Myth of Certainty

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The author aims at Christians who feel uncomfortable being in close minded skeptics of the religion. Christians have a lot of questions and doubts of what they were taught and raised to believe CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). Taylor addresses what is hidden, the most core of questions to the heart of all those critical thinkers who chose to believe in and follow Christ CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). Some Christians see the uncertainty complexity and diversity that Christianity suggests to them, and with this book Taylor aims at discussing these critical faith questions CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999).

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Taylor says that being reflective is mutually a sanctification and a curse, a possibility for power and weakness CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). It can tip correspondingly well towards certainty or error. He defines being reflective as the act of being fascinated by the complexity of things, and being sensitive to them, and of God, and of people CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). According to the author the character of being reflective can only be found as a hidden feeling within us that is truly what defines a person CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). So he brings this character of himself out in black and white so as to be able to explain and counter the myth of simplicity CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999).

Taylor as well goes ahead in his book to say that everyone desires reprieve from the possibly ceaseless cycle of affirmation, examination, qualification, counter-assertion, redefinition, extenuating complications, exceptions, hidden conjectures, emotional complexions, summary, and infinitum CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). By this, he can give the much-needed relief that comes from being of a certain commitment to actions, reinforced by their own besides the house of worships memory, by the society in which the meditative lives, as well as by plain persistence CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). I would advocate that respite is also obtainable through conviction and that there is naught erroneous with a devotion that acknowledges doubt CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). Furthermore, the thoughtful Christian can justifiably say that they undeniably don't know completely why, nevertheless I agree that it needs to be so. As the scriptural author finished in I John 4:12, no one has ever set eyes on God, but if we cherish and appreciate each other, God dwells in us and his commandment is made whole in us.

He is willing to prove that being of a doubtful religion is not forbidden CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). It is okay to have questions about what you believe in, as the Bible was not entirely written in the simplest of manner, and the reflective Christians emerge as the people with belief who are just there seeking questions of their doubts CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). Taylor says that Christ was also a reflective Christian because he always found importance in fulfilling the usage of the mind CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999). Jesus had misgivings in a lot of things like doubting the key elements of the Old Testament laws and interpretations if during his coming back he would be able to find confidence in the world CITATION Tay99 \l 1033 (Taylor, 1999).

In my views, Taylor manages to capture the attention of the young and old that are struggling with the issue of doubt and faith. Guys were struggling with the world of the churches and a lot of ideas that churches give to us. I agree that a lot of Christians check their brains at the door of the churches every Sunday and every other time they go to worship, worse the thing is that they forget to pick them out on their way out. Such makes a lot of Christians luck the spirit and mind of being inquisitive, being in that group of people who have faith but have questions in them.

As a critical reader, I find myself at odds with my surroundings in terms spiritual beliefs. I was in a great position of taking the author's word as those that were of major aim in raising controversies, but I did not. I took what he said about being doubtful as an okay feeling; I feel at piece with the hidden doubts that I have always had of my religion but was too are a lot afraid to ask them, too scared to speak my mind out. I find solace in the fact that there are a lot of guys out there thinking like I am. I am not confident that I know Gods desires regarding the specific political issues that we face as a believing people. Issues that are not mentioned in the bible but yet appear in our daily lives.

One of the most helpful insights in the book is the idea that commitment need not depend on certainty in knowledge. I have stated that I have a lot of doubts, and it is entirely okay because doubts do not in any way interfere with my commitment to Christ. The demand for absolute certainty as taught in traditional churches on the act of accepting what we get, where faith in God is concerned is not simply unreasonable; it weakens the valuable sense in life that we discover in risk and pledge in our lifetime with God.

The book is a thought-provoking read and is great for anyone that has a need of fueling his or her spiritual beliefs. He appeals to the booklovers spiritual side, giving the power of speech to many of the hindrances we share and assisting to make us feel less lonely; at the same time, he does not neglect the intellectual side, he provides us with a rational way of dealing with our questions. The author does not give easy answers like all the other authors out there instead he rises a discussion of the issues in not only clear but readable style. Mr. Taylor shares his journey of finding balance in religion with us which is very refreshing of religious books.

In conclusion, as his peers describe his work, Taylor is well appreciated and respected as an author. Additionally, he is considered to be ahead of time in belief and religion. On the other hand, if you have ever permitted yourself the freedom as well as honesty to confront your inner thoughts as well as feelings of your devotion, then you will probably say repeatedly while analyzing Taylors work, This man is in my head. How does he tell that I covertly marvel about these things? For people like this, The Myth of Certainty is the proverbial breath of oxygen. The insights he presents to readers not only helps them realize that it is normal to think how they do, in addition to assisting them answer some of the questions and mysteries that are associated with religion and spiritual beliefs. Thus, Myth of Certainty is a great source of knowledge and guidance to the weak in spiritual strength.


BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Taylor, D. (1999). The myth of certainty: the Reflective Christian & the risk of commitment. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

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