What are the critical economic principles related to land use?
Land is a major source of capital in the business sector; however, the use of land should be carried out based on the consequences and implications. Land should not be used without assessing its effects on other potential uses. Some of the economic principles guiding the use of land include; intra-generational equity- land use should try to provide people with equal and higher financial compensation of property rights (Jensen & Everett). Land is a source of income and one of the major capital assets that a person or community can possess; therefore, it should be beneficial to the users and owners. Resource maintenance and efficiency is another economic principle related to land use. Land carries different types of natural resources such as oil and minerals. These resources are a major source of human survival and sustainability; however, the extraction of the natural resources should be sustainable to the residents and also to the environment as well. Land use should involve minimal wastage of natural resources and at the same time optimize the productivity. Promoting socio-ecological integrity is another principle related to land use. Land users should try to consider the socio-ecological effects of land use; therefore, while benefiting from the land, one should preserve the environmental and community values associated with the land. Most of the community and environmental values associated with land can be helpful in other sectors; for example, tourism sectors as they serve as tourist attraction sites. Providing livelihood sufficiency and opportunity is another principle related to land use. Effective land use can help reduce the poverty rate by providing employment opportunities to many people. Poverty is a major threat to economic growth in both urban and rural areas; however, as people continue to flock the poverty of the urban area has become a significant problem in urban regions. Inside the central cities lead with high poverty rate. It is then followed by outside metro regions, then inside the metro regions. Outside the central cities have low poverty rate because of efficient land use. This might be explained by the fact that most adults stay outside the central cities where they can concentrate on agricultural production. Most young people stay within the central cities and outside metro regions which can explain the reason why poverty is high in the two regions.
Discuss the importance of transport cost facing the states regions
Transport is a physical capital in the development process which contributes to the economic growth and development of the state. Effective transport system leads to the creation of more economic and social opportunities and benefits as it will enhance the accessibility of markets, provide employment to many people, and also increase investment opportunities (Rappaport). On the hand, the poor transport system is associated with low and missed opportunities and poor quality life. Transport cost assist improves the physical characteristics of transport. It enables the establishment of settings of routes that enables the interaction between new and existing economic entities in the state. Transport cost is also important to the improvement of operational performance activities in the state. Effective transport reduces the possibilities of encountering losses and damages; thus, the commodities can reach the market without delays. Again, transport cost also enhances the accessibility of geographical regions with great economic potentiality. Effective transport influences the location activities; for instance, it links the production, distribution and consumption regions. It increases the productivity as it enhances the accessibility of different input bases and wider market area; for example, labor, raw materials and finished products. Transportation contributes significantly to the economy; for example, it contributes between 6% and 12% of the countrys GDP annually.
How has technology impacted land use patterns?
Technology has influenced land use patterns in various ways; for example, it has resulted in the use of new and modern agricultural methods which reduces the land wastage. The introduction of the new and modern irrigation methods which ensures that the land is preserved and minimally wasted has enhanced land use patterns in both urban and suburb regions. Agriculture contributes greatly to the economy and growth of the countrys GDP. Unlike the traditional irrigation systems that left mass land wastage, some of the modern irrigation systems ensure that the land remains in its natural and quality state even after long use. The introduction of the new biofuels has also influenced land use patterns. Land serves as the major source of production to the majority of Americans though agricultural production. Land also act as a source of most natural resources such as oil which also contribute heavily to the economy. However, depending on the land alone for the production of the resources that people need on their daily basis can lead to depletion of the resources and also land wastage. However, with the introduction of the new biofuel resources people no longer depend on the land use for the production of the fuels. However, technology has also impacted the land use patterns negatively; for example, the introduction of the new agricultural methods has contributed to the environmental pollution. Some of the chemicals used in the agricultural sectors are harmful, and when they get to the water sources, they can cause water pollution. Technology has ensured effective and maximum land use; however, it has also led to depletion of resources which pose a great threat to the future generations.
Is open Space a hindrance to economic growth?
Land use should be effective and beneficial to the society; however, when the land use becomes excess it possesses a threat to the geological and biological features in the environment. Therefore, open space is not a hindrance to economic growth. In fact, open space serves a great contributor to the economic growth of a state. Open space is preserved for various purposes; for example, for the production of public goods and services. Companies obtain their raw materials from the preserved open spaces; therefore, eliminating the open spaces will imply that the companies will have a shortage of raw materials. Again, open spaces are maintained for recreational purposes. A recreational area or facility can still contribute to the growth of the economy as it is a tourist attraction sites. For example, the stadiums are recreational areas; however, they contribute to the generation of revenue to the government. Therefore, open space does not inhibit economic growth, but instead it facilitates economic growth.
How can cities and suburbs benefit each other?
It is impossible to deny the interdependence between the cities and suburbs as they benefit from one another equally. The suburbs benefit from the produced goods from the cities without necessarily contributing to their construction and operation. Most industries and companies are located in the cities; however, the products produced by the businesses and industries reach the suburb regions, and the suburbanites can benefit from the products equally as the urbanites. The interdependency is all round with the two sides; both suburb and cities benefit from each other equally. The companies and industries which are located in the cities obtain most of their products from the suburb areas where agricultural activities take place. The businesses cannot exist without necessarily depending on the suburb regions. Again, the greens and vegetables sold in the cities are obtained from the suburb areas. Therefore, the cooperation between the cities and suburb regions should be maintained. For example, establish pollution regulations which ensure that both suburbs and cities control their pollution rates so that no side runs at a loss because of the pollution produced by one side.
What can government do to assist the economy for the whole metropolitan area?
The local authorities and civil societies have a role to play in the process of reducing poverty level in the metropolitan regions. Poverty is associated with poor quality life and reduced social advantages; for example, lack of employment. Again, education and employment have a close relationship; without education, there is no employment. Therefore, the government can enhance education in the metropolitan regions by financing the metropolitan schools and also provide preschool programs to the residents. The high rate of unemployment is related to increased crime rate; however, the crime rate can be reduced by establishing more returns to lawful activities such as schools. Promoting education in the urban region can increase employment prospects, increase educated workforce, enhance skills development, provide job training, enhance employment opportunities and also revenue income to the government. Other benefits of education in the metropolitan region include improvement in the school environment, home environment, and also improved education production function. The government can also assist economy growth in the metropolitan area by promoting equity in resource allocation in both suburbs and cities. Since both regions depend on one another, the government should try to minimize the segregation in resource allocation.
Works Cited
Jensen, M. E., and R. Everett. "An overview of ecosystem management principles." Ecosystem management: Principles and applications 2 (1994): 6-15.
Rappaport, Jordan. "The shared fortunes of cities and suburbs." Economic Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 90.3 (2005): 33.
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