I am writing to you in light of my concerns about work-related stress among employees. It is a serious concern that has been identified to have a significant impact on productivity and employee retention. Based on this observation, I have compiled a report that establishes the best way to combat work-related stress and increase the productivity of employees.
Two alternatives were considered to establish the most suitable mechanism to deal with work-related stress. Both options would reduce work-related stress and improve the productivity of employees in the workplace. However, the one recommended has additional benefits that include increasing employee loyalty by creating an accommodative environment for employees to work.
Thank you for taking your time to go over the report I have compiled. Your consideration of my recommendations in this matter is highly appreciated. In case of any inquiries concerning the report, please feel free to find me using my cell number.
(Name of Student)
Enclosure: Justification Report
Table of Contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc443402140 \h 4Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc443402141 \h 5Terminology PAGEREF _Toc443402142 \h 5Report Overview PAGEREF _Toc443402143 \h 5Overview of Alternatives PAGEREF _Toc443402144 \h 6Criteria PAGEREF _Toc443402145 \h 6Research Methods PAGEREF _Toc443402146 \h 6Evaluation of Alternatives PAGEREF _Toc443402147 \h 6Findings and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc443402148 \h 8Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc443402149 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc443402150 \h 11
Executive SummaryBased on the realization that work-related stress is a common problem in the workplace, this report was made to evaluate ways of reducing the impact of stress on employees in the workplace. According to previous research, work-related stress is a major hindrance to the productivity of employees. Subsequently, work related stress has an overall negative impact on the output of a company. The report employed primary and secondary research techniques to gather data relevant to the topic.
From the research, two possible alternatives were established. One alternative proposes that employees be allowed flexible work hours that gives them freedom to work when they are at their best. On the other hand, the other alternative suggests employees be allowed floating holidays with the option of payment. The criteria used to establish the best alternative was based on cost, practicality, impact on the company's image, employee morale, and productivity. From the criteria, the option of a floating holiday was established to be the most suitable in combatting work-related stress in the workplace. The alternative was observed to be more flexible and had not only better chances of reducing work-related stress but also increased the loyalty of the employees to the company.
Work-Related Stress
Stress at work arises from a myriad of factors sometimes related to work or personal life. People have different coping strategies when under stress. In the workplace, employees are at risk of getting stressed due to the demands of work that may exceed their capacity to cope. In this case, the employees get work-related stress. Research has established that work-related stress is a major problem that is widespread and not confined to any particular industry (Moore, 2008).
According to research, a major of cause of stress for the working class in America includes job insecurity. It also shows that the levels of stress in the workplace have escalated significantly and are now associated with increased instances of heart attack, hypertension and other physiological disorders (Stress, n.d.). A majority of employees call in sick due to job-related stress that quickly spirals into fatigue. Furthermore, these work-related stresses facilitate a negative approach towards work experience. Therefore, employees are not as engaged and will not seek out opportunities within the organization because of the work overload. Job insecurity is another aspect of the work experience that constantly worries the employees. There is no concrete way to assure one that they will always have their jobs, but it is up to the company to seek ways of improving the employees' employability. Once their employability rates are high, then they are able to transfer these skills to another organization without worrying about job security so much.
Work related stress is, therefore, a major concern for any company. in order for a company to maximize on the maximum potential output of its employees, it has to eliminate factors such as work-related stress that negatively affect productivity.
Problem StatementMany employees, undergo various forms of stress at the workplace. That entails physiological, emotional and environmental stress. When an employee appears to be stressed, then different aspects of their productivity are affected. The aforementioned means that they would overall not produce quality work at the time required and may even suffer from chronic fatigue. Therefore, this report aims to evaluate the ways in which the toll of stress can be minimized on employees, consequently increasing productivity and job satisfaction.
TerminologyWork-related stress: According to Robbins, stress can be defined as a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he needs and for which the outcomes are perceived to be both uncertain and significant.
