Crisis management is an essential part of the activities of an organization. The risks associated with disasters affect the performance of firms and limits the capacity to achieve the set objectives. It is necessary to strategize how to handle any possible risk and build a sustainable culture that will encourage organizational growth and development. Communication, response, and post-crises restructuring plans are crucial for the effective leadership and performance. This excerpt responds to some critical questions related to leadership and crisis management.
The presence of a leader is vital during a crisis. The subordinate may find it difficult to formulate and implement the instant decision as well as adhering within the designated frameworks; however, the leader assist is supporting the anxious and overzealous employees (Bowman, 2015). The extreme cases of the effects associated with the crisis in an organization require the manager to take an initiative of moral support and professional assistance to coordinate with the workers when mitigating the risks. For example, the student leaders in the University have played critical roles during the crisis associated with student grievances. The presence of the representatives has assisted the students to seek acceptable avenues when solving their problems. The collaboration of the leaders and the school administration to address a problem has reduced the cases of student engagements. Moreover, creating a response plan before the occurrence of any crisis is a significant undertaking for organizations seeking to create a sustainable operational environment (Racer & Johnson, 2001). The planning process ensures that the risks associated with the crises are controlled to minimize the impacts. To some extent, a response plan reveals the shortcomings of the firm and solving such challenges could prevent some crisis from taking place. Besides, a response plan reduces the costs and losses during a crisis, keeps the leadership vigilant, and reduces consequences of accidents.
Furthermore, a leader seeking to improve his/her communication skills for effective crisis management should first understand the organizations communication strategy. It is also essential to know how to gather and how to evaluate formation related to a particular crisis. The leader should familiarize with the crisis communication team, methods, and media. Having the right skills and experience can be improved through training to enhance the effectiveness of the leaders communication capacity (Racer & Johnson, 2001). Moreover, it is important as a leader to design a system that will assist in notifying correspondents and monitoring the processes. Nevertheless, an organizational culture that encourages employees to view mistakes and problems as avenues of improvement enables the subordinate to grow and develop their competencies through experience. Taking mistakes as a chance to blame and punish employees demoralize their ambitions and affect the level of commitment to duty (Harteis, Bauer, & Gruber, 2008). However, such a culture should not be taken as an opportunity for negligence and laxity on the line of duty or abolish accountability within an organization. For example, the leaders should assist their followers to embrace effectiveness through appraisal and evaluation of their performance, which will reveal the shortcoming of each worker with several recommendations for improvement.
In conclusion, planning how to handle crises is essential for the organization since it enables the management to control the magnitude of the associated impacts. The leaders should ensure that the communication strategy and competencies assist in managing the existing. Moreover, their physical presence is critical in ensuring that the process is efficient. When the mistakes and problems in an organization are viewed as avenues for change and effectiveness, then the firm is bound to grow and develop.
Bowman, J. (2015). Professional presence makes the difference. Leader to Leader, 2015(76), 2126.
Harteis, C., Bauer, J., & Gruber, H. (2008). The culture of learning from mistakes: How employees handle mistakes in everyday work. International Journal of Educational Research, 47(4), 223231.
Racer, B. M., & Johnson, D. I. (2001). A consumers view of crisis communication: Can an organization benefit from having a response plan? Communication Research Reports, 18(4), 384390.
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