Networking as an Important Step in an Individuals Career

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Networking is an integral function to the developments of an individuals career. Ion the organizations, people who network among themselves have a higher chance of developing their careers compared to those who do not. Through networking, an employee experiences ameliorated services in their various places of a work and also strive to get themselves promotions (Pride & Ferrel, 2014; Doppler & Lauterburg, 2013). Therefore networking is an important aspect of organizational growth. Chapter two provides an illustration of previous research which was conducted pertaining to networking and also the manner in which such programs are beneficial to the employee. Through an analysis of the previous literature in the same subject, individuals reveal that the networking function of ameliorating ones career stands as he best solution to self development and build up in the career (Kawasaki & Lindegaard, 2013; Zimmerman & Blythe, 2013). Therefore, networking in the organizations is well explained through the literature review which also provides an analysis of the previous studies.

The previous studies which are included in the research are of great importance to determining the performance of an employee. The literature review of the chapter focuses on various aspects of networking. The review recognizes that for an employee in the career development path, it is important for them to have both internal and external exposure. The interactions and networking between various individuals are grouped as internal and also external. The internal records are the network that an employee has in their immediate environment. Therefore, the internal system if an employee also serves as a platform for networking. External on the other hand involves the interaction between the employees and people from outside (Kawasaki & Lindegaard, 2013). The chapter exhaustively discusses the issues which arise from the delivery of services.

Moreover, the chapter discusses the ethical dilemmas which are associated with the networking procedure in the company. Through the discovery of the ethical dilemmas the chapter critically looks into the various ways into which both internal and external networking are detrimental to an individual. However, from the chapter it is clear that networking is a beneficial tool to an individuals career in the organization.

Networking is an important step in an individuals career. Through the various steps of networking which are provided for an individual, it is evident that the career of an individual will be ameliorated (Kawasaki & Lindegaard, 2013; Doppler & Lauterburg, 2013). When an individuals is involved in internal networking practices, they get a way to ameliorate the manner in which they carry out activities and also their ways of doing things. Therefore, networking makes an employee abreast with the required objectives. Notably, the performance of an employee after networking increases since they have a motivation into carrying out specific duties (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2013). The motivation form fellow employee makes them envision other greater things other than their current positions. Therefore, the practice makes an individual have an insight into the various ethics which are required in their work.

External networking on the other hand is important to employee in various dimensions. While employees get to see the advantages of their organization, they develop an appreciative gesture to show the organization a positive feeling. The positive feeling about ones organization makes it appropriate for the various workers to adhere to the protocols which are established (Kawasaki & Lindegaard, 2013). Therefore, through external networking an individual is motivated to take pride in their organization and work towards improving their status of life. This makes it possible to carry out various activities. The workers are easier to control as they get top establish a specific state of the mind and form a tendency towards positive building in the organization. Networking stands to have advantages to the organization and the employees. Through various programs such as the seminars and excursions, employees have a chance of meeting with new people who are capable of improving their careers. Therefore, organizations should hold more outreach programs which have the capability of improving the employees status.

Lessons Learned Through conducting the research, there are certain reasons that an individual learns about the society. The lessons are instrumental in building up an individuals perception and attitude towards the job. The lessons are provided next.

Employees Increase their Value

The employees get a positive view of the job and also develop various ways of carrying out duties. This improves their efficiency in the job sector. According to the literature review however, the external networking that an employee does are to the benefit of the organization and not personal growth (Doppler & Lauterburg, 2013). Networking for the benefit of the organization exposes someone to the market structure of the industry and also makes them have an insight into the various requirements of them in the society. Furthermore, Employees who make significant external networking increase their value within the organization. This can foresee their promotion into various senior posts in the organization. Therefore, the external networking makes the organization have competent employees (David et al. 2015). The competent employees make themselves useful in the organization by engaging in various activities and projects. The employees work towards identifying the organizational goals and put efforts on the achievement of the goals. This also helps the employee to develop a means of interacting with external individuals who are integral in formulating better career opportunities for them. Therefore, the employees first take care of the organizational interest before they get a platform from where they can grow. This offers an attractive position for the employees and makes them envision the advantages they get through achieving organizational goals and objectives.

Employees Closeness to Management Through external networking, organization gets to ameliorate the various ways in which they interact with the employees. External networking brings the individuals close to their management. The management gets close and cordial with the lower tier employees. Through this relationship, motivation to the employees is ensured and job efficiency is also assured. Through the use of the relationship between the management and employees, individuals are assured of better connections with external positions (Forsgren & Johanson, 2014). Furthermore, the interactions between the management and the lower tier employees make the organization to give a specific way of interacting with the employees while improving their capabilities (David et al. 2015). The external interactions open an employees eyes to the endless opportunities which are available. Therefore, through the various avenues presented to an employee by the senior management, they get to find motivation and reasons to continue working for the organization (Lussier & Achua, 2016). Moreover, an employee gets to know that they have to work towards achieving the organizational goals while preparing to achieve their own goals. External networking therefore ensures that an employee gets to have more value in the organization as they increase the value of the organization.

Identification of Employees Careers

Employees who have the aggressive need to satisfy their career needs are identifiable through various functions of the organization. Internal networking therefore, enables the individuals identify with their own interests and work towards achieving them. The organization is therefore capable of building an employee who presents themselves as a climber from lower positions to the higher positions (Mason, 2012). When an individual is in the lower positions and they would like to get to the higher positions, they get aggressive about certain functions and also work towards ensuring a flawless interaction with the management. These individuals are therefore nurtured into the various personalities that they get. Therefore, through the use of the interactive models, organizations nurture individuals personalities. This presents itself as a good platform of achieving employee efficiency and satisfaction with the specific job. An employee with the climber characteristics works towards fostering relationships with the individuals who matter in an organization (Stephens et al. 2011). The individuals who matter are in most cases people in the authoritative positions and can guide an employee on the way to self enhancement. On the other hand, there are other kinds of employees who exhibit diverse interests in various sectors within the organization. The employees are fond of switching from department to another while they drop those which are associated with the poor performance (Doppler & Lauterburg, 2013). However, it is agreeable that the employees with climber characteristics are fond of carrying out duties as per the recommendations so as to earn favors among the mangers. Therefore, the character lets employees to foster positive interactions.

Building relationships among EmployeesInternal networking is effective in the building up of relationships between employees and themselves. The information that an employee gets when they are getting to the higher positions is instrumental in building their careers (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2013). The employees are told of the various tricks that can make the position useful. As they get to a bigger position, they are nurtured. This is an example of internal networking where employees get first hand information from the individuals who are holding the posts themselves. The manner in which the organization therefore handles the employees when they are acquainted of new positions makes it easier for employees to grow and learn of the various requirements which they have to adhere to (Daft & Marcic, 2014). Through learning of the blocks which exist in a certain position, employees are set to learn about the various ways of carrying out duties so as to prevent mishaps which are detrimental to their self growth. Notably, for the employees to grow to higher positions they work in efficient methods which make it easier for the organist ion to achieve their goals and objectives. Therefore, the employees employ all the techniques which are known to them to prevent the blocks which present themselves in the course of their work.

However, internal networking does not function according to the recommended standards. This is due to some ethical values which present themselves in human interactions. Through nepotism and segregation, networking within the organization takes place to nurture specific individuals. Therefore, it has become a customary thing to know somebody in the higher managerial posts to have an effect...

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