What Causes People to Make Healthy Living Choices?

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Middlebury College
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Healthy living choices are essential part of human life. Healthy living habits involves taking regular balance diet, doing exercise and avoiding intakes of harmful substance such misusing hard drugs among others. Besides, healthy habits include all activities that can create positive impact on an individual in terms of physical, emotional and mental health. Making choices on healthy habits is difficult and it often requires a lot of sacrifice as well as change of mind set. Furthermore, the reasons for making such sacrifices are closely linked to the reasons why most people choose healthy living. People make healthy living choices based on various reasons. For most people, healthy living choices are closely linked to health matters. This study aims at exploring some of the possible reasons why individuals make healthy living choices.

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Individuals resort to healthy living choices so as to have more energy or stamina. One of the ways of boosting energy is taking right diet that is capable of providing the body with good nutrients. Healthy diet includes taking all components of food that gives all nutrients. For instance, a healthy diet would involve taking fruits, vegetables and whole grains among others. Doing regular exercise is also important for the health of an individual since it can develop the muscle strength and endurance. Through exercise an individual will be able to enhance the process through which oxygen and nutrients delivered to the blood system. More energy in the body is important since it helps people to carry out their activities on daily basis. Having good energy also promotes better sleep (Melanson, 2008). Good sleep is important since it helps in improving the mood as well as the memory of an individual. Individuals can only have good sleep when they have energy sustain them during the night.

The desire to prevent certain diseases is also an important reason why people choose healthy living. Good living style can reduce the risk of an individual to certain conditions such as heart diseases, high blood pressure and cancer among others. In this connection, it is advisable that individuals should avoid intake of harmful substance such as cocaine or habits such cigarettes smoking which affects the body organs negatively. Again, eating food with low fat content as well as doing regular exercise helps in building the immunity of the body to chronic infections (Katz & Meller, 2014). In order to have better results when combating chronic diseases through healthy living it is necessary to visit a medical professional who can give good advices in terms of the best way to manage weight or blood pressure among others.

People pay attention when they want better look through healthy living habits. Nikkola (2013) observes that healthy living style helps in improving beauty and appearance of an individual. Most people especially models engage in healthy living so that they can have the best attractive appearance such as having healthy skin, proper body shape or healthy hair. Other professions also require individuals to remain physically fit and active. Physical fitness can be a driving force why some people choose healthy life so that they can maintain their jobs. In order to have better look people should focus of doing regular exercise and eating balance diet. For instance, taking vitamin A can promote a healthy living skin through minimizing the rate of skin aging. Additionally, after achieving better look people are capable of improving their confidence and this enable them to present themselves in a better way when they are interacting with friends or even at work places. This kind of presentation is good since it makes people to be more productive when handling various duties.

Another drive to have healthy living is to be able to control weight. Being overweight can be a risk factor to certain infection such as obesity or even stroke. For instance, in order to have recommended blood pressure people must do exercise as well as observe their living styles so that they can have a stable healthy weight. Some simple tips for losing weight includes, walking or swimming for some time during the day. The best way to lose weight is to choose a good plan that fits into the individuals life style (Melanson, 2008). For instance, people should know their body mass index (BMI) as they work out their weight so that they dont lose excess weight.

According to Katz and Meller (2014) people make healthy living habits so as to improve longevity. Healthy living improves the chances of living longer in life. Better living styles improves the health of people as this gives then chance to have more time living with their loved ones as well as reduce their chances of dying prematurely. Individuals who involve in healthy living styles also ends up saving more money that could have been used as part of medical cost. This kind of saving can be used to invest in other areas of life to improve the living condition of individuals and their families.

In conclusion, it is often difficult to adopt healthy living style. This is because it requires a lot of sacrifice which many people find difficult to maintain. Another challenge of healthy living is that sometimes it requires professional advice which is not affordable to majority of people. In spite of these, individuals should select healthy habits so that they can benefit in terms of having improved physical, mental and emotional health condition. This will result into quality life and improved productivity in daily chores.


Katz, D., & Meller, S. (2014). Can we say what diet is best for health? Annual Review Public Health, 35: 83103.

Melanson, K. (2008). Nutrition Review: Lifestyle Approaches to Promoting Healthy Eating for Children. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2 (1): 26-29.

Nikkola, T. (2013). Eat well, live well! A Healthy Way of Life Nutrition Manual, 2(1): 5-70.

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