There are several definitions of a good student. A student can either be poor, average, good or excellent. In several occasions, people have defined a good student as the one who can score good grades. Both the average and the good student can perform well in school. An average student is good, and it is important for the teacher to know the qualities of a good student because it enables the teacher to understand the learners strengths and weaknesses hence the student will be helped to grow academically. A good student score good grades, does not boast to the others, reads before tests, and participates fully in class.
A good student is defined as one who takes the time to study days before sitting for any tests and quizzes. Such a student has a precise schedule of all the tests and the days when they are going to be administered. The student can balance the reading time for each test because there are courses that required more time than others. With a schedule in place, a student will go through all the visual aids such as flow charts, flash cards, diagrams, and even notes given by the professor. This will assist a good student in putting the ideas in a format that will make it easy to recall what was studied during exams.
A good student knows when to take a break during regular reading and when preparing for a test. This is because a good student will develop a timetable that will allow time for relaxation in between the reading time. Breaks help the brain to recuperate, increases the retention of the content read and even taking a meal that will boost the brain concentration. A good student does not regret basking in the sun or taking a nap instead of being glued to books because resting the brain and vitamin D boost the health status of the brain. Also, a good student will use the same breaks to take nutritious food that fuels the brain energy and increase memory such as blueberries, nuts and yoghurt.
Class participation is an essential virtue in defining a good student. Good students arrive in class early and know that tardiness causes disruption and shows disrespect towards professors. Such students come minutes before the class starts to ask questions about the materials issued in class, grades, comments on their assignments, scheduled tests, and prepare oneself for the days assignment. Participation in class requires the balance between listening and speaking, and hence a good student will share views appropriately and in turn respect the opinion of others when opinions differ. Such students do not dominate a discussion or debate and know the difference between the quantity of a debate and its quality. Also, a good student takes notes and is actively involved in asking questions during and after class. This indicates to the teacher that they play an active part in the learning process and that they take quality work seriously.
Moreover, a good student regularly attends class and is always on time. This is because while attending class, students participate in discussions and debates and talk to classmates after class. This makes a good student a good communicator and forms relationship with peers. Whenever a good student misses class, they usually inform their teacher of the reason before class begins and the reason for missing a class is always legitimate and realistic. Such as a student will miss class once or twice in a semester and endeavour to find out and do all the assignments covered in the missed class by asking the teacher or a student who attended the class. This clearly defines a student who takes responsibility for their actions.
Every student faces challenges and setbacks in school such as personal, social or environmental obstacles. A good student is defined by the way he overcomes these barriers. For instance, a good student does not let obstacles and a bad test affect his studies but will try to find out new and better study habits that are useful in tackling the problem. Such a student can identify the obstacle, question the genesis of the problem, determine the details, and identify the consequences if ignored. This will assist the student to take control, learn the perspectives and expand the options which can quickly solve the problem.
Good behaviour in and outside the classroom also defines a good student. In class, for instance, a good student will pay attention and avoid off-task deportments such as reading a textbook, talking to a friend, using a cell phone and staring out of the window while a class is going on. When such a student is bored in class, he shows respect, politeness, and attempts to participate in class even if the content being learned is difficult or clumsy. Also, a good student is always attentive, never interrupts when a teacher is explaining a concept and will never boast the good grades he scores to others but remains calm and assist other students in the learning process to achieve success.
A good student exhibits an excellent organisation. There are many assignments and papers that students are given when undertaking a certain course. A good student should show how well he is organised by storing them in the right format and in a place that can easily be retrieved for submission to avoid penalty. Also, an organised student should get rid of procrastination of any given assignment and replace this with an effective time management. Punctuality in submitting the given assignments, sticking to healthy work habits, and following the instructions provided are points of reference for a good student. This will constitute a formula for attaining good grades.
A healthy professional relationship between the student and the professor is another definition of a good student. The privacy of the instructor outside the classroom should be respected by the students and should meet in the office during designated hours only to discuss the course materials or can even make a prior appointment if the instructor is busy. This helps the student to reinforce and memorise the content taught in class, hence will stand out from others. A good student can also meet after school rather than follow the instructor to the residential areas. When a professional relationship is maintained, it will help a good student later when in need of a recommendation letter for graduate school.
Furthermore, a good student is defined as one who hands in neat assignment given by the instructor. Such a student is self-driven, produces a paper which is appealing to the eye and replicates the students competence and pride in the homework given. This student makes sure that all the homework and assignments are responded to in an appropriate way using different sources, and will continue performing research to learn more about the subject area even when the course comes to an end. A good student is never late in handing in the assignments and makes a follow up to make sure that the teacher receives the assignment. Getting out of the comfort zone to meet new challenges in education and scholarship is what defines a good student.
A good student is determined by the attitude one has towards the learning process. Such a student is willing and can get involved in learning new areas even if they are not interesting. A good student has a positive attitude which motivates the student to learn, works hard to produce good results one can be proud of. This opens the mind of the student to new possibilities, opinions and enhances the learner to have a winning mentality, determination and self-discipline which are crucial for success. Also, a good student shows initiative by engaging oneself in activities that the instructor has not told him to do.
Finally, high academic achievement characterises a good student. Such as a student lays strategies for achieving the individual set objectives by getting involved in activities that enhance the learning process and broadens knowledge by extensively reading outside sources. Also, a high achiever exhibit characteristics such as independent thinking, preference for hands-on activities, intelligence, studiousness, cautious, and has a nimble mind. A student who has these traits achieves grade A and B. they pay close attention to the teacher, uses various textbooks issued by the professor, follows the writing rules, do as they are told, set high standards for the other students and encouraging them to achieve these standards.
In conclusion, a good student has varied definitions. He studies all the time, prepares well for tests, and is organised. For one to be considered as a good student, he should score good grades, attend class always and has a positive attitude towards learning. The definition of a good student means participating in class, having a good professional relationship with the professor and hands in neat assignment as well as taking a break to refresh the mind. There are different ways that a student can attain good grades, but most would agree that the traits discussed define a good student.
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