The equal student's uniform is administered in many schools. Is it good or bad? Is uniform a means of maintaining discipline or abuse a free person? Let's try to look at the problem from two sides and to find an acceptable solution. But first answer why do we need school uniform.
Surprisingly, almost half of those polled said that the decision should be made at the state level. But the question of whether to have a uniform or not, more and more often generates heated debate. In many countries, students of elite schools wear single uniform. More than a half of citizens who have children of the school age, they want schoolchildren across the country dressed alike. In particular, they believe that the school uniform discipline them, makes it possible to realize themselves as students and members of the team. Many believe that this will help to avoid social differences, equalize children from rich and poor families. Others, remembering themselves in their school years, argue that the uniform helps to tune to work and children will pay more attention to their studies.
But there were a lot of those who opposed the return to the old traditions. According to them, children have the right anywhere openly show their preferences in clothing and school uniform was yesterday, we have to move further. However, there were among them, and those who are simply afraid that the uniform of the child is too expensive, and so, in this case, they can put on simply what they have and what do they want.
The most ardent supporters of the introduction of school uniforms were the heads of educational institutions and teachers. For the majority of students, it is very important to have freedom of choice, expression of "his or her identity." Therefore, the most appropriate option is considered to be flexible choice of the school uniform with a variety of colours and styles.
The biggest European country, where a school uniform is adopted, is The United Kingdom. In many of its former colonies uniform has not been canceled, even after accepting of independence, such as India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.
In France, there was a school uniform from 1927 to 1968. In Poland - until 1988.
In Germany, there is no single school uniform, although there is a debate about its introduction. In some schools, students can participate in the development of the school clothes. Tellingly, even in the days of the Third Reich's students did not have a single uniform.
In the US and Canada school uniform is introduced in many private schools. In public schools, there is no single form, although in some of them there are rules of wearing (dress code).
In Cuba, the form is mandatory for all schools and higher education institutions.
For the majority of middle and high schools in Japan school uniform is considered as a mandatory. Each school has its own, but in fact there are not so much options. For boys, it's usually a white shirt and dark jacket and pants, for girls - white shirt, dark jacket and skirt or sailor fuku - "sailor suit". To the uniform also generally refers tote bag or briefcase. Pupils of the primary school are usually dressed in the usual baby clothes.
Child psychology experts and I believe that the school uniform still has more advantages than disadvantages. First, the standard of clothing brings a sense of belonging to the school and pride for it. If your school does not have a single uniform for everybody, for example, each class, teachers, parents and children themselves choose what students have to wear - this situation is also easy to wrap in their favor. Let your students be proud to belong to the class and the fact that they wear a special uniform.
The second, in my opinion, definite plus in school uniforms is that it mitigates the visible signs of social stratification among children and adolescents, although, of course, no one uniform cannot cover this difference. There are shoes, cosmetics and perfumes, jewelry, mobile phones and so on. And the children from the more affluent families will always find a way to emphasize their social status.
Another school uniforms plus is its disciplining effect. The child from the school will get used to wear uniform to the place and by the time. Whichever the design comes up with designers for the school uniforms, in any case it will be strict and business, not admitting liberties and which does not distract students from their main employment - the study of the school curriculum. Children need to get used to the fact that the suit it is something more than just clothing. This is a means of communication. The way you look, depends on how you will communicate with the surrounding.
In schools where there is no single uniform, the teachers have to make more effort to maintain discipline and control of the calling behavior of individual students.
The current youth fashion often scares: the combination of bright flashy colors, naked waist, jeans, tight to the limit. Girls wear mini-skirts and pants at the hips, out of which certainly underwear is seen, boys walking with untied laces on sneakers.
Now lets turn to the doctors opinion. Lumbosacral region and lower abdomen are areas where nerves and blood vessels that ensure the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, reproductive system organs, the spinal cord are concentrated. Prolonged hypothermia of them leads to irritation of nerve endings and blood vessels spasm.
Impaired blood flow simultaneously with hypothermia is a powerful stress factor for the organism as a whole. If you wear tight clothing, especially jeans, there is a sharp deterioration of blood flow in the pelvic area, the difficulty of venous and lymphatic drainage. As a consequence - the stagnation of blood in the pelvis, disruption of the normal functioning of the reproductive system organs, bladder, intestines. Thus, the child's clothes should be first of all safe for health.
