Bodner, E. (2009). On the origins of ageing among older and younger adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(6), 1003.
This review presents an elaborate debate regarding the development and impacts of aging. Initially, the review creates a distinction between aging population and aging individuals by citing the different impacts that the two categories have on the society or the individual homesteads. Besides, it conducts a systematic search of literary sources regarding social and psychological sources of aging among both younger and older adults. As a result of these findings, the author suggests that there is a critical dissociation regarding the link between old age and death among young adults which can be realized through interchanging of concepts of old age and death. Regarding the older adults, the source recommends improving self-worth through encouraging social contacts where older adults offer a significant contribution towards younger adults that weakens impacts of age stereotypes mainly, those created via TV programs and, therefore, enlightens middle-aged persons to live healthy lives during their old ages. This is critical in defining the nature and attributes of aging population and aging individuals.
Bowling, A. (2007). Honour your father and mother: Ageing in medicine. The British Journal of General Practice, 57(538), 347.
This resource focuses on the perspective of medical decisions that may be based on age. According to the author argues that rise in longevity, the effective accomplishment of medical interventions regarding aging people, which is a renowned clinical practice leads to a mutually confronted end thus, denying the objective basing of the medical decision on age. For instance, Bowling, the author seeks to know why the attainment of age 65 years and above is considered a risk factor for complicated forms of influenza is making a vaccination to be offered to this group of aged persons. The author, therefore, underscores the essence of basing medical decisions on age which could otherwise be a form of discrimination.
Butler, R. N. (1980). Ageing: A foreword. Journal of Social Issues, 36(2), 8-11.
An early article from the man who first coined the term ageing and defined it as a disease.
The article challenges practitioners, scientists, medical professionals and policy makers to intervene in matters about the mechanism of combating ageing. In this article, the author begins by ascribing his note to ageing as a disease by specifying some of its manifestation perspectives. The authors position is that the most basic approach to ageing is knowledge which serves as a remedy to many erroneous but largely held misconceptions. As a result, this source concludes that minor rehearsals based on special interest intervention such as supporting older individuals in adopting a sense of mastery as well as the recognition of individuals as to constitute an essential market and potential players in the productive half of the society. This source, therefore, creates a clear distinction between the ultimate roles of aging population and aging individuals in the society. This puts in mind challenges linked to aging people or aging population when the latter characterize a countrys demographic structure.
Cottle, N. R., & Glover, R. J. (2007). Combating ageing: Change in student knowledge and attitudes regarding aging. Educational Gerontology, 33(6), 501-512.
The study explores effects of lifespan courses in instigating a positive change of knowledge and attitudes among aging undergraduate scholars. This category of the aging group is one of the renowned ageing individual categories that this study associates with. The author questions the different approaches in which students describe age limit between childhood and adulthood. Different individuals within a common peer circle consider the aging point at different perspectives. The findings of this study showed positive implication in both attitudes and knowledge, although attitudes in isolation effectively envisaged perceptions towards old age. In this regard, this study provides a critical understanding of ageing as an important determiner of individual attitudes and behaviors towards aging group or individuals.
Coudin, G., & Alexopoulos, T. (2010). Help me! Im old! How negative aging stereotypes create dependency among older adults. Aging & Mental Health,14(5), 516-523.
The study above explored some effects of aging stereotypes based on self-inflicted loneliness, subjective health as well as health seeking attitudes among others, based on a small sample from France involving aged adults. It has been predicted earlier that negative stereotypes resulted in low levels of risk-taking, extraversion, and subjective health by feeling loneliness and adopting help-seeking attitudes. This study aimed at demonstrating some detrimental implication associated with ageing stereotyping on older adults based on the victims self-evaluation and conducts hence, resulting to explanations of intricate impacts of social environments that raise dependency levels. This source, therefore, creates important insights to social implications of aging population as well as individuals in the society at large.
Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council. (2011). Vision for an age-friendly Edmonton: Action plan, Spring 2011. Edmonton: Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council.
This source is a product of extensive community consultation involving senior staffs and their respective caregivers among other key stakeholders involved in caring for ageing individuals. The foundation of this source is the principle of seniors taking an active role in executing actions necessary in meeting institutional goals of promoting social responsibilities regarding the ageing population through mechanisms such as social inclusion, transportation of ageing individuals and civic participation in the society.
Emlet, C. A. (2006). You're awfully old to have this disease: Experiences of stigma and ageing in adults 50 years and older living with HIV/AIDS. The Gerontologist, 46(6), 781-790.