Report OverviewThis report was created to assist companies to combat work-related stress among employees. Work-related stress has been identified as a grave impediment to productivity in the workplace. Eliminating work-related stress in the workplace would enable a company to increase its overall output and be in a better position to maximize on the potential that employees have. Work-related stress has been associated with increased employee turnover that means less loyalty and a drain in skilled workers. The report suggests alternative B to be used to handle work-related stress due to its higher chances of success and associated benefits that include increased loyalty.
Overview of AlternativesAlternative A
Alternative A looks into allowing work flexible hours for the employees in the workplace. This alternative translates to employees only working a maximum of 8 hours a day or during the core hours of the day between 10 am and 3 pm. The extension of these agreed upon terms would then mean they are working overtime, of which appropriate compensation should be considered. It also gives the employees the option of coming to work only three times a week.
Alternative B
Alternative B offers employees two extra floating holidays with the option of payment. The employees can take days off whenever they need it to ward off work-related stress and conditions that may arise due to these continuous circumstances at the place of work.
CriteriaEmployee Productivity
Explores how each alternative influences the productivity of the operator. Productivity refers to the ability of the employee to produce quality work on time and a conducive environment.
Worker Morale
These alternatives explore the level of responsibility and transparency each employee bears when they are given better working conditions.
Refers to the ability of these changes to be effected without much strain. It also considers the ease of having changes brought to the workplace.
Explores what amount of money and resources will be saved should the alternative increase productivity at the workplace.
Company Image
Does the company benefit from having employees are content and under less duress from work overload?
Research MethodsThe research methods incorporated in this report include a combination of getting data from primary and secondary sources. The primary source included a personal experience at JP Morgan, one of the most reputable banks in the United States. Secondary data included reviewing articles, journals, research work and reports.
Evaluation of AlternativesProductivity
Alternative A- Telework from home three days per week will ensure the employees have adequate unwinding time and can manage their time better. This means that before they leave the workplace, they have organized the next days work. This also translates to proper time management as they will have to plan their work within the provided work timing. This produces a self-driven and relaxed individual which consequently leads to high work output. It also fosters teamwork within the work environment as employees will look up to each other to provide technical support for completion of tasks. Most workers prefer to work from a home setting where they have control over their schedule. Most employees tend to report increased productivity when working from home as opposed to the office (Kurland, 2002).
However, sometimes this productivity is curtailed by distractions that go on at home such as family, television or friends who assume that because one is working from home, then ones job is certainly not as important. Also, some employees tend to take advantage of working at home to focus on other things, like their side businesses that generate them extra revenue.
Alternative B- Offering two extra floating holidays to each employee per year helps them unwind and boost their creativity. They can think with more clarity and offer long-lasting solutions to the business as opposed to when they are working all the time and are overburdened with work.
Alternative A- Telework from home three days per week saves the employees money. This situation also means that the fewer employees take sick-offs or spend money on alternative means of transport, e.g. taxis, to beat the traffic to get to work on time. It also translates to them spending less money on basic needs, such as food, as they would have adequate time to prepare at home and not spend additional money on individual meals. Teleworking also costs the company less money as most employees who practice are hired on a contractual basis. However, they might have to spend on expenses like internet connectivity and telephone bills, as they will always need to be in communication with fellow employees or their seniors.
Alternative B- the company saves money as millennial employees tend to prize benefits more than wages. Therefore, this cuts down on the companys wage cost and also money that they would use to benefits like health care (Mui, 2015). This is because as more employees take time off, they are at a lower risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases and, therefore, reduce the number of sick days off earned in a year. Therefore, the company does not have to spend a lot of money covering medical expenses of employees. It also proves cheaper for the employees because when they are given two extra floating holidays, of which they are paid, they can cater for their vacation expenses without digging too deep into their pockets.
Worker Morale
Alternative A. - Telework from home three days per week ensures that employees have the responsibility of getting to work on time. Not only do they have to get to work on time, but they also have to see to it that work is done and completed on time. Therefore, an employee who does not adhere to the flexible work would be appropriately accused of insubordination and neglect of duties. This also reduces instances of role redundancies. Workers opt to be at the workplace at the core hours and can either adjust the departure or arrival times (Center, 2010).
According to a study, employers are more likely to let employees telework...
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