GMOs as A Solution to World Hunger

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Many people die every year due to hunger, while countless others suffer malnutrition and starvation all over the globe, especially in developing countries in Africa and Asia CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). Most of these deaths can be avoided if the problem of hunger was dealt with head on using the available expertise at our disposal. Agriculture is one of the ways hunger can be compacted, however, due to the change in climate; agriculture has become a very unpredictable method of food accumulation CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). With the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are able to withstand harsh climatic conditions or disease outbreak, agriculture is fast becoming a viable method of ending world hunger. This essay explores the role of GMOs as a mean of ending hunger in the world.

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Agriculture is one of the most practiced economic activity all over the world. Most nations depend on agriculture to feed themselves CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). However, the recent changes in climate has rendered agriculture an unpredictable source of food. This coupled with the occurrence of resilient plant and livestock diseases, the sector has slowly diminished. The discovery of genetically modified organisms that are able to withstand the worst condition during their growth is more than a welcome answer to the failure in agriculture.

Growing genetically modified crops will increase the yield famers get for the plants they sow and thus have enough to eat and sell CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). GMOs have been tried and tested and they have proven to increase crop yields as well as reducing the amount of money spent taking care of the crops in the garden. Investing in genetically modified foods is one sure way of increasing the amount of food in any country and indeed a way to end hunger.

Instead of engaging in battle of the safety of GMOs to the consumers in the west, the world should just give GMOs a chance to help save millions of children in Africa who are in need of food and do not care about the politics surrounding the application of genetics in food production.


Advantages and Disadvantages of GMOs

Genetically modified foods (GMOs) are foods that have been produced by the addition of new genes from other organisms of desirable qualities CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). GMOs have been around for more than two decades now. This genetic engineering on crops was introduced to enhance the amount of yields realized from agricultural activities. This was following the unpredictable trends that had been witnessed in the agricultural sector especially due to the changes in weather and climatic conditions CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). But while there are many advantages that came with genetic modification, this engineering does have some potential drawbacks. This essay evaluate some of the main advantages and disadvantages associated with GMOs.

The main reason for the development of this technology of genes engineering was the need to develop stronger crops. GMOs crops can be able to withstand adverse climatic conditions as well as diseases. Crops that relied on rainfall or irrigations as well as constant pesticides can now go for long without such luxury without compromising on the yields. Another importance of GMOs is the production of high yields CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). The crops produce maximum yields as they grow without the previous problems that affected crops like susceptibility to diseases and lack of enough moisture.

On the other hand, GMOs have their fair share of disadvantages CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). The most common one is that food from GMO pose a substantial allergic reaction and sensitivities to the consumers. These tends to lessen the amount of food option available for people as they avoid these reactions.

Another disadvantage is that GMOs have been considered environmentally unfriendly CITATION Tof12 \l 1033 (Toft, 2012). Some of the genetics additives found in GMOs have been proven to be harmful to the environment and the fact that most of these substances remain hidden to the public, the more serious the harm they cause. The idea for genetically modified food has advantages that outweigh the disadvantages.

The use of GMOs could be the solution of world hunger. However, the harm they cause cannot be overlooked. Perhaps scientist should go back to the drawing board and make this brilliant discovery friendlier.


Causes and Solutions of Overweightness in Children

Overweightness is a complex health issue that occurs when a childs weight goes well above the normal with regards to their height and age. Childhood overweight especially in developed countries has reached epidemic levels. As a result these children run the risk associated with overweightness like heart diseases CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). At the same time, child being overweight has serious psychological consequences low self-esteem and depression. This essay discusses the causes and solution to the growing health problem that is being overweight.

The major cause of overweight, for most obese children, is poor diet CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). The prevalence of fast foods is among the reasons why people are increasing their weight uncontrollably due to the intake of high calories foods. Most fast food outlets sell unhealthy food as far as a balance diet is concerned, and since these foods are so popular with children mostly because of their appealing taste and their relatively cheap prices, they end up causing unnecessary weight gain for these children leading to obesity;

Another cause of being overweight for children is lifestyle. Today, children especially do not engage in any outdoor activities like it were a few decade back CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). Most children sit in the house watching television and playing video games while consuming high calories food stuff. While exercise is not a guarantee of weight loss, it can help people get in shape and is one of burning extra calories and avoid some chronic diseases like heart attacks.