This study showed that majority of adults aged above 50 years living with HIV&AIDS have been experiencing both ageing and other stigma associated with the infection. However, the study created a differential framework where the most hit entities entailed aging individuals as opposed to the aging population with shared traits of HIV infections. Besides, this source asserts that aging individuals have been subject to three broad categories of discontent namely; social discrimination, anticipatory stigma, and institutional level discrimination. These forms of discrimination are critical in generating a sense of disintegration in the community. The source, however, proposes the conceptual framework of double jeopardy in instituting effective intervention strategies. This scenario also presents some of the social implications of aging on aging individuals.
Fisher, B. S., & Regan, S. L. (2006). The extent and frequency of abuse in the lives of older women and their relationship with health outcomes. Gerontologist, 46(2), 200-209.
The scope of this study was to understand the levels of different categories of abuses such as repeated and multiple perspectives among women aged above 60 years. Besides, it analyzes the impacts of womens individual-reported health. Virtually, 50 percent of women involved in this study had encountered at least one incidence of abuse, such as intimidation, a sexual or psychological issue since turning 55 years. The category of abused aged women was also susceptible to contacting other health-related complications relative to their none-abused peers. This study, therefore, creates a social connect between individuals aging population and susceptibility to abuse and eventual contraction of health complication. In particular, women who had been associated with past experience of psychological abuse or repeated abuse also reported higher odds of succumbing joint or bone problems, depression or other forms of health challenges resulting from the abuse. These aspects are critical social implications that are indirectly linked to ageing individuals and may be highly prevalent in an ageing population.
Gallagher, E. & Mallhi, A. (2010). Age-friendly British Columbia: Lessons learned from October 1, 2007 to September 20, 2010. British Columbia: Seniors Healthy Living Secretariat.
This resource is an array of evaluation of Age-Friendly British Columbia purposed to promote activities and autonomy of ageing groups living in the British Columbia hence, promoting their entire quality of lives. The main goal of this study, therefore, is to identify factors relevant to the successful execution of the mandate of the AFBC as well as areas that are aimed at benefiting from such improvement in enhanced social lifestyles for the ageing individuals. This resource also prescribes future recommendations to the sustainable execution of the initiative towards enhancing care for the ageing population. Some of the proposed mechanism towards enhancing treatment of ageing individuals include training and communication mechanism, particularly for the young generation.
Gibson, J. W., Jones, J. P., Cella, J., Clark, C., Epstein, A., & Haselberger, J. (2010). Ageing and the Baby Boomers: Issues, challenges and the TEAM approach. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(1), 53-60.
This paper provides a critical analysis of social issues and implications of aging with a review of the generation of Baby Boomer within Corporate America. Ageing perception towards older employees, in this case, is examined alongside other forms of prejudice on the Boomers in particular. This study particularly proposes a TEAM methodology in combating ageing within the workplaces. One of the proposed strategies, in this case, includes the adoption of intergenerational teams, training, and the creation of widespread awareness and accommodation of others including the aged individuals as the main components of the strategic resolves for ageing. The consideration of these elements is critical to defining social effects of aging individuals in the society besides eliminating threats associated with negative stereotypes of aging.
Gullette, M. M. (2011). Agewise: Fighting the new ageing in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
According to the Author, most of the dreaded aspect of aging involved the stereotypes surrounding aging population or individuals commonly referred to as ageing. In his analysis, Gullette states that ageing drives dissatisfaction among individual, their bodies, and achievements besides making them fall prey of marketers selling illusions geared towards institutionalizing youthful perfection. The author also argues that ageing based on both aging individuals and aging population results into societal discounts while at the same time discarding individual wisdom and experiences acquired during adulthood. This resource, therefore, creates a social connect between the influence of ageing on both adults.
Hummert, M. L., Shaner, J. L., Garstka, T. A. & Henry, C. (1998). Communication with older adults: The influence of age stereotypes, context and communicator age. Human Communication Research, 25(1), 124-151.
This study demonstrated that adults have a higher propensity to manipulate patronizing conversations with elderly goals that fit negative stereotypes relative to positive stereotype. Besides, the extents and perspectives of patronizing talks to targets as deduced from this study was leveraged by context where the target is presented as well as the actual age of communicator or presenter. The quantity of patronizing messages to those fitting positive targets increased considerably inside the hospital. Ac...
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