The tide of demographic changes in the world has affected the composition of teachers in schools; as a result, the teachers need to familiarize themselves with ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic diversities currently present in their schools. As Dubai continues to tries to fight and dominate the western cities to be the leading global financial and cultural center of the world, the more its population continues to be diverse. This factor has made it necessary for the inevitability of multicultural learning institutions. Multicultural education is more than a celebration of contributions made by different cultures remuneration of contributions of notable members of a minority to the society.
It is related to the education movement built on the values of opportunity and equality. It is a set of strategies whose aim is to address diverse challenges that are experienced by the increasingly changing demographics of Dubai. The goals of multicultural education include the creation of a safe, acceptable and successful learning environment for every person, strengthening of multicultural consciousness, encouraging of critical thinking. With the shifts in cultural texture and demographics in the world, the redefinition of multicultural education has thus become essential. Obviously, much like every social concept, there are divergent and several views on the benefits as well as the pitfalls of a multi-cultural education.
However, the question multicultural education cannot be phrased in whether a multicultural education needs to be adopted, instead, is better way understanding the term that because of the inevitable multi-culturalness of the education system will probably push authorities to initiate reforms within the system. Hence, a proper understanding of the term is an essential to a full understanding of the entire system. An awareness of personal assumptions, stereotypes and prejudices is the initial step that enables a positive interaction and learning from other people. In such a process lies the real meaning of intercultural learning. Methodology: Data Collection and Analysis
The research shall employ a descriptive, which was linked to the research problem discussed in the introductory paragraph. This study design is meaningful in obtaining information that relates to the present status of the phenomena, which describe the current state of multicultural education in Dubai. According to Creswell (2013), a research design can be compared to glue that holds the entire research. The type of the investigation is intrinsic and instrumental, and it shall use a qualitative method. According to Yin (2003), an instrumental case study is one that provides insights into specific issues and redraws the generalizations or can build a theory.
In instrumental case research, the case study leverages an understanding of the topic. Yin (2003) classified them into intrinsic and collective; the latter shall be used in this research, and often, it is exploratory, and the researcher must be moved by interests in the case itself, and not just an extension of the theory or generalizations across different cases. Moreover, in intrinsic and instrumental case study, the case is often minor to the details of the particular phenomena. However, the difference between the two is often on the objective of the study rather than on the case on itself.
The role of qualitative research its unique role in the development of concepts that can help the researcher and other readers understand multicultural education in the natural setting, as opposed to the use of experiments that might seek to learn about relationships between variables. The qualitative method is valuable in this paper because it often lays emphasis on the meanings, experience and views of the full participants under research (Creswell, 2013). Qualitative research encompasses several differently developed methods that are suitable in responding to the questions that have raised earlier.
The research shall employ a mix of in-depth interviews and participant observation methods. Participant observation method is an adequate way of gathering data on a naturally occurring behavior in their natural contexts. On the other hand, in-depth interviews are optimal methods for collecting data on the individual's experiences and perspectives as they relate to the topic being explored in this research paper. Participants in the study shall be sampled from a population of teachers of different nationalities teaching various subjects at a private school in Dubai. The interviews and observations shall be held in their respective classrooms. The inductive data analysis method would suffice in this research.
The general outline of an inductive analysis method in qualitative research is through describing and giving details about the assumptions and procedures that shall be employed. The objectives of using an inductive analysis technique include condensing of extensive and mixed raw text data into a concisely summarized format, establishments of clear connections between the research objectives and summary findings obtained from the raw data. Also, the development of a theory of the core structure of the perspectives and experiences which are apparent from the raw data. The inductive technique demonstrates the commonly reported outlines used in qualitative data analysis. The research shall make a report on the three categories of findings of the inductive data analysis. Often, the general inductive technique offers an efficient means and convenient method of analyzing the qualitative data for the research questions. The results of the analysis may difficult to differentiate from those that may have been obtained from a grounded theory method.
Various terms often explain the pattern of ethical considerations that contemporary research institutions have set up in protecting the rights of research subjects. The principles of voluntary participation and confidentiality require that the research subjects are free from all forms of coercion when participating in the research; moreover, they should be protected by the researcher's raw data and in their published reports. Closely associated with the principle of voluntary participation is the demand that they should obtain an informed content; specifically, it means that the participants should be involved in the procedure before the research process, and they have to provide the researcher with their consents before participation (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). Even though the present research was not intended to a dangerous undertaking akin to more clinical trials, nevertheless, it is still a valuable point to obtain an informed consent and to let them be aware that their involvement in the research was voluntary.
Much like every other research project, this research shall be affected by certain limitations. First, the study shall include certain groupings of data, and they shall prove difficult to address, particularly their underlying value and development. Second, limitations from data collection interviews and participant observation often prevent a demonstration of causality as well as the liability and validity of the measurement instruments. The generalization of results to other schools in Dubai who perhaps operate using different systems demands cautions because the private school that shall host this research has its critical peculiarities.
In research, bias can occur during study, planning, data collection and analysis, and even during the publication phase. Obtaining an understanding research bias allows the research to perilously independently consider the literature and steer clear of methods, which can bring the validity and reliability of the research into question. A comprehensive understanding of bias and the manner in which affects a study result is fundamental to the research in multiculturalism, particularly in education.
Implications of Research
The results of this research would have a certain for bearing on the activities that shall be taken to address the gaps in the concept as shall be unearthed by the study. The population in Dubai schools consist of different ethnicities, different native languages, religions, traditions, capabilities, socioeconomic statuses and amongst lines of divisions. The research shall help in making effective and efficient learning processes that are required in adjusting the curricula and learning materials for every subject that matter so that educational activities for the learner can be more meaningful. This research shall help in finding ways of addressing and eventually eliminate invalid assumptions, prejudices, and stereotypes throughout the educational procedure. For this reason, students who are in the class may have a feeling of being satisfied and comfortable during their learning process and this because every student in a class has the same opportunity to access the vital educational services.
The research shall be a valuable tool that for the creation of ways that can be used in bridging the vast cultural divides that are often noticeable in a population of mixed teachers and students. The research shall be providing valuable insights that encourage cultural pluralism in educational practices in Dubai, which would translate to appreciations of the contributions of students, personally, or collectively devoid of a cultural tag. Moreover, the research shall provide recommendations that are vital for the promotion and maintenance of pluralism in the classrooms or schools, where they are needed the most. Finally, this paper shall demonstrate that multiculturalism role among the students sequels and intergroup relate relationships are connected and that the improvement in a single individual lead to the improvements in others, and that has the effects of the theory of structures whereby the multicultural educational performance influence the student outcomes together with the intergroup relations.
What new knowledge will the proposed project produce that we do not already know?
Why is it worth knowing?
What are the major implications?
Work plan
This research project shall consist of three major phases: data collection, sorting, arranging and analyzing data, and finally, writing the research report. The data shall be collected beginning the month January 2017, and received throughout the entire semester, mostly using the participatory approach. The second phase, which is closely related to the third phase shall be in earnest immediately after the first, during the stage, the collected data shall be sorted and arranged and finally analyzed using the instrument of analysis mentioned earlier in this paper. This phase of the research project process shall take approximately one week. The third and final phase of the research project shall take a month, and it shall rely on the outcome of the second phase in drawing out the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage.
Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
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