Cardiovascular diseases are a group of blood vessels and the heart disorders that affect the proper functioning of the body. In that connection, such groups of disorders include deep pulmonary embolism and vein thrombosis, congenital, rheumatic, coronary heart diseases, peripheral arterial, cerebrovascular diseases. In that regard, those are some of the diseases that are under the umbrella of cardiovascular disorders. In such terms, deep pulmonary embolism and vein thrombosis occur when blood clots in the veins of the leg which later on dislodges and move to the lungs and the heart (Guasch-Ferre et al., 2015). Congenital heart disease this is the malformations of heart structure that exists at birth, for the case of rheumatic heart disease is where streptococcal bacteria are involved which causes a rheumatic fever that damages heart valves and muscles. Moreover, when comes to peripheral arterial disease is a disorder that affects the blood vessels that supply the legs and arms (Miller, 2013, pp 1014_1024). On the other hand, a cerebrovascular disease which is a disorder that affects the blood vessels that supply to the brain and coronary heart disease it affects the blood vessels that supplies to the heart muscles. Therefore this topic will entirely cover discussion on whether less saturated fat lead to effective in reducing cardiovascular risks, the rationale behind the health campaign and the primary and secondary objective of the health movement.
In that regard, strokes and heart attacks are known to be the acute events which are being caused by a blockage that prevents blood not to flow to the brain and the heart. Such blockages are caused by fatty deposits that are build up in the blood vessels inner Walls. Strokes may be caused by blood clots or a bleeding from vessels in the brain. In that connection, the build-up of atheroma is the primary cause of cardiovascular disease. In such terms, when fatty deposits are inside the arteries lining it is easy for a person to have heart conditions because there is no free flow of blood to the brain and the heart. Due to that, to reduce atheroma forming risks an individual must do the following drinking alcohol moderately, keep the waist size and body weight down, do physical activities regularly, low intake of salt, choose healthy foods, and avoid smoking. Therefore, those are the important reasons for carrying out a health promotion campaign as a way of educating and creating awareness to people about heart diseases, its cause, effects, prevention and control, and treatments.
Therefore, cardiovascular is known to be the disease of the blood vessels (vasculature) and the heart (cardiac muscle). In that connection, the arteries become narrower because of atheroma patches hence reducing the amount of blood flow (Guasch-Ferre et al., 2015). In that case, a person with atheroma is at a high risk of getting severe problems, a stroke, or a heart attack. Some of the diseases cause by atheroma include Peripheral arterial disease, transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and stroke (Cerebrovascular disease) and coronary heart disease. For the case of the peripheral arteriole, the disorder is the narrowing of the arteries that take blood to the legs. Also Cerebrovascular is a disease that affects the arteries of the brain (cerebrum) which can cause a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and strokes. In such terms, when an individual is attacked with a stroke it means part of his | her brain is damaged suddenly. And its cause is the blocked brain Arteries that supply blood. On the other hand, TIA is a disease resulting from temporary lack of blood supply to some part of the brain.
To avoid atheroma one should control some of the risk factors that contribute to its cause such as excess alcohol, eating too much salt and an unhealthy diet, obesity, lack physical exercise, and smoking. Among those risk factors, there are that one that can be treated like kidney disorders which cause diminished function, diabetes, high-fat cholesterol blood level, and hypertension. In connection to that, some risk factors are more dangerous than others as an example of smoking which so risky to the human healthy. Moreover, other risk factors can interact. Thus if you have more risk factors, your health is in a dangerous position as compared to the one who has one. Thus it is necessary for the health personnel to carry out the promotion campaign to enlighten people to take less saturated fat, what causes atheroma and its diseases involved, and the risk factors to avoid and the ones that can be treated. Due to that people will learn on how to carry and care themselves from such risks and hence ensure good health.
In addition to that, people should know how to eat a balanced diet to improve cardiovascular health and prevent heart diseases. Heart diseases have been known to be a leading killer of women and men than the other combined forms of cancer. In such terms, when one has been diagnosed with the cardiovascular disease it can affect the quality of life, your outlook, and mood. Therefore the food an individual eats matters as much because it can affect your health by being attacked by heart diseases. So people are being advised to be considerate of their diet to keep themselves fit and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Also, they can involve exercises to maintain the heart in shape. Due to that, by adopting healthy eating habits one can manage high blood pressure, heart diseases, control the length and quality of your life by reducing cholesterol. A heart-healthy diet and regular exercises can simultaneously in improving your outlook and mood, maintain a healthy weight, help in controlling your blood sugar levels, and blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol. Thus individuals are urged to be keen in taking balanced diet because no single meal can make your health magically.
