Airport duty-free shopping App is very needed App because we are all know that in duty-free shops we can by goods cheaper than we can do it in other shops or through the internet and of course it will have a good demand between travelers and other people because that is really comfortable search of needed goods first in the App and then go and by them. It is really nice idea to create this App because it can save your time and give you more possibilities to spend you free time in the airport with pleasure and use, a lot of people like using their devises when they have such possibility because in our modern world when time is real treasure using applications can save your time and money and people like and value both this things a lot, of course this application can be very useful for those who have little time between flights and need to buy something for them or for their friends and family. It is a nice idea to search goods online first and then it can be nice to give possibility to a potential client to check if there is any needed goods in this duty-free shop or no and in which duty free-shop you can find this good for better price.
Duty-free shops have very limited circle of clients because it is not easy to get to the shop and buy goods there because you can find these shops only in the airports so for being their client you should travel a lot but what someone can do if this person dont travel a lot but still want to buy something there and the answer to this question is creation of this new App that should help people in shopping and to make their lives easier.
People usually spend money not so easily and especially those people who have enough resources and wide range of choice, such people invest their money in good quality products and services and duty-free shops can offer such opportunities because in duty-free shops you always can find high quality goods for a nice price that can be a nice for different groups of people because everyone can find their goods for their wallets and needs.
This new App should include such services as online shopping too because this function gives opportunities to people who want to buy something and dont have intention to fly somewhere but still want to get to a duty-free shop. Online duty-free shop should offer goods with detailed pictures and descriptions of them and also show price and there should be several types of delivery, in this way the client can choose the best way for him to get his good and also it is a nice idea to give such a function as product delivery to those people for who a client ordered the delivery, it can be nice opportunity for making presents if someone should go away for the own reasons and have no possibility to make a present by himself, this person can choose a good in the shop and then order delivery to a person the buyer want to make a present for, what is really important to make this delivery international because the buyer can be in one place and the receiver can be in the other place but still can get the present.
This App can be use by a wide range of people from travelers to an ordinary person that sit at home and search goods but what is really important that this App should be easy to use and functions should be easily find and it is nice to give to the client possibility to buy goods in one or two clicks. The prices in the App should be the same as in shops or even a little bit lower because selling something thought the internet you should not pay for rent and other fees, it is enough to have one place like warehouse where you can have goods and sell them from there and it will be cheaper and much more comfortable even for seller. All that can lead to a great success and the sales can increase in a short period of time and lead to the pure success.
It is important to give someone who simple sit at home and have no intention to go somewhere an opportunity to buy favorite goods and brand things for the nice price and understand that quality and opportunities have the same meaning. If you have an aim to make someones life more comfortable and give nice opportunity for a good price you will get success in this area.
This App can help people find goods and services they need fast all over the world. If the traveler knows his final destination or have several stops this person can order all that he needs during his travel like goods and services and maybe even services for special needs like VIP services (massage, space for conference or work) and also special orders for kids and animals (nanny for kids and animals) this App should be one for everything you just can want. It is not easy to go for work sometimes and take kids and animals with you but what should you do if you want spend time with your kid or have no possibility to leave kid with somebody at home. You should take kid with you but can you imagine working visit and kids? It is really a difficult question and this App should be an answer to this question. The App should give possibility to order qualified nanny for kids and animals, this nanny can stay in the lounge zone with kids or animals or move with travelers to their destination and of course client should understand that he should pay for nannys way back. What can this function give to the customer and the answer is really easy to fine, it will give a great possibility to do all in one, like spend free time with kids or animals, show world to them and still be a professional who work without worries and who can give all his attention for the certain period of time to the work only. In this way you get even more satisfaction from work. All that services traveler can find in the App and he can see them all just in one App but what is really important to make them international, like if the traveler want to try Italian lasagna but he fly to Paris and make stop in Berlin he can order lasagna