The organization I function for is a learning organization. This is because it offers all its shareholders a chance to innovate new ideas, be responsive to change and foster competitive advantage. The members are also availed a chance to develop new skills as well as capabilities. These are some of the qualities of good leadership as discussed by Senge (1996), in his publication, The Ecology of Leadership. The institution is also a learning organization because it supports action learning among its senior executives.
According to Senge (1996), effective senior executives should be able to learn on the job. This is because if they cannot learn on the job, they cannot learn anywhere else CITATION Pet96 \l 1033 (Senge, 1996). In the organization, the leaders develop new capabilities in small volumes, which they then refine and enhance on a regular basis, during the learning process. According to Senge (1996), this is a change that was historically not observed in past leaders, who were only decision makers. Today, organization leaders should also add learning to their decision making roles so as to make them more astute leaders than leaders of the past.
Personal Ratings Based on the Ten Leadership Qualities
In the past discussion, ten leadership qualities were discussed. The qualities included vision, ability, enthusiasm, stability, concern for others, self-confidence, persistence, vitality, charisma and integrity. I believe I score a nine out of the possible ten in this rating. This is because, despite having all the other qualities outlined, I tend to lack charisma. Nevertheless, I make it up for these using the other nine qualities, which still make me a good leader.
Personal Ratings on the Interpersonal Trust Scale
Unlike on the leadership qualities scale, I rate a six out of six in the interpersonal trust scale. This is because I can deal openly with everyone, I know how to keep promises, and I consider all points of view when making an argument. In addition, I am able to listen to others so as to understand them, I care about others, and I am able to offer responsibilities to others.
Personal Leadership Style
My leadership style is participative. I have been in a position to ascertain this based on my leadership role as our local band team leader. This is because I lead others through shared decision making. In most cases, I offer ideas to my followers and then consider the various suggestions presented by them. After analyzing all the available suggestions, I reach a final conclusion based on the best choice.
Impact of Cultural Change to Employees, Organizations or Society
The new smoke-free work environment is a cultural change designed after realizing the hazardous effects caused by tobacco to all parties of a working environment CITATION Ame16 \l 1033 (American Cancer Society, 2016). Such hazardous effects are inclusive of all life-threatening conditions that are associated with all forms of tobacco usage. When structured as a policy in a workplace, it restricts smoking of tobacco as well as usage of oral tobacco products, by both the employees and non-employees in a working environment.
Impacts on the employees
A tobacco-free working environment aids in developing a safer and healthier workplace for all employees. Employees who may be bothered by the tobacco smoke will not be exposed to it while at work. Ultimately, Tobacco users who may like to quit the habit may also have a good chance of achieving their objective in such an environment.
Impacts on Organizations
In such an environment, the organizations can appreciate staff members who follow a clear company policy restricting the abuse of any form of drug, including tobacco, in the workplace. This will also ensure that an organization attain its goals on time by avoiding performance disruption from ailing employees, suffering from effects of tobacco usage. In addition, the managers within the organization can have a clearly defined process of dealing with tobacco usage in the workplace CITATION ACT16 \l 1033 (ACT Government). Ultimately, adopting this policy conforms with the International Labor Organization (ILO) mandate of promoting a safe and health working environment for all businesses CITATION ILO16 \l 1033 (ILO, 2016).
Impacts on the Society
A smoke-free working environment can also have numerous benefits to the society. This is through the attainment of healthy working population, capable of fostering economic development in the society. This is advanced by the fact that prolonged tobacco usage can cause critical diseases such as lung cancer and liver cirrhosis among others. Consequently, this could turn into a burden for the society, in terms of the cost of attaining proper medical services to the affected persons.
BIBLIOGRAPHY ACT Government. (n.d.). Guide to Promoting Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace. A joint Australian, State and Territory Government initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, 1-26. Retrieved July 07, 2016, from
American Cancer Society. (2016). Tobacco Use in the Workplace: A Model Policy. Retrieved July 07, 2016, from American Cancer Society:
ILO. (2016). Tobacco-free Workplace: Promoting Jobs, Protecting People. Retrieved July 07, 2016, from International Labour Organization:
Senge, P. M. (1996). The Ecology of Leadership. Leader to Leader (02), 18-23. Retrieved July 07, 2016
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