Nasher Sculpture Center is in Dallas, a museum that is well known for its great collection modern and contemporary art and sculptures all over the globe. It is located in Dallas Art District, 2001 Flora St. The museum is usually closed on Mondays but opens all the days of the week between 11 am and 5 pm. It was founded by Raymond Nasher and thus the name Nasher Sculpture Center. The museum tickets are sold in categories with a specific charge for each category. Tickets for adults go for $10, military and senior citizen tickets go for $10, student tickets go for % $5 while children are not charged. The museum's official website is where anyone aspiring to visit it can get informed about the pieces of art in it and also purchase tickets.
The museums general style of art is modern and contemporary art with pieces of art from the Raymond Nasher and Patsy Nasher collection with a wide range of pieces from great artists including di Suvero and Calder (Amidon, 2006). Although its exhibitions are mainly from the Nasher family, they present special exhibitions facilitated by other museums and also from private collections. From a good look around the museum, it is clear that most collections of art in it concur with the museums style. Thus they contribute greatly to the overall effect of the museums style.
The Kiss
The Kiss (Le Baiser) is a sculpture made by artist Constantin Brancusi. He was of Romanian descent. He was born on February 19, 1876, in Romania and died on March 16, 1957, in France. He was best known for his expertly in sculpturing. He is widely regarded as the pioneer of modern art and modernism (Gershman, 2016). The kiss model that is in Nasher Sculpture Center is made of plaster. It was created between the years 1907 and 1908 but was first exhibited in 1913 in a show named Army Show. Its period is Expressionism with the genre Kinetic Art. Constantin crafted The Kiss using the direct carving technique (Victor, 2016). The choice of this sculpture motivated by the fame and expertly behind its creator Constantin Brancusi. In appreciation of his effort and the fact that he was the pioneer of modernism in art, I chose to study his sculpture.
Woman Combing Her Hair (Femme debout)
It's a sculptor that was created by Alexander Archipenko. He was a Ukrainian-born American sculptor and artist. He was born on May 30, 1887, in Ukraine and died on February 25, 1964, in the United States. He is considered the pioneer of Cubism in art. His art periods were Cubism and Modern Art. The sculptor is made of bronze. It was published between 1914 and 1915. Alexander created the piece to in an attempt to demonstrate his will to explore the female form and how it relates to space (Archipenko, 2014). Alexander was the first sculptor to exhibit the Cubist style in 3-D.The choice of this sculptor was motivated by the fact that it was created by Alexander Archipenko who is regarded as the first artist to use Cubism. Similar to The Kiss, the choice to explore the sculptor was in an attempt to appreciate his efforts.
Both sculptors are pieces of art from artists from the 20th century and thus can be regarded as modern art. Also, their sculptors were great sculptors with the fame of introducing now styles of art into the art industry.
Was I to purchase a work of art from the museum, I would choose the sculptor of The King playing with the Queen. This is a piece of bronze sculpture that was crafted by a German painter and sculptor referred to as Max Ernst. Max was the pioneer of Surrealism and also the Dada Movement (Ernst, Spies, & Helly, 2006).It is a sculptor of a King who is playing chess. The king is making a move to the queen using his right hand. His left hand, on the other hand, seems to be preparing to make another move. I would choose the work because of the moral it displays. A deeper look at the sculpture shows that the king is sacrificing the queen but is ready to make another move which should be good. The piece shows the advantage of making shrewd sacrifices (R, 2016).
R, V. (2016). Max Ernsts King Playing with Queen The Enigma of the TwinTowers by Acting-Out Politics. Retrieved 5 July 2016, from
Victor, R. (2016). Constantin Brancusis Sculptural Series The Kiss (1907 1925): To BeStuck in Personal relations to the Neglect of Understanding of the PublicRealm by Acting-Out Retrieved 5 July 2016, from
Gershman, R. (2016). Constantin Brancusi Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works. The ArtStory. Retrieved 5 July 2016, from
Archipenko, G. F. (2014). My Life with Alexander Archipenko. Munchen: Hirmer.Ernst, M., Spies, W., & Helly Nahmad Gallery. (2006). Max Ernst. New York: Helly NahmadGallery.
Amidon, J. (2006). Peter Walker and partners: Nasher Sculpture Center Garden. New York:Princeton Architectural Press.
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