The success of most institutions is dependent on the continuity of its human resources. Whether in private or public institutions, the Human Resource Department is one of the core departments of organizations. As such, there should be a clear and acceptable method that ensures their happiness and comfort. Organizations must have proper mechanisms for the recruitment and retention of their employees (Klingner, Nalbandian, & Llorens, 2010). Additionally, they must be attractive to new staffs that are talented and competent enough to move the organization forward. Public service is an area where attracting a pool of talented recruits is tough. As such, the government must have policy guidelines and regulations that are not only appealing to the public, but also attractive to those talented young people looking for employment. Specifically, the recruitment and selection of new employees should be transparent, fair and professional. Specifically, their Human Resource Departments should base their recruitment on merit for the continuous success of public service (Klingner, Nalbandian, & Llorens, 2010). Government employers and human resource scholars have had an interest in defining the best ways that the top talent can be recruited and retained in organizations. Hiring is important in determining success; as recruitment and retention of the brightest almost guarantees success and continuity.
The attractiveness of the public service to future employees is dependent on how they treat the current employees. In this regard, the existing employees already have the experience that is necessary for the continuous success of public service. Additionally, they are accustomed to the culture, mission and vision of the public service department. It is, therefore, the role of the human resource department to ensure that the experienced and revered employees are not poached by the private sector. As such, the human resource department in public service must have a competitive edge regarding their methods of promotion, reward, and motivation. Specifically, they must have motivation mechanisms that are better than those offered by their competitors (Lewis & Frank, 2002). The rewards that they give must be commensurate with the work executed by their employees. Indeed, the fairness of their promotion methods should not in doubt. This paper will evaluate the various ways that the government can attract and retain the best and brightest talent. Specifically, the paper will focus on the best strategies for the successful recruitment and selection; promotion; reward and motivation; diversity management in the workplace.
Attracting and Retaining the Best Talent
Employees who possess those extraordinary skills are always in demand by organizations. Maintaining them is, therefore, a task that requires the commitment of the organization. In this regard, the government has the resources for attracting the best talent. However, their unwillingness to provide the healthy working environment for the talented employees makes the government lose the bright to the private sector. The top skills will always look for those organizations that offer them an opportunity for growth and development of their career. Additionally, they will only accept that entity that will pay them the value of their work. The commensurate nature of the work was done and the remuneration offered is one area that the government fails drastically in addressing. Retention of the best talent ensures continuity and prosperity in the organization. However, retaining the best is costly, as t requires a healthy working environment that encompasses good pay, promotion, motivation, and remuneration.
Strategies For the For Successful Recruitment and Selection
A successful recruitment, selection, and retention method must be guided by certain criteria. Specifically, a body of clear policies and guidelines, accountability and a sense of shared responsibility must inform it Grissom, 2012). More importantly, professionals who have a succinct understanding of the mission and vision of the government entity must drive the process. Additionally, the professionals must possess the capacity to tap and deliver the best tales that exist in the market. The government can utilize several methods in their recruitment, selection and retention. According to Grissom (2012), the following methods are the best for the successful process of selection and recruitment.
Recruitment Targets
To obtain the best talent in the market, the government should make use of various institutions. In this regard, it should utilize universities and other professional bodies. Different schools are known for the production of the best minds in the society. As such, the government should ensure that it cooperates with those universities so that the students who complete their studies with exceptional performances can be directly employed in public. Professional bodies are tasked with ensuring that their relevant professionals have the right certificates and qualifications before they enter the job market. Collaborating with them will help the government know and employ only the qualified professionals.
Use of Assessment Centers, Testing/Examinations
For the government to obtain the best talent, it ought to collaborate with the psychometric centers. These institutions assess the mental capabilities of individuals using scientific methods. Such organizations can establish the capacity of individuals as well as the behavioral styles. As such, they can provide the government with very vital information, which can lead to informed decisions on the type of candidates that it will employ. Tests and examinations are meant to measure the ability of the candidates to respond to various situations when they arise. As such, the government should apply this strategy to sieve the best candidates from the rest.