Of course, first-graders do not attend school with bare navels, but in the same way their school uniform does not cause negative emotions. On the contrary, they cannot wait for the day when they will have to wear it. Therefore, by the time they become teenagers, wearing business clothes will be a stable habit.
The main arguments of the opponents of the single clothes for school is elementary the reluctance of children to wear it that inevitably will cause the "loss of identity". No matter how good the design of clothes is, there will never be situation when everybody would like uniform that is completely alike. And for the child, especially for a teenager wearing clothes that he or she do not like is a very serious stress and we should never forget this.
A high school student at this age is a lump of internal contradictions. And if he is not allowed to express himself at least in the clothes, it leads either to outrageous behavior or to oppression. The student needs to have respect for the self, and the choice of the style of clothing for students coming from such respect. Maintaining the school culture style of dress, the teacher must show what is appropriate to wear in the classroom and what is not. And, perhaps, in this case, the teenager would not behave provocatively. A teacher, using his clothes, for example, a tie, a scarf or a brooch to match the costume of children, thereby would emphasize his respect to the children and to the whole-school culture.
Today's manufacturers offer a fairly wide variety of styles in the various collections of school uniforms. If you agree with the parents on a certain color scheme, then proposed some models, you can choose something to your taste and size. For example, for girls there can be two or three skirts, and some companies can offer you from five to seven styles, several options sundresses, vests (knitted and fabric), trousers and breeches, jackets are also available in the range. At the same time, many schools do not impose almost no restrictions on the blouses, and shirts, except that they do not have to have flashy colors or styles defiantly vulgar.
Many image-makers who develop school style, faced with the opinion that the school uniform is inconvenient and uncomfortable. But stylists insist that there is only an inconvenience at first, but when you get used to, comes a sense of style, because you will have to wear business suits in adult life regularly. In addition, to eliminate the feeling of discomfort, uniforms designers have developed a very beautiful and comfortable school uniforms: pleated skirts, jackets, tunics, blouses with lace cuffs and collar fashion, fleece vests, jackets with buttons and zippers.
At some schools there is so-called spare time. This is usually Friday or Saturday (depending on the length of the school week), when workload is minimal and the children are relaxed before the upcoming weekend. In those days, it is allowed to attend classes in any clothes. It gives students a sense of freedom and determined not much harm to the established routine of the school life.
There is an interesting fact that in Japan was released a jacket for students, equipped with built-in GPS satellite navigation system. It allows parents to track the location of the child through their personal computers. The system is an important addition: if the child is someone or something is threatened, it can send an alarm signal to the security service, simply by pressing the button.
Curiously, the attempt to increase the safety of schoolchildren electronically failed in the United States.
Another shortcoming associated with the introduction of school uniforms, concerns increasingly not children, but parents. It is an increase in the child's education costs, time costs associated with the purchase of the uniform.
Additional expenditure on clothing that the child would not wear in any place other than school, many families may consider essential. However, if the school organize tailoring for itself, in such a way when ordering a large batch at wholesale prices, it will be much cheaper.
On the other hand, if we consider that, instead of uniforms parents still have to buy some clothes for school, now costs no longer seem so big. Perhaps the idea that it is not casual wear, would help high school students to avoid many fights, climbing over the fence and would teach them how to protect your belongings.
The decision on the introduction of the school uniform is not contrary to the law. But if a student who comes to school wearing jeans, was denied the constitutional right to education, he may file a standard appeal to the prosecutor or court action officer, prejudice the legitimate interests and rights of citizens. However, in the private school to which parents conclude an agreement and undertake to comply with its statutes and comply with internal regulations, this situation is seen differently.
So, thats why, parents, who are against the wearing of school uniforms, have the right to bring the matter to the authorities of the intraschool government, but before the decision to abolish the uniform of wearing the same class are not entitled to withdraw from that prescribed by the charter of the school.
Another thing is when parents due to objective reasons (lack of money) cannot provide their children with a uniform. In this case, the school is obliged to create conditions to obtain a uniform for free or at a reduced price. Otherwise, the school would not have the right to insist on the mandatory wearing these clothes for children from such families.
High school students do not look like promiscuous mass, and some integrity, and is useful in the sense of aesthetics, and in terms of psychology - an additional point, rallying a group of the team, allowing to raise the so-called "corporate culture." For e...
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