I did an interview with my friend about her first birth experience, her name is Sara and she is 23 years old. She was pregnant for the first time and it was her first birth experience. Sara and her husband were very excited to be parents. Sara claimed that her pregnancy was difficult during the first months describing it as a malady. She experienced severe nausea which resulted to dehydration. Nausea and vomiting commonly known as `morning sickness' are symptoms usually associated with pregnancy. These are onsets which often begin between the fourth and seventh week after the first missed menstrual period and resolves by the 20th week of gestation (Khresheh, 2011). Sara was admitted to a womens hospital during her pregnancy at least three times because of nausea, vomiting and dehydration. She lost four kilograms between the first and third-trimester after which she gained around ten kilograms during last trimester.
Moreover, she was taking tablets of calcium once a day which helped her prevent losing her own bone density and it was also crucial for the babys bone growth.She was also taking folic acid twice each day which helped her in the production of the red blood cells.In a bid to maintain a healthy body during her pregnancy, she lived a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, exercising and sleeping well.Through a natural delivery, she gave birth to a healthy baby weighing 2.7 kilograms.
The gestation of Saras pregnancy was 39 weeks and six days.Sara remembers going to the emergency in pain due to her contractions accompanied by her sister on 11th November 2016 at 11:00 am. This is often referred to as stage one of labor.Its a state of having contractions due to the changes in the cervix, this stage ends when the cervix is dilated (Perry et al., 2012). She vividly remembers the tears that she cried on that day due to the pain and fear that consumed her. After the doctors assessment, they took her with a wheelchair to the labor room and prepared her for the delivery. Saras sister accompanied her to the labor room.The nurse helped her to change her clothes and explained to her to take a deep breath when she felt she was ready to push. The nurse also recommended that she lay on her left side as it would help increase the amount of blood and nutrients to flowing to the baby (American Pregnancy Assassination, 2017).
Sara stayed in the labor room for a while so that the nurse could monitor her contraction level, infants heart rate and her blood pressure. The pain was unbearable for Sara to an extent that she started screaming until the anesthesiologist gave her some epidurals.The epidural is a pain reliever that is delivered through a catheter and its given during labor especially to reduce the pain on the lower parts of the body and to decrease sensation. (Perry et al., 2012). After controlling Saras pain the nurse kept assessing her every 5-10 minutes, as her sister and one other nurse to monitored her.
The doctor came again to check if she had broken the water which is the amniotic fluid (it is a fluid present in the womb in order to protect the infant). Breaking water happens after first or second stage when the patients are fully dilated (Perry et al., 2012). The nurse informed Saras sister to wait in the waiting room as they prepared the bed for delivery. This made her more nervous and anxious.The doctor cut the area between the vagina and anus which is called perineum for easy delivery. This procedure is called episiotomy. They use it during the labor incase the babys delivery is distressed or in cases of a large baby (Perry et al., 2012).Minutes later, Sara heard her baby crying and she couldnt help but break down into a tear of happiness as she laughed aloud. The nurse brought her baby which she held warmly kissing her everywhere. She was taken by the nurse again for assessment.
Importance of Breastfeeding
Breast milk is vital food for a baby. However, it alters with time depending on the age of the baby, the frequency of the babys nursing and the timing of the day in order to help in the babys growth.
During the first few days of breastfeeding the milk is well known as colostrum; it is usually yellow in color. The more a mother breastfeeds the more the babys sucking stimulates the mothers milk supply. Breast milk is convenient to both the baby and the mother as it can be offered any time or place; it has the right temperature thus it is ready for consumption wherever the mother is and the baby needs to feed. It's also clean and very nutritional.
This milk is important to the babys health as it helps to build the immunity of the child.
It helps in supplying the child with all the required nutrients to the babys body in adequate proportions. The milk is rich in nutrients thus enabling the childs immunity to be strong enough for allergies, sicknesses or even obesity.
With the increase in deadly diseases such as cancer, diabetes, anemia among others; the milk provides the child enough nutrients to protect him/her against them. It also protects against infections such ear, eye, nose or other body infections.
This milk is also nutritional as it is easily digested by the babies and it prevents constipation, diarrhea or any stomach upsets. Babies who are breastfed are usually spotted to have higher I.Qs and healthy body weights as they grow.