Use of Technology
The means of communication today have shifted from face to face to the use of social media. Embracing technology is a critical tool for government institutions. As such, it is incumbent upon the government to advertise their vacancies on social media sites where every interested candidate will have an opportunity to take an application. The use of other traditional methods of advertising might not tap the best, as there has been a communication shift since the era of digital revolution.
Direct Head Hunting
Particular professionals are proven to have turned the fortunes of several organizations. As such, the government can directly recruit such individuals whose competence, professionalism and talent have been confirmed elsewhere. Additionally, the government can look for specific people who they feel that they can best fill a particular vacancy. This way, only the best professionals will get an opportunity to work for the government.
Promotion is the movement of an employee from one job position to another with a higher job satisfaction. In this regard, promotion mostly comes with greater responsibility and better remuneration. Just like recruitment and selection, promotion should be based on policies. Specifically, it should be defined by the past performance of individuals as well as merit. The government should ensure that promotion in their institutions is not based on favoritism rather on clearly defined policies. The mistake the government institutions do is promoting individual employees who do not deserve the promotion because of their professional inferiority and competence. The net effect of this is that other employee who feels that they deserved the promotion will not be contended. As such, they might want to revolt which will adversely affect public service. Promotions that are based on corruption are very detrimental to the success and continuous wellbeing of government institutions. The policies applied in the promotion should be not only fair but also equitable. More importantly, the promotion decisions of the human resource department should be openly communicated to the other employees. Most importantly, the promotion method should be consistent and not varied to suit a particular candidate. This way, all the staff will work hard so that they rise through the ranks.
Reward and Motivation
Job performance is significantly affected by the willingness of the employees to perform their duties. This desire is greatly affected by the rewards that they are given. Any exemplary work ought to be appreciated (Risher, 2002). In this regard, the government should follow particular guidelines on rewards and motivation mechanisms. Specifically, effective reward strategies should be based on the amount to pay, how to pay it, the benefits of offering rewards, and the means of constructing employee recognition programs. According to Risher (2002), any rewards and motivations offered should be fair and equitable; basing the rewards on favoritism has the effect of demoralizing other deserving employees. Additionally, the rewards should be based on the internal equity of the organization. This dictates for equal pay for equal work. Additionally, the competitiveness of the government pay compared to the rewards offered by the private sector should be considered.njust like promotions, the policies governing rewards and motivations should be based on fairness, equity and consistency.
Diversity Management in Workplace
In the workplace, there exist differences in race, culture religion, mental and physical abilities, among other factors. Diversity is the abilities that exists in other but which we do not have. In this regard, diversity in the workplace is the differences in work management capabilities. According to Pitts (2009), there are individuals in government institutions who are more prolific than others are in particular areas. As such, the government should beware of those diverse abilities and use them for the success of their institutions. Diversity should not be used as a ground for discrimination as every employee has a particular area that he/she is bests at (Pitts, 2009). Diversity ensures that the government institutions are enriched with different talents and abilities. Effective management of diversity is important as it ensures that the diverse abilities of the employee are maximized to achieve the goals of the governent institution.
To conclude, the success of government institutions is dependent on its capacity to attract and retain the brightest talent. However, this requires the commitment of the government to devising policies that are aimed at achieving that objective. In attracting the best, the government should make use of the socal media for advertisent and collaborate with universities so that they can tap the best talent. The process of recruitment and promotion should be fair, equitable, transparent and consistent. Additionally, te procvcess myuts be absed on merit and not favouristism. Rewrds and motivation should be guided by the competence and qualification of the employees. More importantly, the government should maximize on its divese abilities of its employees for effective delivery of services to the public.
Grissom, J. A. (2012). Revisiting the impact of participative decision making on public employee retention the moderating influence of effective managers. The American Review of Public Administration, 42(4), 400-418.
Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. (2010). Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies. (6th ed.). New York: NY: Routledge.
Lewis, G. B., & Frank, S. A. (2002). Who wants to work for the government?. Public administration review, 62(4), 395-404.Pitts, D. (2009). Diversity management, job satisfaction, and performance: Evidence from US federal agencies. Public Administration Review, 69(2), 328-338.
Risher, H....
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