Nursing Theory Choice

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In my case, I choose Patricia Benners Clinical Wisdom in nursing practice theory. This theory is focused on understanding perceptual acuity, skilled know-how, clinical judgement, ethical comportment, and ongoing experimental learning (Brykczynski, 2013, p.141). Day and Benner expound on good conduct as a product of the nurses relationship with the patient which involves engagement in a particular situation coupled with a sense of membership in a profession where professional conduct is highly esteemed, lived, and embodied in the practices and responses to clinical situations where ethical and clinical judgements and inseparable (Brykczynski, 2013). This theory has five levels of nursing experience from novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and finally expert. These levels correspond to a movement from a reliance on abstract principles to the use of past experience. Each step in this case builds upon the previous one enabling nurses to gain knowledge and skills without necessarily having to learn the theory.

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I chose Benners Novice to Expert theory based on its application in the nursing practice especially in modern times where evidence-based practice has become the norm. The most successful professionals are those that utilize evidence and knowledge gained from past cases to resolve current cases. In the nursing profession, one begins as a complete beginner, and as one gains experience and skills, so too do their professional competence and responsibility. The gain of skills results in increased confidence in the practitioner which enables them to achieve greater patient satisfaction with the quality of care in an institution. Additionally, interprofessional collaboration in health care makes it necessary for nurses to continuously learn and apply new skills and concepts. This is important in taking care of todays vastly diversified patient population. Additionally, Benners theory also incorporates other domains of critical care nursing such as providing comfort measures for the critically ill, preventing hazards in a technological environment, and using skilled know-how to manage a crisis.

History of Christianity and Spiritual Dimensions of Nursing

The history of nursing is closely tied with the history of the Christian Church. In the early Christian community, caring for the sick was seen as part of the ministry to Christ. In the middle ages, nursing was an important part of religious orders. These monasteries also played another important role of providing women with an opportunity to pursue a career in which they utilized their spiritual and intellectual gifts in developing their nursing skills. It was in this environment that Florence Nightingale became the founder of modern nursing. Through her revolutionary work and exemplary dedication to the profession, she transformed nursing from a calling from God, to an acceptable social role for women. In Notes on Nursing, Nightingale defines the role of nurses as putting the patient in the best possible condition for nature to act upon him/her (Parker, 2015, p.59). It is clear that her conviction as a nurse was driven by strong spiritual convictions such as her decision on her 30th birthday to dedicate her life to the service of the disadvantaged in society, much like what Jesus Christ exemplified. In this way, spirituality gave nurses a strong moral authority for their actions which were based on a larger mission based on spirituality. Nightingales perspective involves the presence of a higher authority than humanity that is responsible for organizing, creating, and sustaining the universe. Through this spiritual connection, nurses gain insight coupled with a sense of direction and purpose.

Use of Nursing Theory in Practice

Similar to nursing, all professional disciplines have a body of knowledge that has theories, practice, and methods of inquiry and research. These theories organize knowledge, guide further inquiry in advancing the profession, and enhance the care of patients through guiding practice. The nursing theories help practitioners by providing the structure for making sense of the complexities of both research and reality in nursing (Parker & Smith, 2015, p.28). The structure is especially useful in evaluating research that can be used to predict nursing outcomes in specific scenarios. The theories will be useful in interprofessional collaboration in health care as they define the place of nursing in health care. Additionally, different theories present different perspective with which to evaluate a patients case which provides nurses with rationales for their practice, and standardized criteria for evaluating nursing outcomes.

Since nursing theories directly or indirectly govern nursing practice, I plan to use them to achieve good patient care and interprofessional collaboration as a leader in the nursing profession. Additionally, the theories also provide a structure for future research and inquiry which is essential for developing the nursing knowledge base. I believe it is the nursing professionals duty to contribute to the existing body of knowledge which will improve the quality of care provided to patients as future professionals will have extensive knowledge on the effective and non-effective measures and procedures. Finally, empirical indicators in nursing theory provided practical evidence on how the nursing theories can be used in practice (Smith & Liehr, 2013). Empirical indicators, with a basis in nursing concepts provide data that can be used in changing health care policy for the better. In conclusion, nursing theory is essential in the provision of quality care and development of the profession.


Brykczynski, K. A. (2013). Benners philosophy in nursing practice. Nursing Theory: Utilization & Application, 118.

Parker, M., & Smith, M. (2015). Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.

Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. R. (2013). Middle range theory for nursing (3rd ed.). New York: Springer.

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