Why Should We Eat Meat

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Meat contains important nutritional elements, such as protein and vitamin B12, which required leading a healthy life. Some people argue that morality has nothing to do with eating meat since eat meat is good for humans. However, consumption of meat is unethical because animals die in pain. They also believe that it is inefficient because it causes air, water and ground pollution. Even though, many believe that eating meat is a matter of personal preference or taste due to the intense implications that meat consumption has, alongside the spanning concerns of the welfare of animals, environment and humans, it is a question of morals.

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The current techniques by which most animals are reared for meat are abysmally cruel. Animals are kept confined in closed quarters, always incapable of moving freely, wallowing in own waste. They are not considered to be part of the living but rather creatures that can be treated with indifference at best and with violence at worst. Whenever, it is time to harvest; they are killed in an efficient manner; leaving them to die in pain. Research continues to reveal, with growing poignancy, the important ability that animals have for emotion and reason (Singer & Mason, 2006). If individuals were honest enough, they would possibly allow own personal experiences to demonstrate this view as well.

Animals lack the power to realize or even feel the effects of the atrocious circumstances surrounding their existence. Animals are often left helpless in the misery, compelled to cry in pain and shriek in fear while the life of another is taken and knowing that they might be next. Even though in some farms, animals may be kept under good conditions, they also do suffer the same fear as they are harvested. Their deaths are not psychologically and physically void of pain or quick as proponents of meat consumption would argue.

As appalling as these atrocities seem, what is annoying is the fact that they can be avoided. The argument that it is nutritionally important for humans to eat meat to live is misinformed. Research findings reveal that individuals who steer clear of the animal products have better health as opposed to those who consume (Ruby & Heine, 2011). Meat consumption is linked to an augmented risk for nearly all chronic conditions. Diets centered on plat products are attributed to the reduction and eradication of these risks.

Lastly, if health and compassion are not significant enough to stop eating meat, there is an issue of environment that should be considered. On an extensive case, it is extremely inefficient and untenable to burn up energy and use water to produce plants that animals would feed. In fact these animals would need more water, excrete a lot of waste into the environment, and need to be processed so as to produce the nutritionally-poor meat for human consumption (Ruby & Heine, 2011). In essence, the nutritional significance of the meat produced does not match up with the efforts put in raising the animals. In fact, it is more sustainable to grow plants and have people feed on them directly. Not to say the expanses of land needed for animal farming. Rain forest depletion has been an issue for a while, and the situation is getting worse as we continue to feed on meat.

In conclusion, meat consumption contributes to the pointless suffering of conscious or sentient creatures, the reduction in the quality of life and environmental degradation. Hence eating meat is quite unethical; an individual who relishes beef or bacon is insignificant. The established reality is that meat consumption is wrong and should stop.


Ruby, M. B., & Heine, S. J. (2011). Meat, morals, and masculinity. Appetite, 56(2), 447-450.

Singer, P., & Mason, J. (2006). The way we eat: Why our food choices matter. Minneapolis, MN: HighBridge.

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