Some of the solutions recommended to reduce being overweight in children is the educating people on the importance of taking a balance diet in each meal one take CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). Parents, schools and the government should endeavor to teach people the importance of taking a balance diet and avoiding taking too much of fat and calories full diet. At the same time, parent should and schools should encourage their children to take part in physical activities. Too much of watching television and playing video games should be discouraged if children are to adopt healthy lifestyles. The issue of obesity has for many years affected the universe which has made it difficult to address CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). Factors that affect the eating behavior and activity levels of the U.S. children and adolescents include complex social, environmental, and financial forces. If the issue of obesity is overlooked then the current children will live shorter lives as compared to their parents.

In conclusion, the problem of children being overweight is now a global affair that is growing each day. Its causes is mainly the lack of proper eating habits and therefore the solution is as simple as teaching children to the importance of eating a balance diet in each meal.


Advantages of Fast Foods

Fast food is a meal prepared and served fast. Common fast foods include fried potatoes, burgers, pizza and soft drinks. Most people consume fast foods, some more than others. The preferences for fast food changes from one person to the next, as well as from one age group to the next. Majority of the people consuming fast foods are young people CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Fast food have become popular meals and this is no coincidence, fast foods have a lot of advantages that outweighs their disadvantages.

One of the main advantage of fast foods is that they save money CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Fast food are cheaper than homemade foods and that is probably the biggest motivation and incentive to consume them. Most people cannot afford the expensive food sold in dine-in-restaurants or even afford to shop for food to prepare at home. Majority of the fast food eaters are lower class folks who earn enough to last them through to the next salary. Although fast food are not limited to poor people and low income earners, their relatively low prices is a major reason why most people opt for them

Another advantage of fast foods is they are time saving CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Like the name suggest, the food is prepared fast and serve even faster. Most of the fast food joint have built their restaurants in a way that customers can order quickly and be on their way. Compared to dine in restaurants or other traditional restaurants, fast food joints are way ahead in terms of saving time.

As much as fast foods are appealing and popular, they have a few disadvantages, among them are the instances where the food is not a healthy choice CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Most fast food have a reputation for having high levels of fat and calories. As the demand for fast food increases, people run the risk of having health problems that are associated with high intake of calories and fat.

The other disadvantages is that fast foods denies families the interaction that, traditionally, was associated with having homemade food prepared by the parents CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Since fast food offer a quick remedy to meals preparation, it is thought that the time people spent preparing and eating food together as a family is long gone. People have instead find solace in fast food joint and homes have been reduced to lodging facilities. The fast food industry has come a long way, and its importances cannot be overemphasized. Today there are many options for food and some are even healthier than what was there before. They are cheaper and time saving and it cannot get better than that.


Selective Banning of Fast Foods

The growth in the number of overweight people has reached an alarming rate. This and the fact that huge body weight is associated with a lot of health complication has got many people very worried. Its no wonder that people are looking for any scapegoat to blame the rises in overweight CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). Most people have conclude that fast food are the reason for these and therefore should be banned. This essay explains importance of fast foods as well suggests what should rather be done to reduce the menace that is overweight.

Over the time that fast food outlets have been around, one cannot help to see the importance they have played CITATION Cap13 \l 1033 (Caplan, 2013). Some of the main importances that come with fast foods are they are cheap and save time. Fast foods are cheaper than homemade foods and that is probably the biggest motivation and incentive for people to consume them. Most people cannot afford the expensive food sold in dine-in-restaurants or even afford to shop for food to prepare at home. Majority of the fast food eaters are lower class folks who earn enough to last them through to the next salary.

Also, fast foods save time; the food is prepared fast and served even faster. Most of the fast food joints have built their restaurants in a way that customers can order quickly and be on their way CITATION Blo13 \l 1033 (Block, 2013). Compared to dine in restaurants or other traditional restaurants, fast food joints are way ahead in terms of saving time

An outright ban on certain food is nothing more than an emotional move only meant to simplify thing, without addressing t...

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