From the onset, the article offers a revelation on the rise of Islamophobic hate crimes over the past two years. The author goes further to provide the statistic on the reported biased crime cases targeted on the Muslims in London comparing the number of reported instances in the year 2013 and 2015. The article also reveals the close link of the increment of terrorism cases globally to the sequential increment of the hate crime cases targeted on the Muslim community (Kovacevic, 2011). In line with this, the author uses the recent terrorist attack in France in justification of his ideas. He further claims that in the wake of these terrorist attacks in France the number of reported hate crime cases targeted to the Muslims community hit a record of 122 reported cases in the fortnight after the attacks. This is substantial evidence to back up his claim on terrorist attacks being the chief instigator of Islamophobia hate crimes. The article perfectly drives the impression of hate crimes against the Muslims being recently on the rise especially in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in France. On the other hand it also implies that since the onset of series of terrorist attacks in Europe hates crime targeted on Muslims have recorded a significant growth over the years.
The author reveals how these hate crime cases have escalated over the past years and the significant threat they pose. To back up his analogy, he explains how Muslims women are being forced to discard their Hijabs while the men are obliged to shave their overgrown beard as a safety precaution (Borell, 2015). These entirely reveal the extent of this biased crime on the other side triggering the seriousness of this matter perfectly as the author intended. The article implies that the hate crime have grown over the years from minor offenses to the now recorded murder cases which have recently been reported. This can be blamed on basis that this issue was earlier neglected and not given the serious attention it commanded. The author seconds this analogy with claims that this issue is seen to escalate even further if its not handled head-on.
The article is quite general in its revelation of these hate crime cases as it evidently lists them down. The author embraces the ambiguity of violence where the he claims that they include property damage, physical attacks and verbal abuse physically and in social media. In efforts to put more weight on this issue, the author reveals the number of Muslims living in London which is over a million these reveals that a vast number of this population are subjected to these hate crimes (Ciric, 2011). He seconds these with a quote from MAMA (Measuring anti-Muslim attacks group) where it claims that this is a major issue that tops the social category of issues affecting Muslims communities. In the bid to drive more emphasis on this matter, the author highlights on some of the significant hate crime cases that have occurred in the past two years. These includes; the rise of anti-Muslim demonstrations after Lee Rigby murder case, Rotherham grooming scandals which was in the course the anti-Muslim drive, the terrorist attacks which instigated the Anti-Muslim drive and lastly the refugee crisis in Syria that impacted of peoples perception Muslims (Borell, 2015). The author has achieved his intention on portraying that hate crime against the Muslims is a rampant problem in our society today which is instigated by current affairs occurring globally.
On the other hand, the article touches on how the issue that the Anti-Muslim course is continuing being aggressive. In line with this, the author highlights on a case of a pregnant Muslim woman being on the receiving end of these hate crime cases by being verbally insulted by a drunken man on a public bus. The article reveals the extent of the anti-Muslim hate crimes by giving a revelation of the in-depth interviews with victims that were conducted Imran Awan a criminologist and Dr Irene Zempi from Nottingham Trent University. This injects more reality in the article due to the interviews with real-life victims of this hate crime. Their report findings from the interview back up the authors ideas by revealing that there are many hate crime cases targeted on Muslims that go unreported (Hate crimes, 2004). Therefore, the revealed statistics on this rise might be higher that reported previously with revelation that a significant number of these cases not being reported.
The author claims that these hate crimes are often not taken seriously by law and the society in large in efforts to back up his claim he reveals that a vast number of these cases are not reported due to the victims lacking faith in the judicial system. The author uses Simon Josephs Islamophobic hate crime case where he evidently verbally attacks a pregnant Muslim lady, to justify his claims. In this particular hate crime case, the article reveals that the guilty individual receives a somewhat lesser sentence of 16 weeks in prison considering the magnitude of the offense committed. The report also highlights on the growing extent of this issue on Islamaphobic hate crime by revealing that it has caught the attention of British Prime Minister, David Cameroon. He is quoted in the article claiming that hate crime against Muslims should be separately, handled and published in police crime statistics. However the author of the article does not agree with this move by the British Prime Minister, and he uses Mr Mughal quote to ratify this analogy where he suggest his analogy on combating anti-Muslim hatred by sensitizing this issue right from the schools level.
David Cameroon claims on separation of the hate crime cases in order to know its extent seem not to hold weight since it is evidently clear that this is an issue of high magnitude which needs to be handled right away before escalating to a much bigger problem (Kaplan, 2006). This reveals the reason there are some many hate crime cases targeted on Muslims that go unreported due to the evidently slow process in identify them and administering justice. Cameroon suggestion on tackling this problem will clearly take a lot of time which might be at the disadvantage of the victims since the problem now is being reported to be on the rise.
The article accurately articulates the authors ideas by use of analogies from other individuals as back up. Through embracing statistics the author ensures that the aspect of reality prevails in the entire article making it relevant to the social happenings in our society. The potential importance of the article is clearly brought out by the author through precise analysis of the articles main points and references of some significant cases of relation in the society today.
Borell, K. (2015). When Is the Time to Hate? A Research Review on the Impact of Dramatic Events on Islamophobia and Islamophobic Hate Crimes in Europe. Islam and ChristianMuslim Relations, 26(4), pp.409-421.
Ciric, J. (2011). Hate crimes: American and Balkan experience. Temida, 14(4), pp.21-36.
Hate crimes. (2004). Choice Reviews Online, 41(06), pp.41-3194-41-3194.
Kaplan, J. (2006). Islamophobia in America?: September 11 and Islamophobic Hate Crime 1. Terrorism and Political Violence, 18(1), pp.1-33.
Kovacevic, M. (2011). Hate crimes and normative regulation. Temida, 14(4), pp.55-66.
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