Leadership is the act of giving direction to the subject towards achieving a specified goal. Every group or organization has got leaders who have to apply leadership skills that would enable them to accomplish the objectives of the organizationorganisation (Mitchell & Casey 2007). Most organizations have failed to achieve their goals due to poor leadership that is never focused on the set goals. Leadership skills could either be learned or acquired naturally. There are those who are born leaders and those that are trained to become leaders (Adeniyi 2007). Leaders in an organizationorganisation are classified according to their areas of specializationspecialisation thus enables them to exercise their knowledge and skills for maximum production in the industry or organizationorganisation. Good leaders have the ability to manage emotionally and spiritually an organizationorganisation that would maintain peace and cohesion.
Question 1
This assignment addresses two questions. Question 1 is about leadership and question 2 looks at personal mastery Question 1
2.1 Question 1.1
Organisational challenge
Workers united in outrage against Eskom's drive-camerasLabour union has joined force to stop Eskom from continuing to install driver-cameras in its cars, aimed at protecting the vehicle and to curb road accidents. Labour union said workers were not happy about the development and there was now an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among them. People are being dismissed given written warnings, unpaid suspension for weeks and this and this has created an environment of fear and distress among our members. Even though the organization said the reason for the installation of the drive cameras was essentially to protect its employees when the go out to work and also protect the vehicles. As there were high numbers of accidents involving their drivers and they had to find a way of bringing them down. Eskom implemented this device without first having consulted the labour unions (NUM) at the appropriate level which is Central Consultative Forum in terms of Recognition Agreement as this matter has business-wide impact. Therefore, the implementation of this technology is viewed by the NUM as the great violation of workers constitutional rights to privacy and a waste of scares resources that the company has whilst Eskom pleads poverty and unable to sustain itself as a business. Leadership challengeEvery organizationorganisation has two primary interest to serve, the employees and the organizationorganisation itself. There are plans that the organizationorganisation puts in place to ensure it achieves its main objectives. The plans range from whowhom to do what and at what time the task should be taken, to ensure the organizationorganisation meets its goals. It employees in the organizationEmployees who clearly understand their individual gals-and how they relate to those of the organization, they naturally became engaged with their work. Once employees see how they Can make direct contribution to the companys success, they begin to focus on finding ways to work smarter and more efficiently. This boost employees productivity would naturally lead to increased operating margins and profitability for your company (,n.d.). On the other hand, if employees in the organisation have their objectives apart from just working for the organizationorganisation, they tend to be less productive due to high rate of absenteeism and turnover (Adeniyi 2007). Without achieving the primary goal of an organizationorganisation, there would havebe no otherwiseother altenative but to stop its operations. Therefore, the organizationorganisation leaders have to balance the interest of every department in the organizationorganisation for harmony. Leadership challenges within my organisation are:- Challenges within the organization Balancing the needs of the organizationorganisation and the needs of the employees
The greatest challenge that most leaders in the organizationorganisation usually face is the failure to recognizerecognise the need for every side of interest (Mitchell & Casey 2007). Leaders tend to focus on the one hand ignoring the demand of the other side, thus, it would be very difficult to produce effectively. To be effective leader, you must serve the need of your company and those of your employees. If the welfare of the employees in the organizationorganisation is ignored at the expense of more profit, they might decide to reduce their rate of production (Adeniyi 2007). The decision made by the radical workers would affect the primary agenda of the organizationorganisation if not addressed. Good leadership skills would ensure there is a balance between the two hence the employees could even sacrifice more.
Maintaining focus
Most of the individual workers in our organizationorganisation always want to control suggestion their leaders by making a suggestion on what they would want the leaders to decide on for the benefit of the company (Mitchell & Casey 2007). Each of them has his or her interest and not for the organizationorganisation. The leader, therefore, needs to focus on the set objectives of the organizationorganisation (Adeniyi 2007). The distractions that come from within the organizationorganisation should also not be ignored fully as some might be productive.
2.2 Question 1.2
There many styles of leaderships that are commonly exercised by many leaders in the organizationsorganisations. The organizationorganisation has got senior most leaders who makesmake the most critical decisions of the organizationorganisation. There are various departments that are head by departmental managers who are answerable to the top management. The leadership role is divided for every sector and every worker knows where to report any case that involves the company. Some leaders act as the peoples helper, their work is to tell people what to do in every step of production (Mitchell & Casey 2007). The leaders give the employees the clue on how major issues could be handled for a success.
The type of leadership could be one of the most productive leadership since the workers are left to exploit their talent in the production fully without limitations. They could only consult their leader in case there is a problem that they could not handle on their own. These leaders take their time and direct their subject appropriately (Adeniyi 2007). In a situation that the leaders who are expected to give directions have got no idea or are just ignorant of their job, it becomes tough for the organizationorganisation to achieve its main objectives. At Buyer UK, the organizationorganisation was faced with various management challenges that they could only be address if theychange was involved changes in the system of leadership.
The dominant leadership theory used at Buyers is, The great man leadership theory and Trait theory of leadershipThe great man leadership theory assumes that leaders are born and could only be recognized when a problem rises. The leaders could not be chosen to lead but are only identified when a problem arose in an organizationorganisation (Adeniyi 2007). Most of these leaders portray servant-like leadership where they do not exercise their authority to the subject. Most of the leaders in this category were very influential heroes and could be worshiped by the subject (Mitchell & Casey 2007).
The Trait theory of leadership
The theory states that leaders are either born or are trained to have traits that enable them to perform as leaders (Adeniyi 2007). The leaders who are never born leaders have to undergo leadership training to undergo leadership training for them to be leaders. Qualities such as a sense of responsibility, intelligence, creativity, and some other leadership values make one be identified as a leader (Mitchell & Casey 2007). These qualities could only be identified if individual mental, physical and social ability are keenly observed.
The organizationBayers leaders portrayed servant-like leadership style where the people that enjoy the company service became the boss. They served the customers and the employees with a lot of dignity, and they felt the effect of their service (Adeniyi 2007). The leaders had the authority and knowledge to exercise. They could not uphold the existence of the employees since the whole company could not be managed and perform effectively without the involvement of the employees (Mitchell & Casey 2007). Leaders become a servant of the people since they never exercise their authority to the subject but create a free environment for the workers.
The born leaders even if they are never appointed to be leaders in an organizationorganisation, they could still be very useful, and they give leaders easy time (Adeniyi 2007). They operate as leaders and could make vital decisions that help in tricky situations (Mitchell & Casey 2007). The theory of leader-servant could only work in a situation where there are loyal employees who are also well-organizedorganised and knows what they want in life. It would never be possible for leaders to behave like servants in a situation where. Power power is the most interesting part of management that. Great man theory could only. It acknowledge other peoples peoples perspectives, give them the support they need to meet their work and personal goals, involve them in political circumstances (Adeniyi 2007). Mostdecision where appropriate, and build a sense of the leadership skills are acquired through learning, may be in schools or experience with other within your team. This leads to high engagement, more trust and strong relationship with the team members and other stockholders. It can also lead to increased innovation. It has compromised the democratic leadership style used by managers in several departments within the company for example, saras department. Several leaders have similarities with transformational leadership, which is often the most effective style to use in business situation (mind tools editorial tea, n.d.). therefore, it is vital for Bayers not to only rely on the servant leadership style they should use this style of leadership alongside with transformational leadership, so that they would be able to develop an inspiring vision of future, motivate their employees to deliver the vision, manage its implementations and build an effective and stronger team. However, several leaders are problematic in my organization since it is hierarchical with autocratic culture, m...
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