People should stop that habit of specifying foods and have an overall dietary pattern as it is essential to their healthy. One should prefer natural foods such as fresh from the farm, ocean and the ground because that is where a healthy diet of the heart is built, instead of demanding Specific meals like sugary snacks, packaged meals, processed, and fried food, which is full of fats that place the heart in danger. If in any case there is an individual who needs the cardiovascular health or better manages your conditions and lowers the heart attack risk he |she is advised to follow this tips of heart healthy diet. Such as
Eat more Eat less
Organic dairy like unsweetened yogurt, skim milk, or eggs Processed cheese, yogurt with added sugar
High-quality protein, such as poultry and fish Processed meat like fried chicken, salami, sausage and bacon
High-fiber pasta made from legumes or whole grains, bread, and cereals Refined, sugary cereals, white or egg bread
Colorful vegetables and fruits frozen or fresh Packaged foods, particularly those that are high in sodium
Healthy fats, such as avocados, flaxseeds, fish oils, olive oil, and raw nuts saturated fats from snacks, fast food, and fried food, Trans fats from deep-fried or partially hydrogenated foods
Above is an important diet tip that should be followed by any individual who is ready to live a healthy life and in the case of the one who has been diagnosed for the same, those are the ideas on how to control and manage your health. In such terms, with all those tips in place, a health promotion campaign need to be carried out as a way of creating awareness to people and enlighten them on the better ways of living (Guasch-Ferre et al., 2015). In that regard, the primary objective of the health promotion campaign is to enlighten individuals on the better ways of living and reduce the cardiovascular risks. In that connection, if a person is concerned with his health of the hearth replace your fat diet with unhealthy fats that have healthy fats. In that case, one can cut out Trans fats that contain saturated fats and add more healthy fats.
Trans fats or bad cholesterol can increase an individuals LDL which can increase risks of strokes and heart attack. However, trans fat which is good cholesterol lowers the HDL, which can put one at high cardiovascular risk. Trans fats are found in foods like any food that is partially hydrogenated oil already is in the ingredients, even if it claimed to be trans-fat-free it is not. Pre-mixed products which involve chocolate milk, pancake, and cake mix, Fried foods which consist hard taco shells, breaded fish, chicken nuggets, fried chicken, and French fries. Moreover, there are Solid fats like vegetable shortening and stick margarine, packaged snack foods like candy, chips, microwave popcorn and crackers, and Commercially baked goods bread like hamburger buns, pizza dough, pie crusts, muffins, cakes, crackers, and cookies. Those are the foods that contain trans fats. Thus an individual can decide not to include them in his |her diet for his | her safety.
For instance, there are also saturated fats which are found in animal products like red meat, dairy and in tropical oils. The American Heart Association which is the prominent health organization in the U.S. insists that eating saturated fats increases chances of strokes and heart diseases. To behave smart with saturated fats, one should take Snack on raw vegetables and nut and avoid snack foods such as potato chips and corn. Also avoid deep-fried foods, breaded vegetables, and meats. Moreover, unsaturated fats are more healthy for the heart and essential for the mental and physical health (Hooper et al., 2015). The risk of heart diseases can be lowered and improve the levels of blood cholesterol when one includes polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in our diet.
On the other hand, to get more and healthy fats in your diet chooses carefully your oils such as use olive oil for pasta dishes, cooked vegetables, to dress salads, and stovetop cooking. Use cold pressed to preserve organic oils and retain all nutrients that can be lost when burning at the industry of manufacturing oils and others even become more toxic such oils include canola, corn, and vegetable oil. Like enjoying monounsaturated fats such as butter made from avocado, and nuts, pecans, peanuts, cashews, and almonds (Hooper et al., 2015). Also, a person is advised to eat every day the omega three fatty acids like polyunsaturated fats which are essential for the body, and one extracts them from walnuts, spinach, kale, and flaxseed. Also, there is fatty fish like herring, trout, and salmon. And thus that is the advisable fats one is supposed to include in the diet as they are very essential in the body and are at the position of lowering the risk of heart diseases.
In such terms, with all those tips in place, a health promotion campaign need to be carried out as a way of creating awareness to people and enlighten them on the better ways of living. In that regard, the primary objective of the health promotion campaign is to inform individuals on the better modes of life and reduce the cardiovascular risks. In that connection, if a person is concerned with his health of the hearth replace your fat diet with unhealthy fats that have healthy fats. In that case, one can cut out Trans fats that contain saturated fats and add more healthy fats. Therefore, the primary objective of the health promotion campaign is to enlighten individuals on the better ways of living and reduce the cardiovascular risks. People should take less saturated fat as it lowers the risks of cardiovascular. In that regard, if all the above information brought out by this promotion campaign will be put actions, the dangers of heart disease will be lowered and managed automatically hence there will be no significant Cases of such troubling people
Reference List
Miller, I.M., Elle...
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