Every success and development of a childs educational life are realized through a cohesive relationship between the school, families and the entire community. Their contribution is immensely contributed through the fundamental participation of every student to ultimately achieve the desired goal. This partnership is well established through every possible way that the school requires of its students. The community engagement in the schools outdoor activities such as forums for motivation is fundamental to every students educational success and personal well-being.
The authors; Francis, Haines, Gross J.M. S, Blue-Banning discusses that the partnership between families and schools is fundamental and helpful for every student. He studies through the use of the independent families as they are much closer to students. The basis of his understanding develops from the root which inflicts a students mind with a positive growth throughout their career life. He suggests that the performance of an individual student relates directly from the culture of its families. This culture will influence since it relates to the daily activities carried out in their homes. Schools who have a better relation with families will impact positively on the development of the student which will be realized through the achievements of the student. He relates a school as the center point which can also influence on the family relations towards the student. Through this argument, it is clear that the welfare of the student will be catered upon to achieve profound results.
Studies conducted by Francis, Blue-Banning and Turnbull has given support to family-school relationships. This provides an opportunity for family involvement in the school functions. It provides an authority for them to become leaders and promote the day to day functions of the school. Some activities which families get involved in at school include; participating in voluntary services, aiding the school necessary materials and attending academic groups in school events such as parent-education nights, international nights and back to school events which foster education for their children. The themes used in this relationship which included; administrative leadership, culture of inclusion by the school, family involvement and good students performance. Furthermore, their findings show that culture practiced in a school such as inclusive beliefs and values promoted a sense of respect and professional competence of the school management, teachers, students and their community. The authors saw this as a key development to foster commitment of the stakeholders to fulfill students needs.
Findings from S. Gross, Haines, J. M. S., is based on the community-school relationship at inclusive schools. Their findings support that the welfare of the students is attained from the mutual understanding of these two factors. Through a strong administrative leadership of inclusion which is realized through this partnership, there will be a mutual commitment, collaboration and effective communication that is attributed from the themes of the community and school relationship; a strong leadership from the school, commitment to student success, collaboration and communication between partners. The themes covered in their partnership promote a basis for a good guidance committed for a long term success of the students.
Elementary school years have a substantial effecting the early growth and development of a student in school. Family involvement is key during this stage of school life which is important for the nourishment of the mind of the childs mind towards a successful future. This is greatly realized through the involvement of family to nature their education even at homes. An Act of law No Child Left Behind Act looks to the establishment of the child early education by the closest body, which will be realized through key family processes.
Process of Parenting
It includes the values exercised to s child through the early stages of education. It includes; attitude of parent and values practiced in the family set up.
Home and school partnership
There should be a positive understanding from parents to the teachers and school management. They will greatly impact to the early education through playing roles in motivation, through helping with the childs classroom activities as well as other school activities.
Responsibility of learning
Development of learning skills in the elementary years of a child is essential. This will prepare the child to communicate well with his peers, and find solutions to problems
Epsteins Framework of Six Types of Parenting looks into the different roles of parenting by families in promoting educations for their children through various practices. Type One Parenting is keen to promote a required environment through which the childrens education at home can be attained. A family should put in place the most suitable conditions, especially in their childs early development which will determine the behavior and relations of the child within others. Parents can attain this through the use of their personal, educational knowledge for correction and guidance to their children. Families leaving nearby should also correlate together and promote study programs for their children. As of Type Two Parenting which deals with communication from home to school and vice versa, this level has a lot of practice that involves families and schools. They include attending educational forums by the parents, sending weekly or monthly report cards of students to parents. Though this can be effective, the challenges of communication by some parents may occur in educational forums.
The National PTA standard 2 relates communication as being the heart of every relationship in an organization. In this concept, communication which highlights the family-school, community-school, student-school is profound for the development of every student. It defines that families do not participate effectively in this communication in the variety of ways which the school may give out information; through newsletters, phone, messages or websites.
I agree with the mutual partnership of family, school and community for the well-being and development of the childs educational life. Through the many ways that we try to promote communication during this day, the challenges of a rise in technology have been seen since there have been less mothers staying at home who could have impacted positively through a proper school to home communication.
Henderson, A. T., & Mapp, K. L. (2002). A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement. Annual Synthesis 2002. National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools.
Epstein, J. L., & Sheldon, S. B. (2006). Moving forward: Ideas for research on school, family, and community partnerships. SAGE handbook for research in education: Engaging ideas and enriching inquiry, 117-138.
Bryan, J. (2005). Fostering educational resilience and achievement in urban schools through school-family-community partnerships. Professional School Counseling, 219-227.
National Research Council. (2003). Engaging schools: Fostering high school students' motivation to learn. National Academies Press.
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