The study involves interviewing of one young graduated nurse who had just completed her studies and joined healthcare sector. The discussion examined various issues associate with the successful transition from young graduate nurses into practicing registered nurse (Fujii, 2014). The respondent argues that young graduated nurses find a stressful time to fit into different social groups, hostility, delegation, as well as patient-centered care. However, defendant explained that with appropriate education, support, along with guidance on transition many nurses would find it easy to adapt to the working environment. The proper transitioning process can aid in developing better staff and patient satisfaction. Interviewee argues that the development of appropriate policies at the workplace can result in lower turnover rates. From the views of the respondent, intermediary passage through the adjustment year for nurses is both complicated and stressful. There is the need for graduate nurses to socialize into the perspective of nursing preparation for them to develop into responsible for activities within the hospital, caring for patients, interrelate with other health experts while they advance their clinical knowledge. The respondent also argues that many healthcare sectors should be able to provide young graduates with a Graduate Year Programs that can aid new graduate nurses to incorporate into their new tasks along with the working environment (Takase et al., 2014). It is evident that, although nurse culture being in the educational sector for an extended period, ideas of preparation of young graduate nurses still seems unable to decrease realism shock as well as relieve shift for graduates into their operational career.
From the interview, it is evident that young graduates nurses always go in the labor force and find that they have skills for nursing or self-reliance that can help them to steer what has turn into the incredibly active and influential medical environment. In most cases, health sectors are burden by increasing levels of patient perception and work for nurses. The active along with strong shifting understanding for young graduate nurses should motivate learning along with overhaul institutions to offer foundation education. The preparatory education for nurses have to focus on development, extended, planned course, continued, and mentoring courses that connect superior prospect of students of expert work life with the truth of service (Cowin & Hengstberger-Sim, 2016). Additionally, from analysis of views of the respondent, there is adequate hesitation in the effectiveness of proper evolution plans to explore possible alternative like attention on the progress of the kind exercise of healthcare society favorable to education. Therefore, mode of education sector appropriate for nurses is probable to be one that will also assist the unrelenting growth along with improved job pleasure of the treatment group. Graduate nurse attrition continues to be a growing phenomenon within the health sector of decreasing number of nurses that can have the high transitioning process to practice nursing activities (Brandeburg, 2014). The present interview has established the adjustments in nurse self-idea all through the intermediary year by offering directions for the further survey to discover retention of personal ideas to plans for retaining nurses to health sector practices.
The respondent said that the newly young graduated nurses joining the labor force seem to discover that they want neither the exercise experiences nor much-needed self-assurance. Therefore, there is a need to investigate what has turn into the incredibly active and influential medical environment for an extended period. According to Valdez (2012), a clinical environment has received burden by escalating levels of parent faculty along with workload of nursing. From the opinion of the respondent, there is a need to look at the mature aspects of the new nurses experience during the transition into acute care. Besides, some common sense in health sector commands that various outline of sustainability for young graduated caregivers in the first era of healthcare segment is necessary. A variety of proper and casual programs accessible intends to improve the assurance and capability of recent alumnae to improve expert adjustments while enhancing preservation in the nursing working environment (Brandeburg, 2014). The challenging factor occurs when developments of transitional practices are efficient in attaining the set objective. The development follows a valid as the constant phase of training the authentic and inspiring clinical setting. Therefore, this paper examines the views of a young graduated nurse on challenging issues they face in the clinical settings about transitioning graduate practices. It will also explain some of the strategies that a graduate nurse proposed that can be significant to manage the challenging issues such as clinical issues, interpersonal issues, together with professional issues.
Challenges faced by young graduated nurse
The difficult issues that young graduated nurse in the clinical setting as proposed by the respondent during transitioning graduate practices are classifiable as clinical issues, interpersonal issues, and professional issues. According to the defendant, challenges need proper strategies to overcome patient-centred care by making nurses aware of deficits in standards of care (Rush et al., 2013). Many institutions dealing with healthcare that offer graduate nurse programs assist them in the process of transition from learners to professional nurse. Graduate nurses report that they encounter several challenges in dealing with clinical practices in the workplaces and interaction with patients, instructors, along with departments of healthcare personnel. The respondent argues that the mist interactions they make with their managers and treatments during recruit process to affect their clinical learning environment. According to the report by Kaluz (2014), some of the challenging factors that influence transition of graduate practices emerge from the themes of ineffective communication, inadequate readiness, and emotional reactions among the young graduated nurses. Additionally, respondent said that as a young graduate nurse, they face some challenging issue on their journey to becoming experienced nurses in healthcare settings (Ostini & Bonner, 2012). Wherever they receive their education and training in private schools or government schools, whether in classrooms or hospitals, they are pluggable by difficulties in transitioning into graduate practice. Some of the challenges include;-.
