Analyze and critique a quantitative nursing research article from a nursing research journal published within the past 3 to 5 years. Include 3 scholarly referencesthe article, the text, and one outside source. Use the University of Phoenix Material: Guidelines for Quantitative Nursing Research Critique to complete the following steps:
State the purpose of the study and identify the problem. The purpose of this study was to assess the amount of awareness and understanding of heart disease amongst female college students. Little is known about the awareness level of heart disease among female college students, even though studies have shown that in the past 10 years, heart disease has risen in women, and has become a prominent cause of death.
Analyze the literature review. The referenced articles cited were relevant to this study, and described previously studied background that related to heart disease related to women, and college students.
There are 24 references in total. At the time the article was written in 2010, all but one reference was in the past ten years. With 14 out of 24 being from the last five years. If we are analyzing off the current year 2016, then the majority of the referenced material is outdated. With only 9 of the 24 being within the past ten years and none of them within the past five.
Evidence from this study shows that more awareness and knowledge is needed on the risk of heart disease and strategies to better educate female college students, especially those from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Colleges and universities may provide the last opportunity to reach youth as a group with knowledge that positively affects their health and our nations future (Munoz, Etnyre, Adams, Herbers, Witte, Horlen, Baynton, Estrada, & Jones, 2010, p. 2259) .
Analyze the study framework or theoretical perspective. The study is based on the investigating the level of awareness in female college going populations. It is theorized that many college female students are not adequately equipped to deal with CVD in the event of infection either to them or to those under their care. Despite the rising number of heart disease incidences being reported, there isnt sufficient information being provided to one of the crucial sections of the population. Students are also seen to have risk factors such as course work loads that may at times cause stress whichs a risk factor.
The theoretical perspective thus gives the study a firm basis upon which the author finds that students fall in the risk of the particular disease of interest because of the above-given hypothesis. A clear and elaborate plan is given for the reasons why the authors think that this is the case.
Identify, describe, and critique for appropriateness any research objectives, questions, or hypothesis. The study sought to evaluate the level of awareness and perception of heart disease among female student populations. Furthermore it sought to understand the level of knowledge in identifying risk factors and how cardiovascular disease could be prevented. In light of other research findings that found out that over 15.4 million adults have heart disease and that little research had been done for female student populations its objectives and hypothesis were valid. Hence, a line of questioning that had this two factors will addressed would therefore give credible information and results.
The choice to evaluate knowledge levels among students was in line with the theoretical framework of the paper, as this was identified as one of the research problems. Furthermore, the problem on the information of women patients who have heart conditions became an area of concern, which was also dealt with in the research objectives.
Identify, describe, and critiqueconceptually and operationallythe major study variables. For this particular research the variables ranged from the ethnic grouping of the participants, their grade levels, their awareness perception and understanding of CVD and its risk factors as well as their insurance covers. Where the information those who were aware came from was also varying. These variables were sufficient in identifying the trends in line with heart ailments. This is because the authors identified as many social factors as possibly affecting this topic as possible in dealing with it.
Identify and critique the attributes and demographic variables. The study involved participants who were of between ages 18-64. Age was very adequately distributed for the purpose of this study.
Additionally these group was broken down via ethnicity, insurance types and grade levels. It also included marital status, exercise levels, awareness of their general well-being both physically and emotionally family history living situations and dependents as variables within the population. It was observed that out of the sample75.4 % was white.3%was black, 4.8% Hispanic, 5.7 % Asian, native Hawaiian and pacific islanders stood at 0.9%, American Indian was well at 5.9 % and mixed race stood at 4.8 percent. This represents a good selection of racial diversity, as well as other socio-economic factors.
Describe and critique the research design. The research design used in the study was sufficient to provide and present the data in both a logical and understandable way. The quantitative approach created a flow of information that was comprehensible.
The use of online questionnaires, and the use of the incentives for the participation provided sufficient motivation to the respondents to participate. This ensured that there would be as many respondents as possible for the study, since the quantitative approach requires the researcher to have data from as many respondents as possible. This allows the data to be more reliable.
Describe and critique the sample and setting. The respondents were taken from two campuses of the Oklahoma university. The mass email sent to female students on the campus ensured that the method was random. The sample, despite being predominantly white, was the result of a random approach and therefore represented the attitudes of the respondents at the time of the study.
Furthermore, the age distribution was evidence of the random approach used in the course of sample and setting.
Describe and critique the measurement instrument used in the study. Survey data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet for data cleaning and then moved to SPSS release 13.0 for analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentages, means, and standard deviations (SD). Chi-square statistics and odds ratios (OR) were computed to assess the association between knowledge of the leading cause of death or perception of the greatest health problem facing women today and gender, age group, class, or ethnicity. For the ethnicity variable comparisons, Caucasians were used as the reference category. The 95% condence interval (CI) was used, and the level of signicance for the study was setat0.05.ABonferronicorrectionwasusedforthechi-square analyses to control for type I error ination, p<0.007 (i.e., 0.05=7).
Describe and critique the procedures for data collection The survey collected data by sending voluntary twenty minutes survey to the respondents via email. Thus only respondents who did see the email got to know of the survey. The use of an incentive of movie tickets may not have appealed to some of the population and thus they wouldnt have taken up the survey based on this fact. However, the use of secondary data on other similarly aligned surveys on heart disease was sufficient and therefore made it possible to draw viable data for analysis in the survey.
Describe and critique the statistical analysis. The survey analyzed the data by using comparisons based on ethnicity, insurance and additionally grade levels. It used the chi square to represent categorical data with p being 0.5 while descriptive data used percentages, standard deviation and the mean. The use of charts and tables to make comparisons and view variations enables concise observation of the facts as obtained from the sample.
Describe and critique the researchers interpretation. The survey concluded that incorporation of heart disease awareness was vital in the learning of students in the campuses and learning institutions. This would include prevention strategies as well as continuous education. This construal as per the results is adequate. It addresses the issue of heart disease among female students adequately while also giving recommendations on how to improve the awareness level such as more health care professionals stepping in to educate their clients on CVD.
Munoz, L., Etnyre, A., Adams, M., Herbers, S., Witte, A>, Horlen, C., Baynton, S., Estrada, R., & Jones, M. (2010). Awareness of heart disease among female college students. Journal of Women's Health, 19(12), 2253-2259.
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