How to be a Perfect Agent of Farmer Insurance?

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538 words
University of California, Santa Barbara
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Insurance has become a big business given that people seek to protect themselves from risks and acquire knowledge on how to go about their lives and activities. Everyone needs it. However, many agents are prepared to sell it to customers. To become a perfect agent of Farmer Insurance, it will be important to demonstrate commitment, organization, and proper planning.

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The Farmers Insurance Group of Companies was established to last and remain committed to consistent improvement. What started as a simple vehicle insurance firm for farmers has blossomed into a multi-company insurer and financial services group renowned for doing the right thing for the good reason. Farmers help people plan well for the unexpected. Also, it helps in restoring order upon occurrence allowing people to move along the path of their life's plans. The recipients for my service learning will be a group of 25 small business owners who have encountered the problem of boosting their sales.

The two selection tools that were used here included attribute listing and force fitting. The choice of the quality listing was based on the fact that it will make them focus on different attributes of the problem. By breaking down the areas of the problem, they were able to examine each in turn and generate new ideas. Through this tool, I was able to specify the criteria by which I sought to analyze an attributed, for instance, the speed of production in this case. On the other hand, the choice of force-fitting is based on the fact that it promoted the search for new perspectives, opinions or combinations, probabilities that emerge from the unexpected. Using this tool, the small business owners would be able to discover ways of seeing ordinary things in unusual ways. The group would have the opportunity to expand its thinking and stop feeling stuck. The meeting was held at the organization's conference hall where the participants were comfortable to listen, ask questions, get responses and acquire new information.

There are different experiences I had as a facilitator. One is that I was able to grow my professional network by linking with various people in my work area. Secondly, I had the opportunity to progress my priorities efficiently by using the group of 25 small business owners to draw upon my members' knowledge to get rapid responses and know what works well and what does not. Most important is that I was able to promote my organization by attracting and making the group, its goals, and outcomes visible to the rest who might be interested. Furthermore, I increased my personal development by acquiring new and transferable skills with the inclusion of online facilitation, communication engagement, and communication. Finally, I had the opportunity to boost my professional development by keeping abreast of modern development. It was made possible by keep tabs on the latest news, challenges and the best practices in my field.

In the end, I felt that the session was successful. It is because the 25 small business owners appreciated the help that they had received from the organization. They were able to organization's advertising and assistance for solo marketing initiatives to boost their businesses. Everything is part of the extensive support network of the organization, made to help others succeed.

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