Article Summary: Non-verbal Communication by Lunenburg

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It has been said time and again that non-verbal communication wields more influence on interpersonal relationships more than verbal communication. Non-verbal communication manifests itself in the form gestures, body language, and eye contact among many others. More so, non-verbal communication can be classified in four forms, namely: kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage and chronemics. Kinesics entails the study of body movements such as hand gestures and body posture. It also involves facial expressions, touching and eye behaviour. Gestures are the most prominent and used form of kinesics and are used to relay enthusiasm and one is emphatically stating a point during conversation (Lunenburg). Facial expressions are a direct expression of the emotion one is experiencing. We are able to decipher approval or disapproval just by how an individuals facial muscles are triggered.

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In his article, Lunenburg explores the dynamics of non-verbal communication and how it is used in the workplace. He stresses that for executives to cultivate healthy interpersonal relationships, they must then enlist the help of the various forms of non-verbal communication. For instance, the use of proxemics to encourage conversations between executives and their subordinates involves the former walking in to the space of the latter without reservations while it proves to be difficult vice versa. The article also articulates how non-verbal cues play a strong role in facilitating business prospects and deals. Simple actions such as crossing your arms over your chest can cost you a job opportunity. An example is given of Donald Trump who employs present ability (dressing for the role) in order to create a serious ambience and as a result is able to be taken seriously.

However, much as non-verbal cues are used widely and often to relay messages, they are not often reliable or accurate. Some people can use smiles to conceal depression or even anger. It is still important to incorporate them in interpersonal relationships in order to form strong bonds.

Annotated Bibliography


Lunenburg, Fred C. "Louder Than Words: The Hidden Power of Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace." Internatinal Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity (2010): 1-5.

This article presents the forms in which non-verbal communication are classified and how essential they are not only in interpersonal relations but at the work place, especially for leaders who would like to exercise apt leadership. The author concisely gives various illustrations of how these cues are used in daily interactions. It is a resourceful article on non-verbal communication.


Lunenburg, Fred C. Louder Than Words: The Hidden Power of Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace. Internatinal Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity (2010): 1-5.

This article presents the forms in which non-verbal communication are classified and how essential they are not only in interpersonal relations but at the work place, especially for leaders who would like to exercise apt leadership. The author concisely gives various illustrations of how these cues are used in daily interactions. It is a resourceful article on non-verbal communication.

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