Sara followed up at the health center on a monthly basis with her doctor. She did glucose screening test during 25 weeks of pregnancy to discover her blood sugar level. According to Brown, Rajeswari, & Bowles (2016), Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an asymptomatic pregnancy-related condition normally identified by initial screening followed by diagnostic testing. It is important for pregnant women to perform this test in order to detect gestational diabetes in advance. When Sara was admitted to the womens emergency ward for check-ups during her pregnancy, her doctor told her she did not have any complications thus they advised her to have a normal delivery which she accepted. Saras sister and husband were the most supportive people during the pregnancy because they helped her attend all the appointments and prepare for the babys requirements.
Lessons Learnt.
Breast milk is vital food for a baby. However, it alters with time depending on the age of the baby, the frequency of the babys nursing and the timing of the day in order to help in the babys growth.
During the first few days of breastfeeding the milk is well known as colostrum; it is usually yellow in color. The more a mother breastfeeds the more the babys sucking stimulates the mothers milk supply. Breast milk is convenient to both the baby and the mother as it can be offered any time or place; it has the right temperature thus it is ready for consumption wherever the mother is and the baby needs to feed. It's also clean and very nutritional.
This milk is important to the babys health as it helps to build the immunity of the child.
It helps in supplying the child with all the required nutrients to the babys body in adequate proportions. The milk is rich in nutrients thus enabling the childs immunity to be strong enough for allergies, sicknesses or even obesity.
With the increase in deadly diseases such as cancer, diabetes, anemia among others; the milk provides the child enough nutrients to protect him/her against them. It also protects against infections such ear, eye, nose or other body infections.
This milk is also nutritional as it is easily digested by the babies and it prevents constipation, diarrhea or any stomach upsets. Babies who are breastfed are usually spotted to have higher I.Qs and healthy body weights as they grow.
When your baby is hungry she poses the following reactions: she can get extremely restless, she/he can suck their fingers, they can start making funny blabbers/sounds, they can start turning their head while opening their mouths.It is important for women to feed their babies as many times as they want and for the length of time they want to feed.Gradually, the mother and the baby gets into a feeding pattern.However, it is recommended for a mother to breastfeed more at night as this is when one produces more prolactin hormones which increase the supply of milk.
Healthcare Team during Labor.
Each birth is different therefore the need of different health providers in a labor room. Among them are;
The Family Doctor or GYN, midwife, the delivery nurse, anesthesiologist, maternal-fetal doctor, neonatologist, some medical students or interns.
The family doctor is usually the doctor whom the mother has been seeing during her clinical visits or it may be a new doctor who will be there during your time of giving birth. A midwife is a professional trained to help take care of women during birth especially if it has low risks and the woman wants a more individualized approach to birth. The Delivery nurse is trained to assist a pregnant woman through her emotional and physical prospects during labor. The anesthesiologist usually comes in handy when one is undergoing cesarean birth as its a form of operation where one needs to be injected anesthetics for relieving pain. The maternal-fetal doctor is a specialized doctor who helps women when there are high risks in pregnancies or parturition. The Neonatologist is a specialist who deals with premature babies or babies born with defects, maladies or injuries. He/she is not usually needed in the labor ward unless your baby has any complications.
What happens after birth?
It is advised for a mother and baby to have skin to skin contact as it enables bonding. It's usually also the best time to breastfeed the baby for the first time as it enables your baby to get used to your breast using their innate crawling and latching abilities.
This skin to skin contact immediately after birth helps the both the mother and the baby to keep warm, steady breathing and calmness.The midwife helps to teach a mother how to breastfeed during this skin to skin contact.If a baby has complications and is taken to an incubator it doesnt mean the mother and the child will not bond equally.Your midwife should teach you or the mother on how to express the milk until the baby is ready to be breastfed.
A pregnant woman is recommended to go for all her clinical visits during pregnancy to ensure her baby has no complications and the mother is also fine.She also needs to have sufficient folic acid to prevent the child from having any defects during birth.Consuming healthy foods, doing exercises and having sufficient sleep to avoid straining themselves as well as the baby.Pregnant women should also educate themselves as it reduces the rates of childbirth complications and enhances better pain control during parturition.
Khresheh, R. (2011). How women manage nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: a jordanian study. Midwifery, 27(1), 42-45. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2009.12.002
Perry, S.E., Hockenberry, M.J., Lowdermilk, D.L., Wilson, D., Sams, C., Keenan-Lindsay, L. (1st ed.). (2013). Maternal child nursing care in Canada. St Louis, MO: Mosby
Brown, A. M., Rajeswari, D., & Bowles, A. (2016). Choice of planned place of birth for women with diet-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus. British Journal Of Midwifery, 24(10), 702-710.
American Pregnancy Association. (2017). Sleeping positions during pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved from http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/sleeping-positions-during-pregnancy/
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