Baptista, Mauro Rocha. "Religiao E Literatura Na Critica A Franz Kafka (Religion And Literature In The Criticism About Franz Kafka) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012V10n25p157". HORIZONTE, vol 10, no. 25, 2012, Pontificia Universidade Catolica De Minas Gerais, doi:10.5752/p.2175-5841.2012v10n25p157.
The authors of this article report that Franz Kafka was not a Jewish. Neither was Franz Kafka was not Czech, as Franz only identified himself by his perception of life. He also uses the reality of his creation during his personal identity. The article shows that family of Franz Kafka was a prosperous middle-class home of economic strivers as embraced by the circles of German Jewish of Prague. The embrace was seeking to assimilate with language as well as the culture of Jewish (Baptista 157). The article explains tat Franz Kafka in the old approach remained to be remembered by being born into the middle-class Czech family in Prague. The authors show that Franz Kafka memories help in reflecting his personal alienation from cultural and identity of the family through Kafka's literary works. Besides, the article presents Franz Kafka to strive to identify away from the bonds of the status of the economy along with ethnic representation because he rejected his personal heritage of Jewish.
Beveridge, A. "Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka." Advances In Psychiatric Treatment, vol 15, no. 6, 2013, pp. 459-461. Royal College Of Psychiatrists, doi:10.1192/apt.bp.109.007146.
The author of the article examines the story entitled Metamorphosis done by the enigmatic Czech writer known as Franz Kafka. The work of Kafka remains to be the subject of extensive critical discussion. The writings in this article continue to be in the context of Jewish mysticism, existentialism, and as the warning of the advent of totalitarianism. Franz Kafka is shown to have attracted the attention of psychoanalysts along with psychiatrists. The work of the author of this article tends to highlight the fate of people judged to be different from society. The author also shows how issues of all nations, impaired communication, along with the rejection of ideas may arise (Beveridge 460). The idea of metamorphosis as used by the article continues to be open to the multitude of interpretations, but the potentially productive approach is to focus on parallel ideas between the predicaments of the main character, Gregor in the story together with that of individuals with severe mental illness.
Garcia Roldan, Daniel. "Elipses Y Parabolas De La Experiencia. La Obra De Franz Kafka Segun Walter Benjamin". Arbor, CLXXXV, no. 739, 2011, pp. 977-990. Departmento De Publicaciones Del CSIC, doi:10.3989/arbor.2009.739n1067.
The main character in the analysis shows that Gregor Semsa can find himself transformed int the insect. The transformation is a very unlikely occurrence as well as the supernatural event. However, the authors of the article show that the irrationality of this globe focus in transformed manner. The article records that, there is a possibility of the main character, Gregor Semsa that makes him change into the insect or any other nature. The authors present how Gregor along with his family show little surprise or the rather negligible one during the transformation (Garcia 979). The author points at different approaches that focus on the aspect of human. The article uses approach of Kuschel of structural similarity as the option of respecting peculiarities of every area concerned.
Grubba, Leilane Serratine, and Mikhail Vieira Cancelier de Olivo. "Kafka: A Metamorfose Para Os Direitos Humanos / Kafka: Metamorphosis To Human Rights". Revista Direito E Praxis, vol 2, no. 3, 2011, Universidade De Estado Do Rio De Janeiro, doi:10.12957/dep.2011.2099.
The authors of this section show how the metamorphosis happens in the sleep of Gregor that includes uneasy dreams. The transformation of Gregor is interpretable by the author to comprise of some ideas that result from the subconscious desire to escape the pressure of being the primary dependent within his family. Following The Metamorphosis presented by the article, Gregor receives the freedom of his financial obligation to his family, although the burdened by guilt because of the freedom that the leading actor receives (Grubba et al., 1). The article shows that the time before the genesis of the story of the main character, Gregor remain to be a valuable employee, doomed dreamer, as well as a dutiful son. The author begins by presenting Gregor for the audience the existentialist reality that all creatures by God must work and die at one point.
Hiraiwa, Ken, and Shinichiro Ishihara. "Syntactic Metamorphosis: Clefts, Sluicing, And In-Situ Focus In Japanese". Syntax, vol 15, no. 2, 2011, pp. 142-180. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9612.2011.00164.x.
The author believes that the main character presented in The Metamorphosis analysis is transformed to be the single barrier to his everyday cross of labor. However, the author also believes that the place of the life of every individual cannot receive any form of change without amending the reactions of the people who surrounds him or her in the society. The article attempts to recreate the failure of family issues along with the social confines restricting reality to people as Gregor illustrates the gradual transformation that lends the title (Hiraiwa & Shinichiro 156). The article explains it that it is useful for people Tom remember that the alteration of the main character, Gregors physical appearance took only one night, although the experience of The Metamorphosis needs lots more for people to realize. Therefore, the author shows that Gregor remains to be the archetype of many of male characters of Franz Kafka.
Nigro, Kirsten F. et al. "Metamorphosis". Educational Theatre Journal, vol 30, no. 2, 2012, p. 219. JSTOR, doi:10.2307/3206303.
The article records that main character of metamorphosis that is Gregor exhibits throughout his experiences after undergoing a transformation in The Metamorphosis. The change continues to be vital for the character of Gregor, as it assists in defining new reality of Gregor to be truly happy. Following Gregors family reaction, the author reports that Gregors story also proves the inescapable existence of the reality that developed by individuals who have a hold on freedom of Gregor. Besides, the article plays on words as well as obvious similarities of names that point to the highly autobiographical character in the story (Nigro et al., 219). The article presents the most important observation. It shows the comment on how Gregor keeps rejecting his metamorphosis in the foundation. Therefore, The Metamorphosis presentation of in the article is psychological as it came to notice the collapse of communication. The malfunction of interaction remains to be another design repeated in the diversity of state.
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