America Fast Food

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The term fast food emanated from the 50s and was orchestrated by McDonalds, a company that has risen to take up one of the top positions in the food industry across the world. The term then resulted in the American renowned culture commonly referred to as the fast food culture. The rise of American fast food triggered the present day purported food fast society, which stirs a warmed verbal confrontation around the globe. Its quick and advantageous consumption designs, address the issues of the Americans and offer them numerous alternatives and limitless comfort. In this way, eating in food fast stores has turned into an American way of life, which has been invading each part of American life and in this manner the fast food society appeared. Consequently, society, being an undetectable aggregation of human progress, presents itself using an unmistakable medium. Numerous phrases and idioms such as you are what you eat have been coined around similar concepts. Such may not reasonably bode well but essentially, it, in any event, represents the embodiment of the peoples identity and what they consume. Inferable from the intimate association between the two angles, fast food, an American sensation, may potentially have an as one connection with American qualities. Be that as it may, it is imperative to take a gander at the benefits and setbacks that are embedded on fast foods. Despite the prevalent adoption of the fast food ethos, the bad outweighs the good. It is, therefore, safe to assert that, American fast food culture should be shunned. It is also imperative to highlight that a tussle has always existed between the proponents and opponents of American fast food which is proof enough that there are both merits and demerits attached.

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In synopsis, American fast food is a collection of junk food which contains a lot of chemical flavors not to mention the use of too much oil. Fast food companies tend to neglect the nutritional worth of the foods and instead put more emphasis on profit maximization. These companies need to put little to any wholesome data on their food. A single meal at these eateries can contain additional calories than is required for an entire day. Some consumers are not keen to consider the nutritional value of the food that they consume at fast food restaurant while the select few that are concerned end up receiving misleading information. Most fast companies conceal or provide misleading nutritional information to the consumers. These unfortunate feeding routines resultantly lead to increased obesity cases. The government should endeavor to shelter its residents from the adverse effects of fast food through effective legislation and oversight.

Frequent consumption of fast food has been known to be a front runner factor behind a series of health issues and disease. Consumers who frequent the eateries and fail to exercise more often are at a higher health risk because calories accumulate in their bodies. Accumulation of such fats in large quantities amounts to health deathtraps. Most of these frequent consumers are not familiar with the nutritional hazards that come with their favorite meals either due to ignorance or lack of public information on the matter. Others are deceived that taking small amounts may not be as bad, forgetting that these small quantities will end up piling in their bodies. It is shocking that people can take in so much poisonous meals without their knowledge. Most importantly, feeding habits also influence the heart's well-being. Consumption of excessive and constant fats, sugars, and salts could negatively affect the heart. When it comes to fast foods, there is no guaranteed protective or health counteractive strategy.

Fast food consumers have a tendency of paying little or no attention to the source of foods that they purchase at fast food restaurants. The condition of sources of fast food such as the status of animals before they are slaughtered is imperative as cruel conditions could trigger a negative impulse in the food served at these restaurants and fast food companies. The unhealthy environment could facilitate entry of diverse microscopic organisms in the food. Lack of corrective legislation motivates fast food companies to pursue their profits oriented strategies at the expense of healthy precautionary measures.

On the other hand, as the name suggests, fast food remains to be the simplest and cheapest methods of getting a meal. Whats more, consumers get to save considerable amounts of money and valuable time which explains the large number of working class fast food consumers. Fast food is without a doubt, the fastest way for one to get utility from a meal. These advantages are however shadowed by the expensive nature of the aftermaths. These repercussions include medical expenses to cover illnesses emanating from the food. The demerits surpass the marginal utility and convenience that consumers derive from fast food. Extensive research reveals that fast food contain a wide range of chemicals and disease causing microorganisms. The greater part of this microorganisms is found in the sustenance in the nearby fast food joint. Fast food may be cheap, but the comprehensive medical bill that may pile up, as a result, are not worth the health risks.

Additionally, fast food companies have social obligations to uphold a business code of ethics. They have a duty to disclose the ill effects of the food that they offer to the millions of loyal consumers who flock their places of business. Many if not all companies are known to put their personal interests first at the expense of ethics and social obligations. Millions of unaware or ignorant consumers, therefore, end falling victim to the deadly menace that is deeply rooted in American fast food. Be that as it may, the benefits cannot also be swept under the carpet. In addition to saving time in light of the demanding schedule of American common folks, fast foods are also significantly cheap, convenient, reliable, and provide an effective social platform.


In conclusion, the backdrop above presents the plausible assertion that people should shun from American fast food. The numerous health and social problems that emanate from fast foods outweigh the few benefits. The greatest danger of fast foods is the risk of obesity and heart problems all which one of the key causes of increased mortality rates across the world. The fast foods can be deceiving due to their convenient features and aspects, but even the smallest amounts have proved to be quite dangerous. As a result, individuals should take precautionary measures and watch what they eat. Consumers should be responsible for their personal health and eating habits hence demand effective government legislation and underlying organizational openness and responsibility. Fast food companies should also uphold social ethics in correspondence with government requirements and social obligations.

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