beings and as a country treasure. With middle-class population increasing at an alarming rate, we are witnessing also more cars being produced and sold to these individuals for own use. The most important vehicle pollution comes from car cleaning and emissions they make to the air. Cleaning of a car entails removing dirt and oil, then treating that same car for protection. Cleaning agents and degreasing agents are the ones used to eliminate these particulate matters and traffic grimes. Wax polishes are used as protecting polishes for protection. All these effluents from these cars are so detrimental to the environment. Their flow can link up with another large source of water hence contaminating surface water if no treatment can't be applied correctly. Effluents that cometh from cars such as oils, greases, dirt, brake dust and cleaning agents that are used to make these cars clean are very harmful to the life of a river. These effluents can also affect the health of human beings. They are attributable to causing a variety of health hazards to humans such as circulatory system problems, high risk of contaminating cancer and kidney problems. Equally, these cars cause noise and air pollution. Some cars emit an enormous amount of smoke that is rich in photochemical reactions that contain a high amount of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. These smoke emissions are the cause of air pollutions. Origin of noise pollution is from some cars which have full exhaust nozzles that make loud sounds. They affect the most people with their loud sounds. Such cars that are notorious for loud sounds include racing cars. Another instance of noise pollution originates from loud music coming from selected vehicles. These cars are installed with large systems which blast the ear drums of most people if they are left on and full blasted by drivers.
Thus, these cars are harmful to the environment. Pollution caused by them range from air, noise, and water. If nothing is done to halt the progression of this contamination, these cars can cause a total damage to the environment. The pollution posed by these cars can be fatal to the environment and human beings at large. Thus, this necessity an urgent and need to re-evaluate the impact of this car pollution and how to curb.
Proposed Solution
Most countries have not fully known how to control this car pollution. Car pollution can be halted by implementing the following proposed solutions. Drivers to implement the green driving habits. Green practices include turning off electrical gadgets and air conditioning systems when they are not in use. Never to let a waiting car to idle since it wastes fuel, money and contributes to gas emission that leads to air pollution. To choose a type of fuel that is more energy efficient. Most drivers to shy away from more pollutant fuel. For short distance travel, individuals should use hybrid cars or a car that uses petrol. But for long distances, they should use diesel cars or embark on clean fuel such as biofuels or Compresses Natural Gas. Other proposed solution is to use probably renewable energy in these cars such as solar energy. Before purchasing a car, people should check the emission levels for pollutants elements such as CO2, NOX, and CO. Hefty regulations penalties to be enacted to those who are found car washing without proper means of treating effluents from this car. Equally, susceptible groups and safety margin be enforceable. Clean Air Act be implemented. New regulatory structure emission regulation on cars be introduced and enacted by relevant bodies such as EPA.
A lot of sources exist out there that touch on car pollution. In the meantime, car pollution has been gaining ground most recently, many researches are being conducted on how best it can be controlled. For consideration on the impact of car pollution on the environment and human beings at large, I will have to take into consideration:
What leads cars to cause pollution
Can these causes be controlled?
Alternative measures to be taken to halt these elements causing pollution in cars
What are solutions in place to halt this pollution?
My main data will be originating from journal articles that relate to Car Pollution. All these journals will be retrieved electronically. Through perusing and comparing on the valuable information they contain regarding car pollution, I will be able to conclude on the impact of contamination caused by these vehicles on the environment and human beings at large. Equally, I will incorporate secondary data which its origin will be respected websites. I have already in mind of credible websites that is composed of discussed opinions on car pollution. The journal articles I will be relying on include;
Annibaldi, C., Collins, K., & Ripa, D. M. C. (January 01, 1991). Mobility and the Urban Environment. Fiat, 6.
Netter, E., & Wickersham, J. (January 01, 1993). Driving to extremes: Planning to minimize the air pollution impacts of cars and trucks. Zoning and Planning Law Report, 16, 9.)
O'Sullivan, D. A. (January 01, 1989). Environmental concerns gain prominence in Europe: With flurry of diverse issues ranging from dumping of industrial wastes in landfills to the buildup of noxious gases in urban air, environmental problems have become a major factor in policy and trade decisions. Chemical and Engineering News, 7-15.
Car pollution affects the environment in some ways. It can lead to a reduction of visibility and even result in nose and eye irritation. With the increase of middle-class population, more cars will be purchased for transportation purpose. Hence, with more cars on the road, car pollution will also be on the rise. And in the long run, if car pollution won't be halted, then, our cohabitation with the surrounding would be a mess. The car pollution will be unmanageable in the long run. Sufficient knowledge on car pollution arresting should be taught and spread to every region. Car pollution control technology devised and models that predict future outcomes emanating from car pollution be programmed.
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