Question1: What are the theories/Models of practice you use in working with your clients?
Social worker 1: As an administrator working with an NGO in the healthcare sector, I find that the systems theory is adept while working with clients. I also implement the problem solving practice model.
Social Worker 2: Specializing in the substance abuse and rehabilitation of clients has geared me to implement the social learning theory. I also implement the narrative therapy model.
Social Worker 3: As a clinical social worker, I have realized the effectiveness of implementing the systems theory rather than other theories. I have also implemented the crisis intervention models while solving different problems.
Question2: What makes your work stimulating and interesting?
Social worker 1: Working with clients from different backgrounds provides me with different experiences on a daily basis, I find that interesting.
Social Worker 2: Dealing with substance abuse clients has allowed me to interact with some of the finest minds; I think I am getting smarter just by interacting with them.
Social Worker 3: The most interesting part of my job is being able to help others while earning a living. This has always been my mantra, and living by it is my joy.
Question3: What are the constraints you encounter in delivering services and working with your clients?
Social worker 1: I find that some governmental regulations that are meant to ensure that NGOs do not overstep their mandate often frustrate our efforts; this is a major impediment to my efforts to deliver service.
Social Worker 2: Stigma and discrimination against my clients frustrates my efforts to rehabilitate them.
Social Worker 3: The lack of proper funds to enhance the effectiveness of my services limits me.
Question4: What are your perceptions of the effectiveness of your work? Also, how do you evaluate your effectiveness?
Social worker 1: I find that I am effective based on the quarterly feedback from clients and fellow employees.
Social Worker 2: I think that I am effective; this is based on the referral clients that I receive.
Social Worker 3: I know I am effective based on the number of compliments I get from my clients, their smiles is enough evidence of their confidence in my capabilities.
Question5: What are some of the professional work values that you demonstrate in your practice?
Social worker 1: Honesty and commitment are the key values I demonstrate.
Social Worker 2: Reliability is a key value I practice by being reachable via phone all the time.
Social Worker 3: Beneficence and nonmaleficence are the key professional values I implement.
Question6: What are some of the ways you engage in lifelong learning, that is how do you stay current in your practice?
Social worker 1: I regularly attend short courses to increase my knowledge.
Social Worker 2: Joining exchange programs allow me to learn new strategies from other social workers.
Social Worker 3: I study via the internet to increase my knowledge and thus my skills.
Practice Recommendations
Social Worker1: Using the task-centered model would improve your effectiveness (Polin, 2010).
Social Worker2: Implementing the behavioral therapy model would ensure that you increase your effectiveness (Polin, 2010).
Social Worker3: Both the trans-personal and rational choice theories would help you in the process of diagnosis and later treatment of you clients (Shulman, 2008).
Other Useful Questions for the Interview
Question1: What policies would you change in the health sector and why?
Question2: Would you say that the organizational culture at your place of work encourages employees or discourages them? What would you do to improve the culture?
Question3: Given a choice, would you choose your current line of work if you were to begin again, and why?
Poulin, J. E. (2010). Strengths-based generalist practice: A collaborative approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Shulman, L. (2008). The skills of helping: Individuals, families, groups and communities. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
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