The professional presentation should ensure each and every student is fully incorporated in the learning (Vollman, 2005). When lecturing a large number of students, it is difficult to engage all the students through the traditional lecturing method. For instance, when disseminating the results and findings regarding the implementation of skin care champions nurses project, an interactive presentation is the best method. An interactive method of lecturing will, therefore, increase student participation and satisfaction (Kirkman, 2013). PowerPoint being a major presentation method of lecturing as a DNP educator, it is advisable to incorporate interactive methods that will ensure student participation (Moellenberg, & MSN, Aldridge, Michael, 2010).
According to Vollman, (2005), there is a need to enhance presentation skills. For professional presentation, therefore, there should be effective communication skills. When presenting the impact of a practice change or explaining a clinical outcome, the professional presentation skills include body language, audiovisual aids and lastly maintaining a professional image (Vollman, 2005). When disseminating scholarships, the audiovisual presentation has a higher capacity of enhancing students and other stakeholders regarding a clinical outcome presentation. PowerPoint presentation, on the other hand, can be incorporated alongside with other interactive methods (Emery, et al., 2015). To enhance student participation in the presentation strategies like providing newsletters and podcast will ensure cooperation between DNP educator and the audience. A PowerPoint presentation where there is an open forum promotes interactive dissemination of findings (Emery, et al., 2015).
The poster presentation is another way of scholarship dissemination, but it doesn't provide an interactive forum (Durkin, 2013). PowerPoint presentation applies is applicable after the education session only (Sloan, 2012). The purpose of an interactive forum is to ensure there is full participation. Another strategy for promoting professional dissemination of findings or any clinical outcome is through the publishing of the findings before the presentation session (Van, et al., 2016). Another method to enhance interactive presentation is the application of didactic lecture (Srinivasan, et al., 2013). In the didactic professional presentation, the DNP educator will use a one hour lecture with interaction session between the educator and the students (Srinivasan, et al., 2013). Some of the interactive forums include questioning the students and application of audience responses or opinions (Wu, et al., 2014). A summative interaction is the best method of an interactive presentation whereby the DNP educator will be out what the students know (Celikkan, et al., 2013).
In conclusion, professional presentation, therefore, should allow full interaction between the DNP or nurse educator. An interactive presentation does allow not only full participation but also promotes clear understanding for the audience. To enhance PowerPoint presentation, therefore, the DNP nurse educator should employ interactive methods. Professional presentations are the effective methods to enhance dissemination of scholarships. Application of professional skills is also key measure to enhance the professional presentation.
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(November 01, 2014). Effectiveness of interactive discussion group in suicide risk assessment among general nurses in Taiwan: A randomized controlled trial. Nurse Education Today, 34, 11, 1388-1394.
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