Biological Anthropology Research Project

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Miguel, A.The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media.InTech, 2013.Internet resource

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Cloning is one of the most unusual activities if not the most, but is it ethical? The media covered the historic moment as a scientific fact. However, the major players in the media industry who were opposed to human cloning supported the cloning of the sheep when they knew that cloning had ethical concerns (Wilmurt & Roger, 56). The article also covers several topics including Cloning as a laboratory counterfeit and genetic determinism, the media framing of human cloning and its associated metaphors/images and the representation of human cloning as an ethical problem: The boundaries of scientific research. The media plays an important role when it comes to constructing realities and modeling the images that individual associated with science and technology. The media, in this case, emphasized and minimized particular facts about the cloning to allow public interpretation which makes it easier for the audience to understand the information being passed. This is an objective useful and reliable source that can be used in answering the thesis statement because of the influence that the media has on the general public. Haran (45), states that the media can be used to emphasize the ethical issues when it comes to human cloning. The goal of the article to show the role that media plays when it comes to coverage of cloning as a historical phenomenon. This source indicates that the media can be used to show how unethical cloning is.

Siegel, B. "Reflections on the Cloning Case." Cloning and Stem Cells. 9.1 (2007): 40-6. Print.

In the article, Siegel explores several events that surrounded the Raelian cloning claiming cases that were the only two to be ever filed to protect the rights of a cloned individual. With the society fearing that shortly there will be cloned human beings walking the streets, Siegel was burdened with filing the case. Of course, the concern was whether the practice was legitimate or science fiction. In the reflection, Siegel looks at some of the cases that he has come across on cloning and the challenges that he faced as a lawyer. The article gives several disputes about cloning including scientists trying to justify cloning based on professionalism and accuracy plus the quality of eggs while the U.S. House of Representatives passed its first human cloning ban (U.S. National Bioethics Advisory Commission). The article is an objective one because it gives two sides of the story. At the same time, it is reliable because its information is documented. The goal of the article is to show how the issue of cloning is not new and has received immense attention from different departments in the country. Compared to other sources that have been reviewed the article is more detailed regarding law and cloning.

DiBerardino, M A. Cloning: Past, Present, and the Exciting Future. Bethesda, Md.: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB, 2002. Internet resource.

DiBerardino seeks to look at the developments made in bioscience and focuses on the history of cloning. In the article, the development of cloning is given from the 1880s when there was the proposal of the germ plasm theory (Freudenrich 78). The report further provides more development to the recent times and what is expected in the future. This source is reliable because the information presented can be traced to other sources like the elaboration of the germ plasm theory. The article seeks to show the development of cloning and successfully does so. Compared to other sources the article is easier to understand and is well presented with illustration. It is an objective source because it does not take any side. This source fits in this research because it can give the history of cloning and what is expected in the future, therefore, giving the research necessary background information. This source does not, however, change my thinking about cloning as I still find the issue unethical.

Works Cited

Cloning Human Beings: Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Rockville, MD: U.S. National Bioethics Advisory Commission, 1997. Internet resource.

DiBerardino, Marie A. Cloning: Past, Present, and the Exciting Future. Bethesda, Md.: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB, 2002. Internet resource.

Freudenrich, Craig C. The Growth and Development of Specialized Cells, Tissues, and Organs: An Anthology of Current Thought. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2006. Print.Haran, Joan. Human Cloning in the Media: From Science Fiction to Science Practice. London: Routledge, 2008. Print.

Miguel, Alcibar. The Presentation of Dolly the Sheep and Human Cloning in the Mass Media.InTech, 2013.Internet resource.

Siegel, B. "Reflections on the Cloning Case." Cloning and Stem Cells. 9.1 (2007): 40-6. Print.

Wilmut, Ian, and Roger Highfield. After Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning. New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 2006. Print.

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