for his Berlin lunch and eat it in a special duty-free lounge space. Borders become useless and just lines in the imagination of several people. The world is too much exiting and interesting place to discover. In this App the traveler should have opportunity to choose city or county where he wants to receive services and also there should be opportunity to plan the whole travel with all required services from A to Z in just two or three clicks. This new App should give a possibility to buy any goods and services that traveler need during the travel and at all because sometimes we have no time to prepare our bags or to plan properly our trip and of course forget things that we need and sometimes we just can lost pleasure from travelling because of this, this App should help to reduce stress that can be brought by fast or unwell preparations and your favorite things will always stay with you no matter where you will be or where you will go. In this App the traveler can find everything he needs in his trip from toothpaste to socks, the traveler can take just his phone and a credit card and start his trip. Through this App traveler can order and plan whole trip. The duty-free should have not only shops but also create special lounge rooms and whole even buildings for clients because there they should give such services like food, clothes, beauty services, relax services, services for kids and animals, such spaces should provide wide range of services and goods to their clients with different tastes, needs and opportunities. In the duty-free space clients should find all the goods they need for a good price because everyone should feel in this space comfortable and quality should be high for everyone. The duty-free lounge space should be divided in two parts usual part and VIP part. In the VIP part special clients can get everything they need no matter how interesting their requirements can be and in normal or usual part clients can buy services that can help to make their trip easier and more comfortable and also all the goods they can need or find useful for them.
A business man who travels from America to Italy makes stop in Berlin duty-free lounge space. He travels alone but in Berlin he discovered that his business trip will not be short like he thinks before and he wants to show Italy to his family and end his business trip like a family holidays. He makes order through the App, he orders a house for him and family, buy tickets for the family in both directions and his family receive tickets to Italy on time because qualified delivery always make your life an easy one. The business man orders rooms for the family during their stop in Berlin for several days, why not, the city is really nice and interesting to see, also he orders whole package for family transfer and his family has no worries and just enjoy their time together. He plans and orders all the time in Italy like food, clothes, sights, nanny for kids and pets because they want to spend time with his wife and take her to unforgettable date. The date things and services like romantic sweet things are a special offer that duty-free App can give. Why we should want the whole year to make just one day a special one? Life is too short to spend it for dull days so grab it and make your journey an unforgettable one. The business man knows the value of time and he works to color his family life with bright colors. The App offer everything from little card to several days in best spa centres for couple. We know that this is love from little things that make the whole picture. Through the App the businessman order several cars for different occasions and meetings, he loves good cars.
A student girl travels from England to America and makes stop in Italy for a day or two to see the entire city Rome. This is her first visit to this great and beautiful country and she is really enthusiastic about her trip and wants to starts it but she has no idea where she should go first and how to see all that she wants to see and where she can find nice presents and goods for her and family. She gets some money from her family for the trip. It was her birthday not so long time ago. She wants to start it as fast as she only can but where is the start point and what she can do to get everything she wants? She downloads the duty-free App on her smart-phone and surf through it. She found little but nice flat in the centre of Rome for her, she downloads places she wants to see and the App makes the road trip for her to see all that she wants and also find nice restaurants, bars and shops on this road for her to buy all that she needs and wants to find. She falls in love with this beautiful and amazing, warm and friendly country and takes to America not only memories but also presents and goods, she gets everything she wants. Live this moment because this moment is your life.
The menu structure should look like this: it should offer possibility to download the App or to delete, reinsert it, there the clients can find VIP menu + Special offers and moving from this the person should be suggested with offer menu where can find such opportunities like: Goods (food, drinks, clothes, shoes, pretty little things (jewelleries, bijouterie, goods for hair, makeup, manicure), crockery and dishes, goods for kids and animals), Services (beauty salon, work services (space for conferences, work spaces), special services like VIP services, romantic offers, massage and SPA services), Nanny for kids and animals. From this menu the client should be suggested with the second part that is offers and prices where the client can find: Space for living (flats, houses, rooms), Tours (sights, informative, business, exotic tours), Make order / cancel order, Price list, Payment (App should offer different ways for making payment).
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