Clinical issue
The respondent argues that clinical setting expects them to take charge of the nursing team. However, need to make the nursing team represents the challenge for the newly graduated to transitioning graduate practice (Brandeburg, 2014). Respondent laments that the need to be a team leader involves the activities of conquering the injustice of possessing limited skills and being immature in the profession. Therefore, ideas that requires the young nurses to capture that integrity of team in roles of transformations for qualified nurses who operate as technicians in the field of nursing and assume a greater spot than their earlier contemporaries is a challenging factor. The respondent said that there is the need for the young graduated nurses to overcome breaches in learning particularly in relation towards administration along with team leadership aspects to adapt well to healthcare sectors. From the information presented by respondent, challenges in clinical issue converged in need to create the appropriate association with the labor group in health care settings. Besides, lack of confidence during the initial stages of employment in their work affects the transition according to the respondent. The adverse effect arises if graduate practices in clinical settings are complete by nurses who are not preparable for activities (Foley, 2013). Therefore, data collected during interviewing process shows that gaining confidence together with credibility among the young graduated nurse demands current efforts, patients, ability, and dedications towards practicing different nursing activities.
Insecurity issues became one of the greatest challenges during the transition as reported by the respondent (Ostini & Bonner, 2012). The dangers problems in the clinical setting that occur from the management make it difficult for young graduated nurses to express their views on factors that affect their operations. The insecurity issues lead to difficulties in the management of transition process as reported by the interviewee. The problem remains to be the primary basis of disagreement within the health sector and when interacting with some group associates making the transition of new nurses to be tough. According to the young graduate responding to interview questions, conflicts can result in the insecurity that takes charge of several responsibilities. The instability can also lead to evidencing disequilibrium amid the complication of their specific actions along with their training for different practices (Lau and O'Rourke Receive 2016 Study of the Earth's Deep Interior Focus Group Graduate Research Award, 2016). The situation presented by conflict according to respondent always lead to the instance of disturbance that interferes in the occupation of young graduate nurses to achieve their leadership roles in health care sectors. According to Ostini & Bonner (2012), perception formed by the different management of healthcare industry that newly graduated are insufficiently ready in taking arraign of nursing panel remain to be a challenging factor towards transition of graduates into their practices.
Professional issue
Respondent reported that challenge that comes from professional issue results from the competency and technical skill. The problem that relates to ability along with technical expertise comprises of both the specified of care of specificity of attention in specialty areas as well as generic skills in day-to-day nursing practice (Phillips et al., 2014). These methods need to have resulted from the acquisition during academic education. Defendant viewed that, inappropriate knowledge and understanding among young graduate nurses on how to deal with patients during the examination, nursing consultation, and in considering the appropriate procedure to along with open base required for creating the decision on prescribing treatment and drugs remain to be a challenging factor that affects the transition of such nurses. Lack of adequate skills among nurses is a major challenge during development process into graduate practices according to the responder. Lack of knowledge makes them have difficulties in the clinical setting about transitioning graduate practices in health sectors (Lau and O'Rourke Receive 2016 Study of the Earth's Deep Interior Focus Group Graduate Research Award, 2016). Another challenge that came out during the interview shows that nurses with the lack of competencies to expand various vital healthcare actions result due to the need of capability along with research for specific practices. Ortiz (2016) report that young graduated nurse sometimes can feel to be vulnerable by believing that they merit disapproval they get when they get a chance to serve patients in healthcare sectors. Therefore, young graduate whom respondent to the survey laments that all nurses need to work on ways of overcoming these challenges that affect their transitions into graduate practices in most cases. They can seek support from the experienced nurses in the workplace or nursing leaders within the workplace.
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